
Post some comfy fits


Looks messy. Comfy house tho

Autistic manlet - core



lmao why is his head so small compared to his body?

because he's wearing a really baggy suit

In the 80s everybody's heads became smaller from the cocaine abuse.

seriously 80s armani is GOAT

Posting my fit bc why not.

jumper is nice but those cuffs are hideous. Buy jeans with a shorter inseam

terrible fit but the room looks comfy

THanks babes. I appreciate all kinds of advice

>not going full gnome-core


the cuff is too thick and white shoes + white top look a bit matchy-matchy

Came here to post this

>can of Rain on your bedside table
What is happening with your life user


whats the matter you don't like big legs user

MOsquitoes are no joke lmao

Simply not comfy. I'm cyclist myself

they're sweatpants lol
how about this

Are those the Gap x GQ ami jeans

sry that was massive

Not comfycore

neither of these are comfycore fits, more like mainstream sporty techwear

they sure as hell feel comfy. i thought that was the point

Not the point of this thread.

nah, the point is japanese-inspired clean streetwear with fairly loose cuts and neutral colors



now that's just overdoing it






Anyone know where I can find jacket?

Where can I find a striped t-shirt like the one he has there?
Long or short sleeve

I think Nanamica has one in blue and white strips. But for sure have it in black and white.

he looks like a student chef, just before his shift starts.

amazing what you can do with a couple of old rice sacks. good to recycle and re-use.