What's your worst facial feature?

What's your worst facial feature?


lips. about the width of my nose, slightly more. makes me look kinda retarded

Nose. Everything else looks ok or good but the nose turns from a 7/10 to a 4/10. It's a bit hooked but also really big compared to the rest of my face.
Could get a free surgery but idk about the risks

What? So your lips are extremly small?

yes, they are pretty full but they are length wise small as fuck.

>Be me have a long as nose

Same as OPs picture except not as terrible and it was even less noticeable when I wasn't as fat as I'm now.

Thee are none. Do it.

My shoulders are too broad (I'm female) and I have a big forehead.

nose too small. bug eyes.

Did you get a nose job?

Huge ass head. I look like an irl Moonman.

uneven skin on jaw area

My nose. I hate my Roman nose

Upper lip is long as fuck, like a simpson character

>long neck
I hate it so much

got a wide ass chink nose

great eyes but not a very prominent chin... i look pretty good from the front but my profile is kinda ass

Pronounced brow ridge. I look all right straight on, but full cave man from the side.

It's probably a tie between my weak chin, non-extistent jawline, long neck, large and badly shaped nose, caveman brownie, bad skin, eyebags, receding hairline (at 19!), disproportionally small ears, full and puffy lips, bad skin, and grotesque Adam's apple. And of course my head is grossly large and misshapen and my mid face is very long so even if I were to ever have the money for plastic surgery it wouldn't help

LMAO a bunch of “men” bitching about there flaws. You all should be round up and shot

Chin hair (woman)
Can't afford electrolysis and I always pluck but then ingrown :(

shoulders arent a problem and for your forehead just use bangs/fringle

Patchy red skin and freckles...

why live

>Long neck large
>Large jew nose that is broken

how'd the guy in your photo fix his chin, OP?

Too many to count.

Is this you? You look quite handsome


My crooked eyes
>thank you inbred great grandma

16cm long neck
and I don't know if you would call it a recessed chin (not a mouthbreather) But my nose lines up with my lips and chin in a straight line.
So close to having a good chin.

tl,dr: My profile

fuck me daddy

FUBAR teeth
feels real bad

Is this for like intense rugburn from the turf?

The freckles across the ridge of my nose. They're attractive on women but weird on men.

I've got a big widow's peak and both sides of my family's men are bald so that's where I'm headed.
I've accepted it but a little part of my does wish I could grow nice looking long hair.

he looks better on the left though

My nostrils are kinda wider than I'd like and my nose is a little crooked. I also have poo eyes and a good jawline but a small baby jaw.

just do some trap and shoulder exercises user

I am pretty handsome truth be told, but I guess if I had to pick, my eye color. Hazel isn’t very aesthetic. I have brown hair so it’s a little flat.

small head
big nose

Some People say my noose is too big. I have no problems with it. What do you guys Think?

hair fucks up and looks like that cosmo tranny from v and my teeth occasionaly


when will they learn?

My chin is over defined to the point there's a shadow cast there.

Probably my nose and jaw/chin.
Hair's kinda shitty and my teeth are crooked as fuck too.
And my eyes are really small without glasses.
I'm a wreck.

I'm black

it looks fine, user. You're handsome imo

try being a girl with a long neck. tru suffering

You just have to wear the nose as a character trait and not fight against it. maybe a more forward hairstyle and good facial hair.

You don't look to bad imo, save up to fix your teeth, get a proper haircut that goes with your face shape and maybe a different style of eyeglasses? You have potential don't waste it, maybe work out also. I'll promise you'll turn into a good looking motherfucker

That's extremely attractive tho

my eyes are slightly too close together and I'd like my nose to be a little smaller and thinner, but otherwise I'm pretty good

my bad skin, if not my nose

honestly my face is average. nose a bit roman, but i dont mind it. i guess my mild acne is bad from time to time. its mostly those colorless bumps that appear in clusters, they never go away, only keep appearing :(

My cheeks are chubby, my facial hair is patchy, I have acne and acne scars, I have a widow's peak, I have huge, dark circles under my eyes, my forehead is huge, and my jawline is less defined than I'd like it to be.

Teeth. My teeth are fucking retarded and unfixable. I have white patches on my teeth that stand out to much. I've been told its due to minerals in water and that it is unfixable. Is it really?

sunken eyes

Crooked nose, "unsettling" smile, jaw not as defined as I'd like, slightly yellowed teeth from years of smoking and coffee, cheeks just a tad too full to really show off my decent cheekbones. I've been told I have an "ugly handsome" thing going on but I dunno.

nose is a little big, but you have nice eyes homie.

super attractive. your aesthetic could work with a lot of different fashion styles. don't need to worry about being "conventionally" handsome.

My nose, I sometimes feel like my nose is cubert farnsworth

Acne. Thankfully its slowly clearing up.

Besides that, my lack of chin coupled with being overweight and all the fat going to my neck.

Ah, the russian lumberjack brow ridge, a classic.
I'm the same.

Hashinshin what the fuck are you doing in Veeky Forums?

My teeth. My teeth somehow got fucked during development, so there isn't much that can be done since I'm not rich.

I have a round face. It's better than being a guy with a round face but geez, having a structured small face would be so much better.

You are a jawlet lol

This. Although i got used to having a big nose and i don’t wand a surgery

ITT: handsome people

You're handsome you gigantic faggot

Stop mouth breathing

eyes cause they give away my tism

wear glasses because too lazy and cheap to put in contacts

tfw face looks good between 15 to 20% body fat, so no motivation to workout

My nose

I’m southeast asian, so my whole face and penis.

This. Weak chin

nah it's numbing spray they use it on most small knocks

Negative canthal tilt
Big hooked nose
Weak Chin
No Jawline

Have you ever been a girl with a short neck? I wouldn't recommend it.
ugh yes please

I have a calcified hematoma on my forehead & two very small disc lipomas on my face.

Needless to say my skin wants me to hate life.

I’m too boyish.

Also my foreheads pretty large lol

cant tell if you look 14 or 45

My eyefolds arent defined enough and my nasal bridge is weak.


My hairline is flaky as fuck. Flaky as in dry and dandruffy
I wouldnt mind if my front teeth were a little smaller

Shoulders are a big problem because I look very manly and not feminine like I want to look. I can't wear a lot of clothes that aren't v-necks or scoops since it makes my shoulders look even bigger.

I have a big head with a skinny body and my eyes are kind of uneven, but I think everyone except supermodels have some form of asymmetry

I'm pretty insecure about my high cheekbones. They make me look very feminine.

Personally don't like my nose. It is kinda wide/round.

My acne, I could also lose about 15 pounds.

i have amblyopia so my eyes look uneven and wonky://
pic related

Dark skin generally, I have hapa genetics and look pretty okay but I inherited my mom's southeastern shitskin bumkin skin.

Your face is ideal user.

just buzz your hair, you'll look less sloppy

those glasses make you look female

i think you look nice. dont worry its not that bad, and hardly takes away from your appearance

My red cheeks

My skin is brown