Sup /fa

Sup /fa,

Warm weather is coming and that means that i again will not be able to hold my vape, cigs, phone, powerbank and other stuff in my pockets, that means i will have to find a bag.

So, show me some good bags user, and remember - backpack are for pussies.

the fuck is that aberration

>"backpacks are for pussies"

i fucking hate new technoloogies man, i have nowhere to put that stuff, even my headphones have a box




Also how the fuck are backpacks for pussies??

i do not like vaping my strawberry milkshake when i am drunk, i tend to puke when i over-vape

Well, i just do not see myself in a backpack, maybe i have never seen a good one, sorry if seem a little angry, i am from /b

>vaping maybe more healthy than smoking cigarettes, but ask yourself...
>would I rather die an old faggot or die a young bloke.

Obviously not smoking is the best option, but if I smoked I'd exclusively smoke cigars for the Veeky Forums factor.

I am considering it, but only when i will get enough money and more spare time to just chill and smoke cigars

>i am from /b
that explains the faggotry, also

sorry :(


are you guys 17?

>i am from /b
>cardi b
at least one of you has to be.

Cigars are the most tryhard way to smoke, even more then pipes. The smell is worse then cigarettes and it annoys everyone, they are expensive and you have to carry a cutter and a special lighter or matches. The smell is so bad, that a friend of mine had to smoke his cigar outside of a smokers pub, because the smell was so bad. And he did smoke it alone outside, as he paid 30€ for it.
If you want to look like a poser while smoking, get a pipe and some nice tobacco.

For your storage problem: I use a fanny pack in the summer, holds vape, cigarettes (I prefer to smoke too, when I'm drunk) and wallet or a camera. But as you sound like a soyboy already, I guess you use a sub ohm boxmod with a subtank or some shit like that, could be too big for a fanny pack.

Don't know man, pipe smells like shit even afterwards, your hands, your pipe and from the mouth. From the cigar in my local casino i feel like smelling like some rich white man somewhere in rural usa, even though they cost roughly 20 euros and are probably overpriced there.

I use alien 220w, had i just 2, damn the best device i had, but flavor was lacking and i gave a try to some another chinese shit and was not disappointed


I have this Maison Margiela bag, its not for everyone but they have other bags with different designs

is it comfortable to run from the cops?

Its a document holder so you can either hold it with one hand and run or put it under your arm and run, which would allow for you to hold more shit, assuming you've stolen some stuff

Are you a rich white man in the rural usa? Will people perceive you as a rich white man, when you smoke cigars? No, you're not and they won't. Smoking cigars under the age of maybe 45 just comes of strange. Like you're a child, trying to act like an adult. If you enjoy smoking cigars, do it, but they aren't effay.

Yeah, fuck you. Using anything over 50W in public is fucking retarded, you're just looking like an asshole. Vaping is okay, but get something stealthy, vaping is not about blowing big clouds with your soyboy clique, but to quit smoking.

Cigs in shirt pocket
Phone and wallet in front pockets
Powerbank in back pocket (get a small one)
Vape in other back pocket


if you have more stuff just get some messenger bag or something. but I wouldn't take it if you're not also carrying a laptop or camera or book(s)


cardi b, she's ugly and mentally challenged tho


Peep the adidas pouch in the top right corner.

I have used a small coin bag by Doc Marten for powerbanks and such but these bags can go with summer fits.

sorry :( More wattage means smaller dick
i like it, thanks man


>imagine being attracted to that

fucking disgusting

ape gang


You have awful, awful taste in women

low test

you cant judge other people taste, i mean why the fuck would you care