League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
She's a pure plush QT who lactates ice cream

Other urls found in this thread:



>with aatrox still being in his current state I've got no clue who to pick up.

So pick up Aatrox you fucking idiot, he's hyper cancer and splitpushes harder than almost anyone else while getting a free revive and infinite lifesteal.

first for i want to FUCK fizz

best guy
best hair
best adc

>be terrible at game
>want to get better at game
>don't know how to get better at game
>can't get better at game despite committing a lot of time into it because you are directionless and don't know what you should be striving for to improve
>go 4/6 in placements

I've played fucking 200 matches of this game yet haven't improved.

>still can afford bunny suit?

>get matched with a player with a plat border
>im only silver
Does this mean I'm doing good

>LeBlancfags so desperate to buffs they'll post random bullshit about Riot introducing busted items specifically to cater to them with zero source

E B I N.

I want to cuddle with Kog'maw and Skarner!

It can also mean they're shit and were boosted at the end of the season.

Who's the best streamer and why is it Kasing?

She pleases old men for money
how do you think she got the suit?

>Doesn't want to play Gaytrox bc he's shit

yes, keep climbing that ladder son

I want to steal Kog'Maw's innocence

He looks better without those dumb whiskers.

>aatrox is shit

retarded tripfags ladies and gentlemen

sex with shyvana!

>bad dude
>not a tragic antihero who dindu nuffin wrong
>didn't read Jhin's lore

Also I'm pretty sure that he killed Kusho at this point because Kusho actually asked him to for whatever reason. Probably in the name of balance or some backwards shit like that, and then Zed knew the Kusho order was bullshit because of it.

Jhin's gonna play matchmaker and hook them up again through their criminal chase.

xth for the two best girls :3

But he is shit???? Might be better next patch but he is shit

Question remains.


out out out

Fizz is not for fuck.
Fizz is for RAVAGE.

some high level streamers are pretty informative. valkrin will occasionally talk about why he's doing what. pobelter will sometimes turn on "narrating mode" for a game and literally narrate his character and what his opponents will do and how he should respond. just avoid the memestreams that just does dumb shit for fun.

also, the usual advice applies:
>git gud at cs
>if you shove the other laner in you can back/roam
>if the other laner roams you ping, then follow if you're strong enough, shove if you're weak
>fight for objectives not just for no reason

was this the worst event in league history?

I want to let him tackle me and then push me to the ground

Watching Shyvanna have sex with a dragon.

The only beast that can sate her draconic lust

>might be better next patch
>Aatrox's only saving grace this season is sated devourer
>next patch ruins it


Forgot the link.

It was pretty fucking bad, yeah.

memepoll final edition



devourers shit si going on new rageblade, he'll be a worse jungler but a better toplaner next patch.

>What is rage blade?

Significantly worse than the current set up because Aatrox already went sated > rageblade?

Xth for he is beautiful and I love him

i want to learn how to speak french


>mfw I bought the draven head skin
>Its just classic draven with a big head
>I don't know what I expected.jpg

Meowkai is pretty good though

french is an awful language and there's a ton of better ones to learn

voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?

>no lulufag

french grammar rules are bullshit


when will they delete illaoi

But Kog isn't a dragon, and why would he be anywhere near Shyvana?

I want to have sex with fiora

I can't believe there's still people that want to learn such a shitty language. Italian is the best, user.

german is miles above both of those

I was just posting Kog for aesthetics. I didn't mean I want her to fuck Shyvanna

>praising the confirmed child rapist and groomer

I'm not sure if i should be pleased about this

inshallah brother

i want to fuckking kill fizz

Why don't people surrender when several people have clearly given up? I think most people are too quick to give up but when the fact is that three people just stand around arguing it's not like you are going to change the game's outcome by pressing no.

Fucking kill yourself.

Why aren't you playing Kha'Zix on URF mode yet lolg?

xth for Cute Vi

Chill Day Edition

>1520 essence to craft it
>607 essence for disenchant it

Too busy being a slut.

Just tried Ahri. She's.... eh...

Still haven't found anything as fun as Renekton and Taric. I guess I'll try Garen next

Those aren't memes, those are shitposters.

>vouloir apprendre le français
Ô douce naïveté
Tu sais pas dans quoi tu t'embarques user

>just tried URFekaiser
>that shield

What le fug

These pics always creep me out.

The anatomy and painting is fucking shit with the exception of the eyes.

The eyes are so fucking well done its insane. Did the autist who made this fan art have an eye fetish or something?

>customers wants urf
>tell customers they aren't getting it
>they don't believe because you said that last year
>force meme champ's meme skin down everyones throat
>cancel event early because customers riot

GJ Rito, who failed Marketing 101 over there?

Should I

post chillhop lads

what is this maymay

Coming from someone who went to french immersion his entire school life, you really don't. French grammar is so fucking bullshit, verbs will make you want to kill yourself.



speaking of which, what happened to reese? was he really v&?

muh dick

>s rank on ez champ
>get chest, open, get this

braum is a good upport.... right?

>Box had a gem in it
>Get debonair Galio also

20 minute games
Free wins
Free skins

No wonder Riot only wants this up for the weekend

>tfw you miss him
he was alright lads

shit skin

Yeah... I guess? I only play Naut and Alistar. and soraka if i have too. I mean that dragonslayer skin i got is pretty sweet and all, I'm just not good with responding with the shield

3 strikes you're out

>be me
>level 22
>usually matched with level 30 folks
>get a series of unwinnable games
>suddenly back in the pre flash bracket


I meant him but...hm

Kog being a girl could be hot

>An infant daughter of the Void
>Malzahar might have captured Kassadin's daughter and turned her into Kog'maw
>If Kassadin were to get to Malzahar, he'd have kill Kog'maw
>Kog'maw'd cry out as her memories rush back, yearning to embrace her father once again
>She'd only find an agonizing death
>All HE would know... is the chilling dread, of regret

Well done, user. Your typo made my lorefaggy mind go to weird places.


i disagree








>pick Velkoz
>take DFT
>build Liandry's
>that ultimate

Who's idea was it to give both of these DoT effects no internal cooldown that proc their first tick of damage simultaneously with the instance of damage that applies them?

His skillcap is surprisingly high.

The Q is like trying to land an Ahri charm, treat the E like a skillshot, and your R, while it has a bit of a wind-up, can also hit targets slightly behind you.

Your laning phase is a little poor, and you're quite literally a slowing, stunning meat shield in terms of team fighting. Focus on peeling most of the time.

Lastly, practice those Q's. They were a real bitch for me to land when I first started playing him.

Kog is a child you goddamn pedos you can't sexualize it.


Annie is a child and we've already seen how many people have touched her.

Braum is a popular pro pick and is strong at every elo

disagree,the skin is one of the best

Wait, Velkoz's ultimate procs something crazy like 25-30 instances of damage. Is that the point of this bullshit?

I have so much hilarious fucking footage from my stream's vod, I might make some webm's out of it later

>flash insta penta
>random kills while moving
>silliest fucking level 1's

>child diddler was alright
The fuck is wrong with you people? Just as bad as anyone who knows Imthems irl info and hasn't fbi'd him considering he was in on it with reesee.
Sick fucks covering him up.

can someone help me learn Irelia?
For some reason I just can't fucking play her or do well. What masteries/runes/generalized (not set in stone) build should I use? I have to improve my mechanics with her, sure but dear lord every game is such an uphill battle with her, and yet I love her character and fucking kit.

>Lebalanced fags thinks she needs buffs

i don't want to sleep alone anymore

I didn't mention a damn thing about fucking a kid.
Learn to read properly, please.
I know lore is boring to some people but still, pay attention...

this man walks into your champ select and says "ban zed pls" , what do you do?