Okay, Veeky Forums. All memes aside, I need the best advice you can give me

Okay, Veeky Forums. All memes aside, I need the best advice you can give me.

I have inherited roughly 60k USD. I would like to put it in stocks and maybe open a business in a few years.

If it was your money, how would you invest it?

80% on stocks, and 20% on bitcoin

Why? What stocks, user?


scratch this

100% bitcoin 0% equities

I said all memes aside, user.

Why bitcoin? Doubt it's going to the moon any time soon.

Stop asking an anonymous imageboard for advice

50% of this board are unemployed.

Pic related.

Memes are your future. Don't fight it... we all /Trump/ now.


I would put it in a savings or CD for the next year until the election is over then put most of it in index funds and maybe buy a few bonds if the rates look good

You've got autism if you think I'm taking any of this to heart. I'm just curious as to what people have to say.

Memes are my past and future.
Have heard this before.

I'd wait until next year before investing, we are living in trouble times.

Sell baby formula from the west in China

Real talk OP, how new are you to stocks? if seasoned then maybe listen to some ideas, if new then just put in vanguard or a roth ira or some shit. If you want something on a stead rise look at the company El paso Electric, it's an electric company that provides for many towns that are fast growing.




why wait for the election?

buy a house do it up and flip it then repeat. or start a business.

Book a ticket to the moon with TrumpCoin.
$0.03 for a coin. 60000 / 0.03 = 2,000,000 coins. Estimates for the final value of TRUMP range from $1 to $4. I'll see you at the moon

Heard this before too.
No hands on experience. I've only read stuff and done some research. I haven't heard of a vanguard or Roth IRA. I'll have to look into that.
Reading into the scandal now. So this guy says just buy formula and sell it to Chinese?

With 60k?

Trump coin? Man I don't like cryptos really and BTC was a once in a lifetime happening. Wish I could have invested when I had the chance. I've seen ETH a lot and upset I didn't buy when it was really cheap.