How would I go about treating this

How would I go about treating this

Other urls found in this thread: treatment&restrict_sr=on

go plant based vegan and also fast

your welcome

That looks like it hurts

actutane is like an atomic bomb for acne. itll scar up your skin but once you heal up itll be gone

what if no insurance

go plant based vegan if you truly want it to disappear

may as well get a knife and start cutting that skin off

When it's this severe accutane is pretty much your only option. No topical or skincare product is going to help with this. Costs quite a bit for the 30 day supply if you don't have insurance but honestly it's worth it.

leave an email address and I'll mail you a few tubes of Retin A
not kidding


Is it just me or is your hair thinning?

Have you tried a benzoyl peroxide 10% Wash wash?

Also, stop touching your face.

Wash your pillows more often. Try using an aspirin facial - Aspirin is an anti inflammatory, and a version of it is used in OTC acne meds all the time. After said facial, wash your face again and apply cetaphil lotion (works best IME). Drink more water. Drink less alcohol. Stop stressing and DONT PICK THE FUCKERS

Actual intellectual

I have the occasional moment of clarity, see?

OP. Before you go listening to any of the anons in this thread, first tell us:

>Skincare routine (if any) and what you've tried in the past +how long you stuck with previous routines
>How much water you drink


w/ a firearm

I have the exact same acne as you except mine is closer to my jawline and cheekbone and none on my forehead or chin. Been on a 20mg accutane for a month and a half and have seen no difference. Change my pillowcase every 3 days. Wash my face in the morning and night.

Hope it gets better for you

I had similar acne as you OP and I guess too. Clear now save for some scarring and PIH. But even thats pretty low key most days if I stay exfoliatin and moisturizin.

How old are you guys?

wear a polka dot shirt

Visit a dermatologist and get accutane, period. Take it from me, when I was 18 I tried for 2 years to get rid of my acne the natural route. I was painfully discplined with my hygiene, diet and additionally to that I regularly went to the sauna and worked out. All the effort wasn't worth it to turn my moderate acne to mild acne.

Accutane. Enjoy your youth with clear skin as early as you can, instead of feeling gross and uncomfortable every day.

>inb4 liver damage
Highly unlikely.

>>How much water you drink
Oh boy, look at this guy. Yeah OP has this type of acne because he couldn't think of that brainlet house wife type of advice before. "Just drink more water!"
Fuck off.

seriously though, do a fast for like 3 days

you can do vegan it will cleanse you out probably pretty well

if you want a longer gut flora fix, like idk, do you have more digestive issues along with the acne? then try going on a 3 day bone broth post-fast diet and then introducing probiotics like yogurt, kimchi and sauerkrauts

best of luck

also buy a retinoid cream, stop picking at them

Most of those are scars.

Seconding this.

I had horrible acne (although mine was the kind where you always have a few huge underground zits, not the kind where it's all over your face) and accutane completely cured it over the course of 5 months. The depression side effect was bad for me, but looking back on it now it was definitely worth it. It's been 6 years and the worst thing I've had since is a tiny pimple every once in a while. The liver damage thing is really unlikely and they test your blood once a month to make sure nothing is going wrong. My skin went from gross and painful to basically perfect.

go workout atleast three times a week for two hours at a time, (try cardio, but anything is better than wasting your life away of Veeky Forums) and try cleaning up your diet, just get rid of anything fried first and start from there. I had really bad acne in highschool, was also gaining weight during senior year, but once i college when i started going to the gym and eating less shitty food, it went away by itself


dude im in a similar position as you and I've tried everything
> benzoyl peroxide didn't work (this is only half true, it cleared maybe 60% of my acne when using it with a routine)
> acne antibiotic didn't work
> routine didn't work (cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen, exfoliate)
> I change pillow cases every night
> I only drink water
> don't allow anyone to touch my face, not even myself
> No dairy based diet, I avoid fast food
> I drink 4 liters of water minimum a day
> fuck i even changed my toothpaste to an sls free kind

if you're anything like me you got fucked genetically and what you have on your face won't be fixed by outside stuff.

I just finished my first month of accutane a few days ago and I'm still going through the initial breakout a lot of people get. If interested, I can post some pics of my face if you want to see.

baking powder, then wash with cloride bath tub cleaner. Your skin will be back to new in just 20 minutes.

This made me want to wash my face.
Thanks user.

Don't call me a shill, plz. I tried all sorts of shit before a friend put me onto this

Have any of y'all tried Curology? Shit took my skin from pizza face to completely clear (save for some light scarring) in less than a year. You have a dermatologist assigned to you and you send them pictures and ask them questions and shit whenever you want. They make you a custom skin cream and they can call in scrips for you too. Shit's lit, boys.

It's expensive at $40 a month, but... very worth it IMO. I can shill my referral code if any anons want to get the extended free trial.

op here just signed up for this thanks man

what do you use for PIH?

i got it too i fucking hate it, its summer here so im just using a +50SPF sunscreen (la roche-posay)

Read everything in this sub reddit:
SkincareAddiction -

Acne treatment: treatment&restrict_sr=on

I've been using pic related for a couple months now to pretty good effect. I use 5% because I have really sensitive skin and I only do it every other night. It broke me out on first use but after that it was just perfect.

Oh nice dude. The difference it made between Nov 2016 and May 2017 is crazy. I have pics but idk if I wanna post. Remember to wear sunscreen, hun!

>tfw when never ate candy
>tfw ate good all life
>tfw i never got anny fizzy drinks even though all the other kids did
>tfw never showered
>tfw not a single pimple even through puberty

thank you mommy and daddy.
and before you sperg out "genetics" they both had a ton of pimples, and so do m brothers who eat shit food.

Retin A is a god send. Clindamycin, benzoyl peroxide, and monthly facials helped clear mine up a lot. If not resort to accutane, but ONLY as plan Z. I wish you the best of luck user.

i have acne like this, and i used to think like you, but i started to drink 2.5 litters of water a day and my situation improved a lot, so DRINK A LOT OF FUCKING WATER

>plant based vegan
what other kinds of vegan are out there?


fungus and mold

Mold is a fungus

Cut out dairy and caffeine, and change your pillowcase every day or two.

Has anyone tried using hydrocortisone for acne scars?

Got a prescription for roaccutane today. Is it absolutely mandatory that I don't drink alcohol or use drugs during the period or is it OK in moderation?


bleach is vegan

You got a prescription without having to sign a waiver with the instructions?
If you want to put yourself at risk of liver failure, put more stress on it with drugs and alcohol

raw vegan then just vegan

raw vegan you only eat raw fruits and veggies while regular vegan you eat cooked stuff as well thats vegan like pasta and breads

but plant based is best for clearing of acne


cut soda, cut processed foods, start doing accutane. You have to give blood once a month, it can cause depression, it will destroy your liver, and you can't get anyone pregnant while on it (not like that'll be an issue for you)
If you can deal with that for 5 or 6 months you'll have clear skin forever

Just give up on your skin and embrace your destiny.

>Tell me about user! Why does he wear the mask?

Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole for a week saved my face
Pills are dirt cheap and not usually recommended for acne but it works and fast, its also a safe antibiotic used for other stuff for decades

check out r/skincareaddiction, seriously.


Unironically go vegan

this. hate being vegan but it cleared my skin

still eat acidic foods sometimes but 90 to 95% of my diet now is basically alkaline fruits/veggies

accutane. one of the best life choices i ever made desu.

My skin got visually better after having Accutane. How old are you tho? it could be because of your hormone. I use an aloe vera facial gel every day and night, and bha 2% three times in a week. I definitely see my sebum reduces. Also recommend you try to use Benzoyl Peroxide on your whole face and let it dry for 10-15 mins. Don't forget to moisturize your face. It is very important for skin.

Don't forget sunscreen 15 mins before you leaving home too. I was almost like this when I was in high school and I realized that I was not properly taking care of my skin. Don't forget.. Moisturizing is very very very important and Aloe helps a lot for acne!!

haha, you're a funGUY!

seriously underrated


it means raw apple cider vinegar

all other types of vinegar are acidic af though lmaoo don't know why it didn't specify

you're seriously retarded

>when you realize you only consume acidic foods and prob the reason why my skin is shit
>but i don't want to stop eating my favorite foods
>why even try :(

Use bleach and amonia frank. It'll clear you right up

The offer stands if you need the medicine gratis

It looks like mostly post inflammatory erythema.

Use a Cerave Cleaner, Vitamin C, Stridex redbox, and Cerave moisturizer. Maybe add an AHA.

>Most alkaline

>not doing research and knowing they're alkaline in the body

Benzoyl peroxide and Differin (a topical retinoid) are both available OTC. BP is super cheap and Differin is a great value compared to prescription retinoids. This combo is first line for a lot of acne.

Your's is pretty bad and would probably benefit from oral antibiotics or oral retinoids (like Accutane). But without insurance or the ability to pay cash this is a no-brainer.

Cut dairy right away. avoid sugar and processed foods. Try to drink 2+ liters of water a day and wash face 2 times minimum per day. Best of luck man

nigga drink some water

buy trentonin it will purge for 3 months and disappear in the last month. Much cheaper than accutane


ACCUTANE my man well I went on roaccutane but I think it is similar, I had same acne. All gone now and I can have sugar, dairy, wheat and go without sleep and nothing triggers my acne anymore. Godspeed op

Accutane, you dumbass.

You're welcome


>Apple cider vinegar is not acidic
Stay in school kids

its the effect it has once in the body. Same with lemons and limes. They are acidic in nature but once in the body they become alkaline.


everywhere on the internet

just finished accutane and its fucking great

how I did it:
>minocycline or doxycycline
>benzoyl peroxide cream
>ordinary aha+bha peel and niacinimide to reduce hyperpigmentation

spironolactone to reduce androgen levels and laser skin resurfacing

Fasting + accutane + gallon of water a day +benozyl 5%

benzoyl and accutane simultaneously might be overkill


just fasting accutane and shit ton of water

accutane already drys your face out

Id say Fasting + accutane + gallon of water a day + shit ton of moisturizer

water fast