/kspg/ Kerbal Shitposting General

Ded as fuck and 1.1 yesterday edition

>Can the game be considered a full release?
No, for all intents and purposes, KSP should be considered still in early access state. The game is nowhere near being able to stand on its own legs both from a gameplay perspective (career mode is definitely not ready and balanced) and a stability perspective. There are still major bugs and memory leaks that shouldn't exist on a finished game.

>Are there big issues with the game?
Bugs and instability are still real and frequent problems, as with every product still in beta. Ask in thread for details.

>What are the devs doing?
Modified versions of popular mods are being included in the stock game while the game engine is being upgraded to its latest version. The next major update (1.1) is supposedly going to bring a complete overhaul of the GUI, be 64bit friendly, have a refined physics/heating/aero model and generally perform better. An external team with heavily questionable experience (Flying Tiger Entertainment) is being tasked with porting the game to PS4, XboxOne and Wii U. They seem to be rushing for an imminent deadline and they are also working on a version of the game that will be obsolete in a few weeks/months.

>Should I buy the game?
KSP is very enjoyable at first, then it usually needs to be modded to retain some sort of longevity, but doing so may dramatically decrease the stability of the game. You will be very familiar with the word "Oops!". The Developers, Squad, have shown many times that they can't handle the project and are trying to squeeze all the money they can with the least amount of effort and with controversial PR tactics. The general consensus at /kspg/ is that you should torrent the game, not because the game itself is unplayable, but because most of us agree that Squad does not deserve your money

Other urls found in this thread:

abandonia.com/en/games/183/Buzz Aldrins Race into Space.html

Previous failed thread: >Trailer:

>Dev Stream:


>Game site

>KSP mods
dropbox.com/s/atzhizfw7pxjdoa/RLA_ProbeParts.zip?dl=0 (RLA probe parts, it's a /kspg/ exclusive!)
forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50701-c (full mod list)
forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/36-add-on-development/ (mods still in development and WIP)
spacedock.info/ (community-maintained mod repository)


>Party-approved rendezvous and docking tutorials

>Some useful calculators
alterbaron.github.io/ksp_aerocalc/ (doesn't work with new aero)
ksp.olex.biz/ (phase angle calculator, use this to plan trips to other planets)
i.imgur.com/iXtul2v.png (1.0.5 deltaV map)

>Official forum

>Hotkeys for operating your craft that are never mentioned anywhere else.

>Official /kspg/ fan fiction

>List of IRL launches.

>View from the ISS:

>Race Into Space

>Original BARIS for DOSBox scaling and filters and shit
abandonia.com/en/games/183/Buzz Aldrins Race into Space.html

BARIS, Orbiter, Space Engine, OpenTTD, Take On Mars, Project CARS, ULA posting, Aurora, TRUMP 2016, scatterer-san, snek, cat dicks and planes are also welcome ITT. MAN and turning the thread to shit are not.

gj guys

Meant to say 1.1.1 yesterday edition

Can't wait for the traditional sweet thread drama to start an new thread with the right foot

Why did you let it die reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

It's your fault too fampai

1.2 WHEN

>tfw no qt lesbo satch gf

>Recently finished RemoteTech ComSat array (for the hundredth time).

>Esophagus pains
Normie night never again.

>Normie nights on a fucking thursday
What the fuck is up with them?

The package inbound to Keosynchronous orbit.

Suffered destruction of 1/4 solar panels during decoupling of one of the satellites. Still had sufficient solar power draw to counteract the powerhungy RemoteTech parts.

>for the hundredth time

I know that feel, and once you will reach minmus with your network and you will be able to finally launch all the probes you want wherever you want, you will stop playing.

>>What are the devs doing?
>Modified versions of popular mods are being included in the stock game while the game engine is being upgraded to its latest version. The next major update (1.1) is supposedly going to bring a complete overhaul of the GUI, be 64bit friendly, have a refined physics/heating/aero model and generally perform better. An external team with heavily questionable experience (Flying Tiger Entertainment) is being tasked with porting the game to PS4, XboxOne and Wii U. They seem to be rushing for an imminent deadline and they are also working on a version of the game that will be obsolete in a few weeks/months.

Welcome to the Shill Thread, we've got "fun" and permanently-alpha-proof-of-concept-developed-within-a-false-paradigm-embezzlement-and-tax-evasion-vehicle-for-fraud-and-treason

Reminder Euros can't even keep the thread alive and are subhuman scum that do not deserve their own time zone. And you can tell its angry user because he added MAN, a poster who hasn't been here for a long time, back into the OP for the 10th time this month

Aaaaaand queue the KSP spammers.

How would you change the OP?

Why 5 antennas?
I guess 2 are for the other Kerbin Sats, one is for whatever active vessel you have, one for KSC, but what about the other one?

>It's the KSP general
>Can't post anything related to KSP
>Okay, mate.

>What are the devs doing?
1.1, while utilizing new development tactics, demonstrates Squad's total incompetence and is symbolic of their lack of desire to finish the game. And it took a year, to add nothing. An external team with heavily questionable experience (Flying Tiger Entertainment) is being tasked with porting the game to PS4, XboxOne and Wii U. They seem to be rushing for an imminent deadline and they are also working on a version of the game that will be obsolete in a few weeks/months.

But frankly we should also address the fact that squad lied about the consoles not taking up any devtime and we should discuss the fact that KSP is having an existential crisis and it's .1's the way down from here until they close up shop in November 2016


This thread is not for you to fill with spam about your useless mission no one gives a shit about

This thread is for building a case of Fraud, Tax Evasion, Embezzlement and Treason against Squad.

I'm early on in my career mode, so they're mostly there for redundancy's sake, and so that future probes can link up with them. I also wanted antennas dedicated to linkage with the ComSat trio, with one being the receiver, the other being the sender, one for Mission Control, another for a now-redundant probe, and lastly the big antenna for all active parts. This pretty much ensures that anything close to Kerbin will surely have the signal to capcom, provided there's line of sight.

I'll post whatever I feel like posting; just try to stop me.

I'll burn something you love in front of your eyes

A aerodynamically-flawed booster that flipped mid flight that I managed to softland into the ocean - not a single lost part; no descent guidance; no SAS; Mechjeb.

What is /kspg/ going to do with Badie?

If she posts tits, will you leave her alone?

I wonder when he will get bored of both posting and playing.

And here we see our permanently butthurt "user", who is so butthurt by everyone ignoring his whining that he started inventing all kinds of conspiracy theories to hide his deep, powerful anger.

Notice how he is also the only one being butthurt about including MAN in the unwelcome section of the OP and claiming to know MAN's posting schedule, coincidence? You decide.

We now silently watch as his autism and several personalitiy disorders unfold in a string of top quality whining, ad personam accusations, claims without a single shadow of evidence to back them and, most of all, the most creative and complex conspiracy theories you can even imagine.


I don't know but it's really fucking annoying having this shill spam our general with useless screenshots from a 2011 scam and constantly adding rants about this "MAN" into the OP that no one approved and also rolling back the OP to previous versions with no one's permission.

Time stops for no man, I hope the Crohn's disease eventually makes it impossible for you to post OPs angry user

>MAN theories
if he exists, he's been here longer than you. Why do you try so hard to regulate our culture? We never asked for your KSP spam or your moralistic judgements of people who AREN'T EVEN HERE

fuckoff angry user, no one wants your shit.

I don't really want to argue but I've been following this for awhile and this man fellow really didn't do anything wrong.

The people who hate him, on the other hand, seem willing to make this general man-hating central 24/7, and constantly complain about this person as if he had personally killed their children.

Seriously the out-of-the-ordinary thing here is the legendary butthurt of the manhaters, they are the cancer killing /kspg/.

But how will you do when you build mun and minmus commsats? How will you connect those to the KSC?
are you simply planning on replacing the whole Kerbin network as new tech allows you to make better Sats?

I usually build my Kerbin Sats to be kinda future proof so I cram 8 antennas in there and never have to think about upgrading them again.
6 of the small ones you have in your Sats (1 aimed at Kerbin, 2 aimed at the other two Sats, 1 set for active vessel and 2 for 2 future mun Sats) and 2 of the dishes you also have in there (each for 2 future minmus Sats), which pretty much covers everything I might be building and sending all around the Kerbin system.

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

I am very happy with the state of Kerbal Space Program. The devs are hardworking and dedicated people who are working to make a terrific game.
I am glad I purchased this game while it was in early access and my money was well spent because I have gotten over 2000 hours of entertainment for a fairly low price.
I look forward to seeing the further development of this extremely fun game.
Space is Fun.
Kerbal is Fun
Squad is Fun.

Let's review why the consoles are the lynchpin in the scam theory:

>collect $100 million to create PC game
>fumble PC development, begin declaring sections of the game "scope complete" for the sake of press releases
>throw roadmap out, rush a shitty career mode with a backwards difficulty curve
>secret feature is a "exploding buildings"
>in 2014
>paving the way for upgradeable buildings
>which were there to turn our space simulator into Maxmaps' personal business simulator and runway takeoff and aerodynamic liftoff sim with some persistence.
>Console companies demand "1.0" label
>Spend the rest of 2014 working on your "beta"
>That is not actually a "Beta" in any way shape or form except the title is "beta than ever"
>The tail is now furiously wagging the dog
>Another 6 months, 1.0 adds nothing, hotfixes take four months.
>Silence for a year
>1.1 comes out
>Suddenly console builds and PC builds are identical
>We are playing console builds
>We are playing a game that was designed for consoles

Yet we paid Squad to create a PC game.

So they took the PC game money and used it to create something set up for a second payday on an entirely different platform.

We never received our final product, and consoles will receive a broken piece-of-shit useless alpha blahblahlbah

This, my friends, is fraudulent activity, a scam, perpetrated by the use of Tax havens, embezzled funds, and enough Treason for the young mexican children around Squad HQ who are dying and sick to not receive the help they need, due to Squad's avoidance of $30 million USD in Mexican taxes.

All this from an "indie mexican dev" which is actually a dutch marketing company.

Now let's talk about Parallel Dynamics, Deported bv, Electro Chango SA de CV and Monkey Squad SA de cv, a few of Squad's holding companies they used to launder the early access funding and avoid the very nature of Early Access, which is openness and transparency in game development.

We're coming for you, Max. The rope waits.

I'm currently playing on career mode, so I only have the really early antennas unlocked. Therefore, there's no real way or reason for me to fit as many antennas as I possibly can to the satellites, as their usefulness would be limited to the range of the main dish.

To answer your questions, probes sent to either Mimus or the Mun will be fitted with the only high-gain antenna available, which ensures that it will remain in constant communication with at least one of the three keosynchronous satellites, provided it's in front of the moon. Soon enough, I'll provide the moon with 100 percent coverage with another trio of ComSats, which will link up to Kerbin's trio via whatever antenna becomes redundant at the time (I definitely don't need all three pointed at capcom).

If I do run into any problems with my current configuration -and I have no doubt that I will- I'll deploy some more satellites to reinforce coverage.

Thanks a lot for your input; it's always nice to talk to a friendly KSP player.


>People still do near-kerbin interplanetary transfers

Well it sucks. But this bullshit is everywhere. People avoiding tax, people making bullshit promises. you cant change it.
I have my fun with a modded ksp. fuck the rest.

All bully to newfags.

My last post for the day, see you later.

I once read a very good tutorial for an efficient Kerbin-system commsat network, I don't have the link right now, but it allows to make Sats with zero redundancy and overall cheaper cost.

It's what I always use because it's so good.
The first ring of Kerbin Sats are as described, then you place two Sats orbiting Kerbin at the same distance as the mun does, placed right outside the mun's sphere of influence, one in ahead and one behind the mun.

They have one antenna for each of the Kerbin ring (which doesn't even need to be in synchronous orbit) Sats, one aimed at the mun, one for active vessel (because the active vessel one in the Kerbin ring doesn't have good range for anything past the mun) and two for the minmus Sats.

The minmus Sats are placed exactly as the mun Sats and built the same.
One antenna for active vessel, one for minmus, three for each Kerbin Sat and two for interplanetary Sats placed outside Kerbin's sphere of influence with the same logic of the other Sats.

This way, except when strange eclypses happen, there are always at least two paths back to Kerbin, you use one less Sat for each moon and the only drawback is a little slice of surface on the opposite side of each moon from Kerbin with no coverage, which is not really a problem as the moon rotates and you just have to worry about not wanting to actively fly or land in there.

The Sats are more complex because they have more antennas than usual, but you use less of them, which means less launches and less money spent in the long run, it's also completely future proof so there are no antennas suddenyl becoming redundant or useless.

I just wanted to share my logic since I don't like replacing Sats a million times or having waste antennas floating around, a problem that you might be facing sometimes in your future with those Sats.

This is good info. I'll make a photocopy.

W E L L , Y E S S , I T ' S I N I N T E R S T E L L A R , B U T I T ' S A R E A L L Y G O O D P O E M.

Remind me were that is, again?

Sorry, but that was uncalled for.

You can tell they're scared.

The fraud case is getting stronger.

Looks like /kspg/ is going to get it's resources back after all :^)

But seriously check out all this soulless, purposeless spam filling our general. Just makes the fraudposting stand out more. Thanks Forums Defense Force!

It was? Really sorry then.

/r/ing /kspg/ Sagan flag


I usually put 3 comsats at around 800km range with a com-16 and 3 dts-m1's that handle everything until I'm near done with mun and minmus. By then I have enough tech for the big dishes and build 2 satellites with late game remotetech at geosync 60 degrees from either side of KSC.

Joking aside, it really feels like the forum defense arrived.

I'm glad it's finally reached a threshold where you feel that way, but keep in mind that this OP was created by the same guy constantly replacing OPs for years (changing torrent to purchase just to trigger the spergs, etc)

And also keep in mind the defense force had to be organized enough to let the other thread die just before we hit wakeup time in America, so this isn't a new trend.

He/they have been here for years. It could very well be Max, hoping to vanquish /kspg/ so he can return to gainful employment. It could be a forum mod, it could be a forum or subreddit poster who thinks they are helping KSP

What they do not understand is that we care more deeply about KSP than any hugbox, and we want to see it thrive in its purest form -- as open source -- or with the accountability we expected when we purchased the early access idea created by a brazillian and developed by whites.

Shortly after the millions started flowing in, they fired the whites, hired Mexicans, and the quality of the game's development took a nosedive, which is when /kspg/ began to rebel against Squad.

We believe in a better KSP. We will do what it takes to bring it there. All pollution and spam here serve no purpose in terms of the good of KSP -- in fact they hurt it.

But more importantly, the people perpetuating this sad, sad charade have goals other than the best for KSP in their minds. They just seem to want to watch the world burn. That's the type of sociopathic emotion I only associate with one person.


I am very happy with the state of Kerbal Space Program. The devs are hardworking and dedicated people who are working to make a terrific game.
I am glad I purchased this game while it was in early access and my money was well spent because I have gotten over 2000 hours of entertainment for a fairly low price.
I look forward to seeing the further development of this extremely fun game.
Space is Fun.
Kerbal is Fun
Squad is Fun.

I think some of those are newfags.

p l o p


angry user on life support!

>there are two angry anons
>one is euroscum with a weak grasp of language but the availability to sit on a computer 20 hours a day 7 days a week
>the other is in a western time zone and understands some of the finer complexities of the issues (making fun of someone for pointing out a fin behind an engine blocks all airflow, asking them why they'd ever put something behind an engine)
>our western time zone user is perfectly fine with all aspects of /kspg/ culture except tax evasion and MAN
>the euro is an agitator and spammer
>is probably yuri
>maybe iowa too

I think I finally figured out the puzzle. Max and his buddy have 24/7 coverage of /kspg/, and at times they overlap, allowing them to strawman each other.

This is my favorite theory yet.

Space is fun
Kerbal is fun
Squad is fun

Come on..this has to be some kind of social experiment or something..
A person can't be so paranoid over a videogame

>Squad is fun
How, precisely?

I don't think you have a clear picture of what a strawman is or how it work

It's not paranoia, Max.

It's certainty.

>calls everyone max
>when max comes with a verified trip he is not max but a buddy of Max that asked max to tweet so he could fake a trip verification.


max pls stop we know it's you

Can't wait for Trump to build the wall so mexicans can't have access to capitalism and develop new ways to steal money.

2016 - 2092

wait, I thought I was angry user?

welp, 1.1.1 didn't fix the cockpit shadows thing, guess IVAs looking like shit is just something were gonna have to get used to

pls leave



no i'm angry user

Hey you fucking imposter, I am the angry user, aka scibot, aka Adrian, aka ezequiel, aka raptor
Fuck you

yeah but i post KILL WHITEY and HILLARY 2016

i also started TRUMP 2016 but that stopped when the resident bernie supporters stopped replying


Max and his Angry Euro on life support


even leftists think stein is insane tbqhmmbf

i do wonder who the third party meme of the year will be though. it sure won't be stein or paul.

John McAfee.

if you think meowth is lewd in that manga wait till you see misty

>dreamt the wormhole scene 2 years before the movie came out

Good morning /kspg/

I hate america :^(

I hate america too :^)

Red 10 bump.

Why are we so dead?

Because you are wrong kind of homo.




B-But girls are cute!

Maybe if they had benis

Benis is not cute.

benis is very cute.

well I guess you've told us that it is morning for you angry euro

It's like 7/8pm in Europe, what the fuck are you smoking

Maybe to you. But I've never been attracted to benis.



Please comment on the validity of this for the benefit of my personal fantasies.

>tfw girls will never have benises

You can keep being a faggot and suck dick"girls"

>there are two angry anons
>one is euroscum with a weak grasp of language but the availability to sit on a computer 20 hours a day 7 days a week
>the other is in a western time zone and understands some of the finer complexities of the issues (making fun of someone for pointing out a fin behind an engine blocks all airflow, asking them why they'd ever put something behind an engine)
>our western time zone user is perfectly fine with all aspects of /kspg/ culture except tax evasion and MAN
>the euro is an agitator and spammer
>is probably yuri
>maybe iowa too

The argument is that this is our european shill pretending to be an American personality to differentiate his usual shilling.

Note the lack of any reason to post or content coming from the posts. Just avatarfagging spam designed to establish this personality as a "regular" without interacting with any of the other regulars.


They aren't "girl" enough.

>Yuri lives in Texas.
>Texas is not Europe.
You should take your meds. And look at a map.