
What did you eat today? I hate 2 of these. Pic related.

>eggs, yogurt, muesli
>butter chicken, rice, naan
>meatballs, mash, lingonberry reduction, salad
>eggs, toast

I made Spaghetti Aglio e Olio. But seriously, I think you meant to post here Or maybe here

a banana

40 grams of coffee via a pour over.

All i've eaten today so I can gorge for the Owl

>lingonberry porridge
>2 apples
>1 orange
>spinach soup
>1 egg

2 tater tots
Fish finger
4 tendies
1 meatball
Mini egg

Same as always. Balanced diet.

3 protein shakes with oats and banana (the first one is also with oj - tastes like orange julius, but you don't wanna drink more than 1 glass of oj a day)



chicken breast with rice

Breakfast: eggs on toast x2
Lunch: chicken tendies and a corndog from Safeway
Dinner: poorfag fried rice with anything I could find in my fridge including chicke gizzards
Various snacks and fruits throughout the day.
Didn't keep track, but I got at least 5-7L of water, just like any other day.
thinspo fags pls go

>powder donuts
>spinach n vinegar
>like 10 slices of avocado toast

>oatmeal, frozen blueberries, raisins


>scrambled eggs, mushrooms, field roast vegan sausage

>bagel with cream cheese

>rice with vegetables


pretty standard day for me

Not to meme or anything but, you gotta pick one and one only.
Food or fashion. You can't have both, fatties.

My job is really physical. I have a hard time eating enough some days.

yes you fucking can you idiot. just have a good diet and exercise regularly. not everybody is skinnyfat like you.

t. size 3xl plz

6'2 normie tier...

>Plain Oatmeal w/ blueberries, rye bread w/ butter, 2 eggs + egg whites, protein shake.
>Bowl of kale and nuts for snacks.
>Wings, pizza, and other garbage at super bowl.

>two eggs and one sausage
>plain bagel
>chicken breast, baked potato, steamed broccoli
i need to lose 30-40 pounds in the next three months and i am still eating too much, idk what to eat bros


>what is exercise?

lol fucked up the date OOPSIE

I made Chicken Tikka Masala and some cauliflower/brocolli dish cooked like aloo gobi (brocolli instead of potatoes). no rice or naan cause i'm limiting carbs. also added red and green bell pepper to the chicken tikka because i had some i needed to use. turned out bomb.
also had some stuffed mushrooms, couple slices of tri tip, some guac, and a few wheat thins and a little bit of that cheese/nut ball spread shit, for the big gameā„¢

What does this mean?

>10 dates
>1 apple

>Shirataki noodles in Shoyu-green tea broth
>3 figs
>Tablespoon peanut butter

>Red bean canned congee

>Can of sardines with soy sauce and garlic
>100g pickled Daikon
>100g strawberries
>1 carrot

I have been trying to limit myself to 300 calories per meal to avoid b/p. It worked very well today! Still under 1000 calories.
I hope it continues to work in the coming week
Good day for food

nice nipple

glad to see some /deenz/ representation on Veeky Forums

3xl is referring to a shirt size, so he's saying a fat person shouldn't be talking i guess

sardines and herring are rare candy for humans and there is no reason not to eat them as often as you can

i've been thinking about getting into the sardine lifestyle, i'll pick some up next time i go grocery shopping. would like to ideally eat under 1,200 calories a day and that seems like it would help

bumblebee sardines in water are only 100 calories per can. you get a day's worth of omega 3s and 25g protein, plus a good amount of calcium and iron. I get them for $1 per can with my store card.

I like to eat them right out of the can with soy sauce, eel sauce or hot sauce. They are also good in soup!

It's a lifestyle worth getting into good luck with your weight loss

thanks, user

this thread renewed my interest in sardines for omegas/protein. i've had them once in my life, my ex's dad got some sardines and put a little india twist on them and they were great.
gonna pick some up.

Thanks for reminding me as well dude, I haven't bought sardines in years.. used to like the wild Alaskan can with cracked pepper. Think I'm gonna try the bumblebee mustard on rye for lunch tomorrow...

You sound deranged, perhaps malnourished with a shrunken brain. Learn to exercise faggot.

Could be skinnier, but fuck you. Also. Are sternotomy scars fa?

I love sardines. I go for smoked in olive oil, maybe 3-4 times a week. Another good choice is mackerel. Shouldn't be more than a few dollars for whole fresh mackerel, same omega 3's and low mercury as sardines.

Forgot pic

what's your sternotomy scar from? fucked up heart/valve?


Mercury is literally why you eat prey fish over tuna and big fish, and the flavor is 100x better than canned tuna. Plus I usually use them in dishes where tuna wouldn't work.


they are more expensive than canned tuna and less protein. also, you shouldn't eat either too often because mercury

igor you fucking idiot, haven't you ever /deen/ed before? sardines are far lower in mercury than canned tuna, you would have to eat an absolutely inhuman amount of them in order to have any adverse effects. the only notable drawback of canned sardines is some are rather high in sodium, which obviously should always be avoided if possible. canned tuna meanwhile is essentially poison.

You are the fuckign idiot. Arguing the merits of shit that's twice more expensive and less nutritious. Fuck off.

Do you only eat to meet macro/calorie goals? The health benefits of oily fish are undisputed, but eating tuna frequently will cause mercury build-up, and sardines have calcium from the bones. But canned tuna tastes like trash.

Sardines > tuna

>Do you only eat to meet macro/calorie goals?
I do

Fair enough.

Yeah, fuck em!

a handful of salted cashews
a bottle of orange crush
half a bottle of green tea

Why are you so out of shape then

high fat low carb diet and eating within an 8 hour window

What are you talking about?

>pour over

I'm about to eat like 5 potatoes for lunch.

What's your routine

mostly nutrition and some isolation

Wow for real then why are you out of shape

post your body

Not him but a diet alone won't get you a body like that

My body? It's really mostly in clean nutrition. And about 8-10 hours of exercise weekly.

Why didn't you say so then

Jesus christ why so much

whats the owl

Ordinary Wizarding Level exams