
Rimmed or rimless?
(The rimless ones have trial plastic lenses hence the glare)

For the love of god please help, I've been staring for too long and now nothing makes sense anymore. I know the rimmed ones might be a bit too big (48mm), what if I bought smaller 42mm ones? Please criticise meee

And sorry for no smile in the photo, I know people hate that.


I like the rimless ones more



Rimmed looks better, don't listen to these spastics

this glasses shape does not fit your face shape.

bbbbbut i thought that round glasses are the best option for people with square faces?


first pic looks good on op

best option for square faces are rounder glasses making it look more elongated and softening features (circle glasses even thought they look good, might unbalance your face and make it look wider)

either way rimless is cool but rimmed might be a better long term option

Learn basic grammar.

this right here (emojis and shit)

maybe because it's more unique? because although rimmed looks better I think the glasses are cliche ass

Are you implying that writing "Definitely, rimless." is grammatically correct as an answer to the question, 'Rimmed or Rimless?'

if you came to my store i wouldnt let you walk out rim free if you know what i mean

you know those face shape guidelines are completely arbitrary and barely mean anything, right?

They both look fine.

Me and my sis both think left is best.

Rimmed tbqh

rimless look fucking great on you

>the glasses are cliche ass
you mean rimmed are cliche or rimless?
or the round shape in general?

Only Koreans can pull off these glasses
White girls look terrible in them


both look good op, but id choose rimmed

as you say, senpai

Much better than OP

Try out some glasses with a thicker frame. It suits your face structure.

>trying to correct Rick
Fuck you, user.

go rimless bb

she looks 40 and 8 simultaneously

Where'd you get these OP? So I can cop
Also imo you look cute in both and although round glasses have become very popular lately rimless seems to be slightly more unique. It's a win win whichever you pick because like I mentioned you look very cute so just pick whatever feels more like you.

You look cute in the rimmed, but the rimless brings out your cute face more.

Wow you are one ugly dude (possibly female?).

Rimmed for sure, de-emphasises the squareness of your face. But as said, round glasses = round/oval face, why do you think so many asians wear them

I hope you bought rimmed OP, much better aesthetic.



Normally I don't have the scraggily facial hair.

I am looking for advice. I am getting new glasses soon and need to decide what would look good on my face. I normally get the cheap boring pair but this time I want to look nicer.

Rimmed looks better i wish you were my gf haha

how does she look 8 you retard?


I wish she rimmed me.

>get contacts
>grow beard
>bilzerian mode
>nice trips

but the facial hair looks good, especially the scars/scratches
for some reason i really think the classic rectangular glasses would look nice on you

>I normally get the cheap boring pair
Which type is that?

This. Hunny you have the head of a minecraft character. Round glasses all the way.

Those are the kind I have now.

I have considered lasik, I can afford it.

Like these just black.

qt3.14 curler?

Yummy I would rim your face with my cock sweetypie also I would rim your ass with my cock

Kim Eun-jung, nicknamed "Annie"

she's playing in 5 minutes against russia


Rimmed for sure but I'd go with horned, the round doesn't suit your face.