Let's trigger you guys

Let's trigger you guys
>good fitting white shirt
>skinny jeans that tight male ass
>white sneakers
>clothing is right fit, not too loose like your high fashion you follo (ejemEQUALRIGHTSSWEATSHURTAcne Studiosejem)
>Veeky Forums

It's 2018 and you soyboys still wear faggy overpriced clothing. Also no, streetwear is also fucking trash.


You're not triggering me, you're making me think you're a fucking autist that dresses like a fag

hahaha are those fake Alexander mcQueen platform sneakers? fucking loser

That fit is way too feminine, he should:
change the white sneakers: those look like the mcqueen platform sneakers, those are fag as hell, buy a different pair of white sneakers.
Jeans that aren't that skinny and stop showing the ankle.
Button one more button on that shirt.

If he does that, the fit will look much better, actually a solid fit.

>Button one more button on that shirt.
no nigger that's the only part of that fit that he actually got right

If he was going for a fashion fit, I agree.
But for a fit whit a white shirt and black jeans looks retarded.

>If he was going for a fashion fit,
are you retarded or just regular tarded?

>white shirt and black jeans
Wow look at me, I'm a fashion god!!!

Wearing a basic fit with a shirt opened down to his belly button looks retarded.

id assume this guy was gay because chads wouldnt wear mcqueen platform sneakers like some instagram thot

>clothing is right fit
There's no such thing as right fit

>fashion fit
jesus christ your embarrassing

yes there is fag. all of my fits are right

You are embarrassing for thinking that wearing a white shirt opened up to your belly with black jeans is fashionable.
A basic fit is different from a fashion oriented fit, if you don't get it is not my fault.

>a fashion oriented fit
oh my god how are you even alive lmoa

Except the Father John Misty buttoning style looks retarded on him, and the shirt doesn't fit to begin with.

Lol at how many buttons undone

Haha yes! I also watch the mellon! :-)

>Veeky Forums
>massive fucking chest gap
Try the same outfit with a squat plug, you'll feel much more comfortable.

>not understanding the difference between menswear and fashion
Keep defending wearing a white oxford like that... I bet that looks amazing on you.

Femanon here.
Skinny jeans on guys is not a good look, I guess if you are trying to impress 15 year olds, go for it.

>LARPing as a girl


why are you all obsessed with sneakers?
In what world are sneakers cooler than brogues or boots?

If that was all you were going to critic about the outfit, you have pior taste. Skinny and slim fits are fine on men you dumb fag.

Those shoes are shit and in no way are they Veeky Forums. OP has show once again to be a daft shitlicking cunt-eyed fuckstick quintessential faggot.

>menswear and fashion
i really REALLY want you to post a fit RIGHT NOW

why should i care about what you think, 99% of girls know fuck all about fashion. hedi understands me not you

>skinny jeans
>half tucked in shirt
>shirt buttoned halfway up
Literally dressed like manwhore, pls go back