/pg/ - Persona General



May 5
5:30 AM PST
8:30 AM EST

>New PSC on April 28th
>P5 to feature in Dengeki PlayStation on May 12th
>P5 scheduled for Summer 2016 in Japan, 2016 in NA, Europe TBA
>Persona 20th anniversary festival to take place in 2016
>Winter of Rebirth releases on BD August 3rd, 2016
>Next Persona Magazine to release Summer 2016

>P5 Info

>General Guide
>PQ Guide
>P4U2 Guide/Resources

>Art, Guides, Music, etc.
>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
>Persona image collection


Other urls found in this thread:


First for Yukari.



Xth for Yukiko


I didn't know Yosuke was so brown

For the best Persona.

have you worshiped our queen today, peegee?

I just woke up

Every day.

source please

guys i think we need niconico accounts to view the stream

how new are you

duh. you can get by with a free one though.




I want to fuck Rise

I can safely guarantee that P5 will be the smuggest persona game yet.

yukiko dances like a charlie brown character

>hiroyuki founded niconico

I am always forgetting this

Holy shit guys, will there ever be a thread where the first comments aren't about who's waifu is best?


what is she doing

I will burn Madrid


translated lyn interview: dailymotion.com/video/x47n1yz_persona-5-singer-lyn-and-composer-shoji-meguro-interview_videogames

>people hate Chie because she's too mainstream


She's much better than Yukiko

>people hate Chie because she's too mainstream
thats not what i said

>too mainstream
I "hate" her because she's too boyish, not very attractive(by my own standards, yes) and a loudmouth.

I wish I could sleep for 164 hours straight

If you sleep that long you will get a headache I think

You can. It's called coma.

put an evoker to the head

you will sleep longer than that

and then atlus announced the game going to come on 2017, what you going to do? sleep for another year?

Alright then user, who's your waifu?

On the left.

Yukiko for marriage. Mitsuru for lewds.

Aigis x MC x Liz is the only good true ending

I haven't even finished P3 yet and I already know who I'm gonna choose for P4

Yu's room is so amazing

thank you

FES / P3P remaster when

Yeah you should pick Ai Ebihara

his cable management is terrible

I prefer Junpei's room

What DLCs you think we will have? Would you buy them? (I hope they are included in the collector's edition)

>Legacy Personas DLC (Main party's Personas from P3 and P4).
>Bikini DLC costumes (Not available in the west).
>Legacy uniforms DLC (Seven Sisters, Gekkoukan and Yasogami).
>Personas DLC Costumes.
>Legacy Persona optional boss fights (Optional dungeon with previous protagonists as bosses, and Igor as final boss).
>Lupin costumes DLC (Different jackets sold separately).

$4.99 Investigation Team Costume Pack
$0.99 TV World Glasses Pack
$0.99 Junes Ringtone
$2.99 Bear Costume
$4.99 SEES Costume Pack
$4.99 Evoker Summon Animation
$3.99 Yasogami Uniform Pack
$3.99 Gekkoukan Uniform Pack
$4.99 Kasugayama Uniform Pack
$4.99 Seven Sisters Uniform Pack
$4.99 St. Hermelin Uniform Pack
$1.99 Thanatos
$1.99 Izanagi
$1.99 Apollo
$1.99 Vishnu
$7.99 Aeon Social Link
$14.99 Persona 5: The Golden Answer Epilogue
$7.99 DLC Waifu #1
$7.99 DLC Waifu #2
$7.99 DLC Husbando #1
$7.99 DLC Husbando #2
$0.99 Pistol Camo Pack
$0.99 SMG Camo Pack
$0.99 Shotgun Camo Pack
$0.99 Slingshot Camo Pack
$6.99 Persona Jukebox Collection 1
$6.99 Persona Jukebox Collection 2
$6.99 Atlus Jukebox Collection

>DLC waifu

>P3P camera

Its much harder to see where the shadow is facing and I can't ambush them easily like FES

burn my ddrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeead

they also blend into the background a lot better too. try to depend on the minimap more and don't walk so fast around corners

I swear if P5 final battle is going to be phantom-kun going solo with infinite endure and the power of social links again..

>All of them sound plausible.
>Persona 5: Infinite Shadows ft. Persona 4 HD Remaster.

I just hope Atlus doesn't censor anything, or at least not Ann's lewd costumes.

haha don't be silly. this time all of tokyo will raise their hands to give you the spirit bomb to kill the final boss.

>social link with a city

>sumaru city is an slink

>Final boss battle is happening
>Phantom wins and lands on top of Tokyo Tower
>Remixed opening starts playing
>You have to battle main detective
>No items
>Phantom only
>Time limit as Tokyo Tower is crashing down slowly
Atlus pls

how come you can't give aigis the lewd armour

What would she even do with it?

I dunno, wear it?

I guess she doesn't really have anything to hide, though

>Tokyo Tower is crashing down slowly
This is not an american game dude

No, she really doesn't.

>what is the papillon heart

>/tv/ making Seagal-posting a meme

Will Atlus put another totally-not-a-celebrity in Persona 5? P3 and P4 was lacking on them.

Tanaka looks like Miyamoto

did mr. silverman snatch any birthdays in either p2?

Happy Showa Day, anons!

He lacks the shit eating grin Minamoto has 24/7

>Meguro Interview

>I apologize for having to wait this long!!
>Please wait a little bit more!
>Thank you

Jesus Christ..

>Thank you

Why is he using our meme?

So Aigis said she used to be a human. What is that supposed to mean?


That she's best girl.

>Bikini DLC costumes (Not available in the west)
i'm not saying atlus USA never censors shit, but they only butchered #FE at nintendo of america's command

She has to fight Elizabeth though

Don't think she can win before getting megidoloan to the face

>best girl
never stick your dick in crazy, senpai

MC did and he's fine

>he's fine

he was gonna get door'd either way, at least now liz is trying to un-door him

>1/1 100% casualty rates
Does that mean anyone who fuck her dies?

I wonder if that arc will be present in P5. Or are they saving it for the next Arena game?

want to be coooooool

what else of note have they censored? besides all the nazis in maken x and some of the stuff with the pope.

Gratitude is the world's strongest meme.

What could've been

FeMC a cute!


She's the saving grace of P3.

She presumably wants to have physical contact with a single as in one(1) guy and that makes her a slut?

>saving grace of a god-tier game

wew lad

>Persona games
>god tier
lol no

He's apologizing for the past 7 months of waiting, what's 7 more days?

>starts movie 2
>Yukari already showing her body


I don't see a problem


>Continues movie
>Yukari never appears again.


bros, what if P5 is shit??
im fucking scared
i wanna destrot those final fantashit fags but i don't know if i can trust atlas
btw i have Persona 5 news.

Another persona game will be announced on May 5th.