How do you yellow the soles of your shoes manually...

How do you yellow the soles of your shoes manually? I wanna do this to give them a nice vintage look but whenever i google it only stuff on how to un yellow them show up

Piss on em

Wear them in the rain? If it's winter where you are consider wearing them in the salt. These are things I avoid to keep my soles nice.

As far as I'm aware, its a combination of the rubber being oxidised and exposed to sunlight/uv rays. So just wear them as often as possible and don't store them away in a shoebox or cupboard

just fill some type of yellow liquid to the soles and let them soak.

OP here, i remember seeing a thread of using rubbing alcohol or some chemical on them to do it in a few days. Anyone know anything about this?

I yellowed my AF1's overnight by putting some bleach on a rag and rubbing the soles. Leave them and they'll yellow super quick.

Wouldnt that have the opposite effect lmao

Leave them in a windowsill facing the sun for a few weeks?

idk man when you bleach some stuff it get's a weird colour

UV light

use them

heres what I did pic related used to be just white
>mix brown mustard with a little water
>use old toothbrush to uniformly lay it on the sole
>how dark it is depends on how much you put on
>avoid water for like a week or so

>fake vintage
lmaoing at your life

just buy shit thats actually old u dweeb

Oooh nice ill try this

>buying worn shoes
>Buying worn shoes at a higher price than the new when you can make them look the same

pee on them

>not buying new old stock

2/10 got me to reply

just do steps on how to un yellow backwards retard

put the on your feet and wear them for a couple months

dont tell anyone i told you though i wanna keep my tricks on the low

The yellowing is due to oxidation. try rubbing them with hydrogen peroxide

I thought of that too but idk if it actually works. Gonna test it today.