How should I dress to attract girls like this?

How should I dress to attract girls like this?

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Nevermind. I'll just show them my dubs

1. be tall
2. have beard
3. be willing to enter a serious dd/lg relationship
4. ????
5. profit

Dress in drugs
Like wear a full suit of cocaine

Who needs love potion when you have popular powder?

show them my digits

dress like a male version of the but more dead looking and coked up

>attract girls like this
you do realize those girls are insane, do loads of drugs, and will ditch you really quick if they meet a new dark handsome stranger they like
they'll go out to parties with their girlfriends even if they're in a relationship and ride cocks and deepthroat other men just because they let them hit a few lines of their cocaine.
even if you know the truth they will act innocent and still think they have the moral highground cuz "muh holes"

if you want to attract them though you need to have loads of drugs avalible, tall, handsome, and always have her guessing (if they can predict your behavior they will most likely dislike you)

nah blud, they're just tame rich girls who play edgy.

>How should I dress
like their dads

they look ugly and jewish as fuck what is wrong with you edgy faggot

Don't do it. I used to fuck a girl that looks like the left one, and it ended up being a nightmare. Started out as great sex everyday for around 2-3 weeks and then it derailed into a shitstorm of former boyfriends, drama and her going completely crazy. It's not worth it. Not one bit.

be tall, skinny and with long hair

this. Bitch like those are crazy

Lol. I see girls like these in uni all the time. Theyre just normies playing dress up.

Then again im not from whatever shithole junkie town youre from

Why the fuck would you ever want to associate with people like that?

How do I dress to attract girls at all?

>dd/lg relationship
whats that?
try google next time jfc

how do i attract girls like this?

be rich
desu less is more but you still need to find well fitting clothes to "dress well" while dressing plainly
either be a woke black skater or a woke white supremacist

>or a woke white supremacist
ur on drugs

skate and be attractive, you don't have to have any other aspect to your personality other than liking to skate and see indie bands

OP probably 15 yo autistic BOI

old school tommy hilfiger and talk about killing yourself

Why do you want a girl like that? She looks spooky.

>if you want to attract them though you need to have loads of drugs avalible, tall, handsome, and always have her guessing (if they can predict your behavior they will most likely dislike you)

Look like Peter Steele, basically a metal/goth version of Chad.Also be cold and distant so she will worry about losing you i.e. don't make yourself too available and play in a band or at least have connections with producers and artists

This too sadly

I'm a total sucker for goth girls butthey are crazy and unreliable because of their 2edgy4u "Imma rebuhl" facade they put on. I just wish I could find a qt goth, rivethead or screamo girl who's not an immature sociopath (or worse a tumblrina) but I'd have better luck winning the lottery or discovering Atlantis.

The feels bro

be a girl
