So, Veeky Forums, which one are you?

so, Veeky Forums, which one are you?

Other urls found in this thread:

the one that doesnt compare middle age men to children to try to prove a nonexistensial point.

having a shit jawline and not considering a beard is stupid, having a shit beard to compensate for your jawline as a last resort is more stupid.

the chad wet shaped and groomed beard vs. the virgin "let it grow" beard.

>The "Look at all the cherrypicked photos I've collected to state my narrow opinion without acknowledging the fact that most women are into beards, that a beard can hide facial flaws and that it take more than just a beard to be called a numale but I don't mind and I'm most likely here to joke on some insecure fags so I call every user who's calling me out on my gay bullshit a numale but he won't shut the fuck up anyways" post.

"ok for these pictures can you do that pose where you look all excited with your mouth open"

I've always been clean shaven.

yikes you got that reversed

I like clean shaven because I can’t grow a full beard yet.

>baby faced soi-boiiz btfo


W2c watch?


>"he clean shaves kek"



Where am I?

Nice try fag.. It's well known that masculinity has been on the decline for a century now.

Go take another swig of your favorite soylent.

.t beardlet

like you can smell the bad breath through the pictures

Does he have a jaw?

I have a baby-face so I can't pull off the clean shaven look.
All those actors and models in the clean shaven section of the pic have chiseled faces.

How old are you?

I'm of the left category. I can grow facial hair, but it's already white or very pale blond at the age of almost 30, while the rest of my hair is normal, light brown or dark blond.

manly clean shaven

My looks go up at least 2 points when I have a well-groomded short beard. So going for a clean shave would be stupid in my case.
Those nu-males arent the types that should grow beards. They barely have beards btw.
Pic not me but kind of related.

it would be even better if you had normal hair

Can you read?


you look like a woman

You say that like it's a bad thing

tfw i went for that cut but the hair will never stay like that if you take 10 steps away from the mirror so i part/slickback

Almost 21. All I get is stubble around my mouth which I shave and peach fuzz everywhere else. I’m not a hairy dude, I don’t have arm hair and only have leg hair is below my calve.

The COPE beard

hey that's me

Currently soy boy as fuck because I'm depressed

All I see is that crap phone. Also, chinlet.

Use hair wax or pomade or even styling cream, or if it's really falling out of place use some styling spiking glue like "Got2B" or something similar

And use HIGH HOLD HAIRSPRAY to lock it in so it has a harder time falling around
Something like Got2B has their own Freeze lock spray that's like an ULTRA STRONG holding hairspray, and would work wonders for styles that won't stay

i dont shave for like a week and let the sleezy i been raving all night on molly at a concrete warehouse and fucking ya bitch in four figure garms stubble roll in

So you should shave to intentionally look worse?

reddit made a p. decent meme about that watch

isnt that unhealthy as fuck for ur hair´?

if your hairs are not going back naturally don't even try

Unless you've got a good jaw underneath there. Why would you hide a manly jaw?

from invisible to girls to invisible to girls


Fuck off

Not every thing you do in life needs to be about obtaining women.

Nobodies hair goes back naturally you idiot
Hair grows forward past the crown
Why the fuck do you think ppl use stuff like pomade in the 1st place??

Just some pomade/product isn't strong enough for certain hair/hairstyles

Right! He needs to have a perfectly chiseled face (strong jaw and chin), thick neck, large hands, be 6'5", blue eyes, have a big dick, make 6 figures a year at least, have less than 10% bf, and be jacked in order to get ANY women.

imagine not consuming soy

seeI know this is Veeky Forums and we all have no lives here, but can we please quit setting up false dichotomies and non-arguments for the sake of memes. If you pretend to be retarded...

I've been curious if the man on those pictures is serious or just being silly and ironic
I mean holy shit I can't open my mouth like that

Gross, anti-beard propaganda
It's all about having a good face AND a good beard
If you look like shit without, you'll look like shit with it too
If you look good without a beard, you'll look even better with a beard
pic related: alain delon with a beard

pol autism

>tfw I have similar hair (albeit ash blonde), similar beard (no patches and grows stronger on chin/moustaches), similar nose and similar eyebrows, but my eyes have negative tilt and pop out.

Life is unfair.

>tfw you will never pass like a grill

kind of looks like the guys on the right have never shaved though. facial hair looks better on people who shave regularly


they would all look better clean shaven

>another image macro from a poltard of 10 cherry picked photos
>guaranteed 200 replies
this board is so fucking good

He is demonstrating how much he can open his mouth for the guiness world record
He's probably not a numale

I refuse to believe you are male

I know right?

I'm not gonna start looking like the guys on the left if I shave

I used to use clippers to ride a consistent two day stubble but ever since I got k-pop boi round eyeglasses I go clean shaven because it looks off with the stubble.

beard, im about 40lbs overweight

>Veeky Forums