How do we unsoy this board?

how do we unsoy this board?

Just keep calling out soy brands like levis, Patagonia, blundstones, rayban, casio, vans, north face shit like that. Its like REDPILLIG, you just gotta condition them. They also need to learn looking like a skinny twink is just as gross to girls as being fat. Lift a little lads.

This is full of tranny loving faggots and weirdos

fucks sake dude I know we need something. all these fags wearing soy owens, soynt laurent, raf soymons, etc. it's shit

My levis will beat the shit out of you punk. disrespect my jeans again and see what happens.

>North Face, Patagonia, Levis

These are outdoor and workwear brands who focus more on utalitarian clothing than fashion, how is being in the woods or working a trade "soy" by any means you stupid fuck?

Levi jeans are the most neutral piece of clothing.

nobody wears that shit outside it's just a bunch of soyboys wearing it at coffee shops while browsing okcupid on their phones wondering why they can't get a girlfriend

Hipsters and liberals LOVE THE WOODS and love wood working and gay craft shit like that. They are the most soy of all. Ever been to portland?

That doesn't make the brands 'soy', just their userbase. They don't specifically cater to these faggots so I don't see how the brands have any faulth or affiliation in this. Fuck you I wanna wear my North Face while hiking and not be called a feminine soyboy.

Fine change levis to denim. Denim pants, jacket, shirt or sherpa are all soy af.

>denim jacket
>denim pants
I think you need to settle down and revaluate what's to be consider soy teir.

That guy is indeed a weirdo

Who hurt you this bad

Half of those are just common brands all normies have been wearing for decades. Is toilet paper soy now too? Is filing taxes soy?
I'm going to assume you made this post because you're a soyboy, have been called out on it multiple times, and are buttflustered enough that you're trying to undermine (via dilution) the specific and incisive meaning of the term by bandying it about in ever more vague and thoughtless contexts.
Everybody loves the woods. Imagine being such a stunted, impotent faglord that jeans and "loving the woods" were somehow surprising or unusual to you. I've encountered plenty of limp-wristed fairy boys, but even the limpest-wristed among them had more conviction than you. Never post again.

Jeans are the staple pants of the soyboy. They wear them 98% of the time EVERY TIME

The woods fucking suck. I enjoy the plains, the meadow or the mountains.

Plane reeeeeeeee

user, literally everyone wears jeans, I can bet that you have a pair in your closet. you should get off Veeky Forums for a bit and take a walk.

"Soy" literally anything the 400 pound NEETS from /pol/ can't do or wear.

Leaving the house is soy.
Talking to women is soy
Wearing stuff without spandex is soy
Being physically able to wipe your own ass is soy.

Sage transsexual and other mental ill related threads

Less trap fashion, less yeezy or rick owen sneakers, since they are the definition of soy or cuckboy.
Less skinny suits, less skinny rolled up trousers, less undercuts.

so to not be a soyboy you have to either wear baggy fit trousers, air monarchs baggy polos and buzzcuts or dress up like your cosplaying as the great Gatsby and smoke a fucking pipe. got it.

No, less gay, males dress like males, women like women.

Basically you're a macaroni.

beards = instant soyboy

soy empt, soypreme, anti soycial soycial club, balensoyaga, soyements, soyewe, soycronym, soynt laurent paris, dries van soyten, ann soylentmeester, a-soy-wall, soylyx studios, soylent lang, comme des garsoys the list goes on.....

How? You need to be clean shaven to imitate a girl, thotboy.

>>> is thataway, NEET.

Shadilay! keep REDPILLING the normies!

Only a soyboy would let something someone says on a Cambonian cuckholding imageboard make him feel this defensive.

Gosha Rubchinsoy, Soy-White, Hirosoy Fujiwara, Soymuel Ross, Maisoy Margeila, Soy Island, Jil Soyders, Missoyni, Persoy, etc.

That guy looks like he's watching his grill getting roasted