How the heck do i get rid of these?

How the heck do i get rid of these?

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You don't. They're supposed to be there and they'll always be there. Welcome to being human.

make up

Hydraulic press

get one of those black peeling masks

only works on the other kind of black spots on ya nose these are just there to stay

Why are there so many of these posts, literally everyone has these it's not like it's acne or a deformity.

boiling water works

You don't

Are you by any chance diabetic?

get some primer if it bothers you that much

get some sun, it helps, trust me

Clean with rubbing alcohol to remove any oils, and then use tuck tape like wax. It'll get em out.

use a pore strip

Not OP, but I'm a type 1 diabetic and I have these

You don't. They are natural. You literally cannot get rid of them and everyone has them.

>how to make them worse 101

Fire. Trust me, I'm a doctor.

Who nose?

prepare to die.

regular chemical peels

The alternative course of action is just cutting off your nose with a rusty pair of tin snips, side affects are pretty extreme though.

Honestly found using a light exfoliant or facial scrub that romoves oil will hrlp lessen their appearance.

They are natural and are very bad for you to squeeze out since that action can make the pores even larger and more noticeable. Just wash your face twice a day


Those frames nose and mustache hair are like a carbon copy of my own nose. That’s cool

I don't think you even need acids for these, just some mild enzymatic peeling like twice per week

unironically makeup

this is the correct answer, AHA peel will get rid of them over several weeks

one things for sure, dont touch ur face with ur dirty hands