Does anyone here have an income of illegal means?

Does anyone here have an income of illegal means?
If so how much do you make and what do you do

I'm a police officer
I seize property in drug busts
technically legal but I know I'm a piece of shit and the drug war is bullshit
I contemplate suicide everyday but a quick death is too good for me

Hello FBI Agent Bob

Nice try IRS

Nice try, KFC

Nice try, SEC

Nice try CIA

Nice try G4S

what's holding you back ?

Nice try, MGT

Nice try, NIH

Nice try, India

Nice try MIT

Nice try BBW

Good lawd.

Nice try PYT

Nice try, Mother.

SWIM makes around $10k a day with litecoin botnets. He has a lot of money now, but he's too scared to ever touch it.

Nice try, God.

Nice try BTC

What like external mining botnets?

Nice try, SWF

Nice try, CCNA


~4K a month

Nice try Mr. Mittens
