
This is why black people will never evolve as a society, they constantly shun any form of self-expression or being different.

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that's a bit drastic

Alex Jones could say the same shit and you would dismiss it because well its Alex Jones and hes crazy but because this guy is black all black people must be terrible.

Goatees are pretty gay tho

Just another weird old black dude buried in homophobia and misogyny.

Silly user black people can't be sexist and homophobic because they're oppressed by the white bois.


why do I get the feeling this is an old white guy in blackface? Doesn't he look fake?

>takes the opinion of literally one guy and generalizes an entire group of people in society.
you're really going to pretend all of the youth and adults who are into fashion and "self-expression" don't exist?

you're a fucking moron
why is this board so full of brainlets and sheltered tweens?

not everyone black person subscribes to that type of thinking. real life is far more nuanced than that, believe it or not.

holy fuck who could possibly stand to hear that voice for more than 30 seconds. i couldnt even pay attention to what he was saying, the voice alone made me give up

Nigga, really? Go outside

Actually listened to him talk a bit, going in I didn't expect to agree at all, but I actually did, to an extent. I think "dressing up" is fun but I totally get how incredibly protective people are of their egos, and how they're so afraid of being humiliated to the point where it's more female a trait than male. That being said, I'm still an insecure homo faggot, doesn't mean I can't agree though.

Can someone explain me this?
>Niggers hate fags despite more black people being homos than white
>Niggers sing about bitches and degradring women in 6/10 rap songs. Other 4/10 are about drugs.
>Tyrones leave women alone with a child and never support them
>Feminists are still okay with this
Are whites the ultimate cuck race?

It's ok because they're an opportunity minority. Feminists love that BBC.

no one irl says this or even thinks like this. im always surrounded by the most privileged white liberal faggots around but no one thinks like this. but i still see you fags trying so hard to make fun of someone that doesn't exist outside of your head. why?

haha you have to admit he looks like stefan molyneux with shoe shine on his face

That's because you hang around privilege white faggots instead of privileged brown faggots. They post shit like "reverse racism doesn't exist" all the time on my normiebook.




>insecure homo faggot
hahah hypersoyboy

Jessie Lee Peterson is a very wise man

Jesse Lee Peterson is fucking awesome. He on some Sam Hyde shit.


It's not that they shun self-expression (they do, but that's not the point) it's that homosexual behavior is FAR more prevalent amongst Blacks than Whites. The more prevalent homosexual behavior is among a population the more a heterosexual man needs to engage in signalling to show he does not engage in homosexual behavior and he is also prevented from engaging in certain signalling ("He does X, only gay dudes do X, he must be X").

This guy is just one who is very adamant about counter-signalling about homosexuality.

dude looks like a klingon from the original series