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waifus and lore living in harmony in a maxeen-free thread




>mobile suit guardly
follower when

>Install vivid weathers with enb files.
>Yeah man it can't be THAT much more intensive than other enbs I've used!
>Silky smooth 17 fps.

Looks nice though.

In the beginning, there was Dark.
Then, a single unnamed one found its very purpose: Waifus
Since then it has been tradition to carry the flame to the next generation of waifus, for that waifus shall never perish. The eternal flame of waifan.

But light always attracts Dark. So the shitposters rose. Many filled their ranks against their unholy, dark crusade against the Fire itself.

>Heard you were talking shit like you didn't think I'd hear it

First for pretty smiles


>tfw Guardly is a bitch

The colors can be a bit weird sometimes, like the light purple ice in pic related.
You can also see the tree lod is too bright. I couldn't seem to get it the right color.

I like to change enbs too often so went back to just vivid clouds and fogs.


Picture unrelated I guess? That actress looks like a fucking goblin.

>I make things I, and others, seem to like.
[citation needed]

Well for one I can't get enough of Elanil.

I can't figure out how to download the ENB binary or whatever from the ENBDev site. I'm sure it's because I'm retarded. Can anyone help me? I figure it's this, since it says "enbseries_yadayadayada.zip" when I hover over it, but clicking it does nothing and there's no download link on the page it takes me to. When I try to save link it tries to save it, but fails and tells me there's no file.

Thanks man

>posted my maxeen

What mods are there that make Skyrim more lively by itself? I mean, what mods make it so the world changes without player input. For example, a civil war mod where the factions will act by themselves to capture and defend towns in a never-ending struggle even if the player doesn't participate. Just things to make the world alive.

kys my man, nobody cares about garbage user opinions

I'm really digging it so far, my fps only really drops below 30 when I'm in/ around falkreath. Interior cells I still get 50+, granted I JUST installed it so I'm sure I'll see more wonky shit as the days go by.

Dammit Faendal

Ayyries are you here

The download button works for me. Maybe your browser is being niggers.

I hope eventually more and more enb preset makers will add compatibility for it, but I can see how it will take time or some will just not want to bother tweaking the settings to work with each of the 500+ weathers.

10/10 photobomb

Is there literally anything wrong with making an ayy waifu?

Apparently the version I was trying to download, linked to by the ENB preset I was trying to set up, was a broken link. So I'm trying a newer one.

People already have.

There is nothing wrong with any kind of waifu except that goat one that showed up a few days ago, god that thing is horrifying

There are a handful that are already compatible, but I can't say I like any of them. I tried using the estonian enb for a while yesterday and I just wasn't liking it.

Also daily reminder that if you haven't installed dynDOLOD you fucking NEED TO.

Is that the goat that likes the knot?

People like things you don't; Deal with it.

>posted by user

These "people" seem to just be you though.

/tesg/ sure is a bottom of the barrel general

For a guy who's been here such a long time and should know better than most how this place works you sure like entertaining the haters.

>tfw dyndolod is up to ~50 minute worldgen from ~30 with some added quest/new land mods

>Thinking I ever samefag
Stop being new already, there's no point in me samefagging and even if I were to do it, I'd do it years ago when I first started coming here.

That sure is a bottom of the barrel comment.

Right now I'm actually waiting on someone so I'll be gone in a few regardless.

Nothing compared to /wtg/ during american prime time.


hey whatever happened to that cute thalmor cheerleader

I swear you took only one shot of her but I've tried my hardest to recreate her and I just can't

No, skeletons.

>Haven't installed any of 13oranges quest mods, or any quest mods for that matter.
>Realize when I do I'll need to worldgen again.

hmmmmm...was she an altmer?

Please hurry.

Should my 1h+shield use Heavy armor or light armor?

It wants me to install a bunch of things though, I dunno if that'd break my game. Would dynDOLOD need any patches to work with anything or will it do everything by itself?

also can someone answer pls. I can't find anything for the life of me.

There's nothing of the sort that I know of.

>Cute Thalmor cheerleader
>"was she an altmer"


yup, banana with white hair, relatively short

may have been a long braid for hair but it's been a while



well cheerleader could imply a nord girl that likes the thalmor!

i have the preset around, but i dont do anything with it. Im not feeling the TES elves outside of dunmer, especially not the skyrim ones.

Patches, no. But you might need more than just the vanilla LOD billboard files from the tes5lodgen page if you use mods like Skyrim Flora Overhaul.

There's some other things included in the main dyndolod download if you use Beyond Reach, Lanterns of Skyrim, etc.

Also I know I saw a mod recently that had civil war patrols/spawns that would go to set locations and if the opposing faction was there fight and whoever was left took control of the area, and repeat. I'll try to find it again.

I recall there being some minor stuff that you might need to look into if you have open cities installed, but nothing that should take more than ten or so minutes.

I followed this video in youtube and it was piss easy, though the first ten or so minutes of the video have little to nothing to do with the installation of dyndolod.


What does worldgen mean?

Generating LODs for that worldspace

I know that top. How did you get it so that areola doesn't show?


I think this was it. It just released so give it a shot if you want and let us know how it is.

Skyrim tutorials have some wacky voices

only wacky people plat skyrim

You should try minecraft tutorials, if you think skyrim is odd you ain't seen shit.

Looking at the comments you might want to skip that one actually, or wait until it develops more.

Immersive Patrols might do some of what you're thinking.

I don't suppose you'd be willing to past it on, if you don't want to use it? I'd just use it as a base, the vanilla presets are horrific

Does minecraft even kill itself over conflicts like this does?

I was more or less referring to construction tutorials and shit like that, but I'm sure it does if you mod it enough.

holy fuck this is literally exactly what I want jesus christ I'm so excited.
Oh really? Well I'll be tracking this like you wouldn't believe.

I use a ton of mods that change cities and such so I guess that'd be an issue.

I might be mistaken but I think as long as city overhauls use vanilla assets you don't need anything special for dyndolod to properly generate lod for the changes.

Hm nothing, they simply never showed up. There is one dress that looks victorian, kinda like from bioshock that has visible nipples, but the others are fine

Minecraft is a software to treat autism tho.

Sure, here.
Keep in mind tho it wont look much like in my images.


>I use a ton of mods that change cities and such so I guess that'd be an issue.
No, that's the issue DinduLOD was specifically made to solve.

Neat! Thank you!

>Skyrim is somehow not software to treat autism.

Oh ok I trust you unconditionally because you called me "new".

Where do those files go?

then open racemenu, sculpt tab, F9

Oh really? Well then my only real issue would be SFO. How do I fix that?

Download the SFO billboards for the version you use on nexus.

ok, thanks. Looks like its gonna be ass to install but I'll just back up my game.

Do I need billboards for vivid weather?


Do I need billboards for immersive armors?


>26 new weapons
>5 new dungeons
>voice acting
aaaaalright time to see how big a pile of shit this is boys

>tfw you'll never get too tell your werewaifu that she smells like a wetdog

u look like a fukin pineapple mate

Werewolf Perks Expanded or Bloodmoon Rising?

I'll bookmark it and check it out some day I guess.

Uh no, my waifu looks like a pineapple. And Ill have you know its a fetish of mine :|

o_O thats wut i just said tho xD

Internet here is crap. How is /tesg/ doing? Did I miss anything juicy?

My fucked brain strikes again. Move along nothing to see here.

>nehrim isn't out yet

You missed some minor shitposting about newfags (including yourself) and some shitposting about smiles.

Did you sit the living shit out of that house, senpai?
Did you sit it like it owed you money?
This could be neat to play around with. Any idea why teeth are missing or moved out of place?

That's a cute altmet desu family.

Would be cool if LAL had a start that just drops you at the cyrodiil gate like if you just crossed the border without getting caught like in the vanilla intro

Why is FO4edit needed for dynlolod or whatever

would be cool if the last DLC was like Tribunal but set entirely in the Imperial City and was so huge it retconned the thing we got in Oblivion

Cyrodiil gate as in the one in the southwest part of Falkreath?

I'd find it cooler if you actually went through the act of being hunted down, and that was your tutorial. Then they could rush through the dragon attack scene.

is there a mod that lets me grab ANYTHING with telekinesis? throwing pltes and cheesewheels at people is cool and all but I want to do it with chairs and chests and other heavy shit

also would be cool if you could impable/stab people by flinging a sword at them with telekinesis

Is there not an option to start camping outside of Helgen

Fun times.

Im still sitting it. Oh hey another banana. We need more bananas in this place.