Post your rooms

This is my basement room. A years worth of progress. How did I do?

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Looks nice, a little basic to me but nice

Add mpre pictures on the wall, bigger and smaller, mix them, this is room, not gallery.
Replace this cheap black ikea/ikea style furniture with dark brown wooden pieces.
Add a pendant lamp.
Colors are a bit boring, should probably add some medium sized plants.
Carpet is slightly large, it would look better with some space between carpet and TV stand.

i h8 keruigs

I like it very cozy

don't listen to and his shit advice



neck yourself

Looking great! Loving the contrast Bro

I would safely sleep in those spaces.

nigger you what

Looks good OP. I don't like the draw thing you got going on with the coffee machine on it. Looks little too ikea to me. Otherwise Looks good. Id take out that middle picture because the lighter contrast doesn't fully match up with the others. Colours are good and give it a comfy feel. Id also say fill up the top of the tv cabinet with more plants, or move that plant to the coffee table, looks a little out of place. Otherwise noice.
Needs more framed pictures that are the same size.

My basement also has windows.....

The home is probably just on a hill or something so the foundation is only halfway in the ground and the back part can be left with windows/door to outside/backyard ect.

my grand-dad's basement has a window because he lives on a hill. maybe that's his situation

get rid of the duct behind tv, and put them in the wall cavity. or at least put that other black cable in there and paint it
also fix up the paint job on the wall it looks amateur as
maybe add some more mood lighting
overall looks good man. nice and cozy

Cozy but not very creative. Kinda bland.
Nice, I like it a lot.

Thanks for the feedback. The common complaint I see is that it looks bland. There’s definitely more work to be done.

i love it. its very warm, cozy, and inviting looking

would snuggle up on that couch with my bae and watch movies

Yeah that makes sense actually.
t. californian: we don't put basements in our houses for some reason

I have this autism where I can't stand couches that cover a portion of the window so If I were you I would try to move the couch in a different position but then that would ruin the whole look
so good job I guess

I appreciate your autistic demands.

Looks like a random porn set

overall decent

the coffee machine is just mong there, needs to be removed.

the two weakest pieces are the coffee table and tv unit

coffee table could do with something like a wallnut version with some gold accent pieces on it

It does need some more gold. I’m also strongly considering replacing those black and white photos.

Looks like a dentist's office waiting room. I mean for fuck's sake man, a Keurig? You even have the cards listing random coffee preparations. For what purpose? If you didn't take those pictures on the wall, get rid of them. If you did, start taking less generic pictures. Even your plant looks like some soulless shit you'd expect in a corporate/clinical setting. Still, all told it looks like a comfy place to relax.

awful, looks like a TV studio from the late 2000's

Let me start by saying it looks pretty good overall. That said, thing above the tv looks a little trashy and draws attention away from the screen so I’d move it or toss it. The plant looks very bargain brand, like a “I need a plant” plant. You could put two of those trees in a container about 3 times that size and I think it would look much better. Something like
I’m not sure about that color, but I think the shape is very nice and it’s not bad to have a couple rounded objects in an angular room.