/dbg/ Dirty Bomb

>Is it p2w?
>How the loadout system works:
>Loadout/weapon/augment charts
>Recommended loadouts (Updated but still a WIP - Not quite finished, give your feedback)
>How do I get this game?
>Join our steam group and play with us:
>Wanna play competitive?
>Tweaks and HUD customization
>Singleplayer map practice and testing commands
>Aim/reflex training:
>Best waifu

Other urls found in this thread:


OW is out, this game is dead dude let it RIP

Am i the only one who thinks the business model of DB is shit ?
i mean:
> you can buy boosters for creds
WHO does that ?
>You can buy cases which loot better loadout
BUT, you drop shit tons of cards while playing and you can upgrade them since the game isnt a P2W
> You can buy mercs with real money
lol just grind a bit and buy with the ingame money

Well im now 200h, it would be fair to give them some money because sometimes im having fun with the game but i wont, because it would be A WASTE. On the other side in a game like DotArd (+3.8k hours of autism) i had no problem to spend 30-40€ for cosmetics.
My point is , having the cosmetics tied to the loadouts is dumb and a fucking key ring or a color swap dont worth money.

Really faggot, REALLY? You need to post this every thread or something?

Oh, hello you !

I only posted this once but maybe you prefer "talk" about that shiny Cobalt Phantom loadout you just dropped like in the dozen of past threads ? :^)

Friendly reminder to type setclantag /dbg/ in console! :3

Who will get the card? Felcher or Vaseline?

Go away Jack

>am I the only one
Oh shut up

You first

Proxy :3

If I wanted a comeback I would have scraped it off your mom's face boyo

Objectively the best mission set I had this entire shitty event.

They make profits ?

>O-OW isn't gonna k-k-kill the game guise
>thread dies immediately when beta opens up
just face it faggots, the game has been nothing but a husk for almost a year now, let it go

People have been telling them there's nothing to buy unless you're a retard who likes to spend their money on worthless RNG. They don't care because they have "more important" things to do.

You guys aren't having fun, just being cursed into never stopping the endless grind of credits over and over again.

Free yourself from this self imposed hell, uninstall the game and free yourself already.

>trying to stop players from playing the game
>on it's own general
Jesus. Don't you have better things to do ?

Forgot to add
d-dont forget to buy Overwatch, a supreme high quality game that will become a modern standard for FPS games for many years to come
10/10 Breath Taking
9.8/10 A modern FPS done right!

>people bitching on /dbg/ about low posting
>on a monday

It's Tuesday you dumbass

Its what im asking
Thx it's what i wanted to know, weird response from them, i hope it wont be dead in a year...
to play what ?

>to play what ?

Unreal Tournament, it's also free and grindless

But cosmetics and grinding are what keeps me hooked. I would play ET if I only wanted good gameplay.

It runs bad on my gtx570

I would kill to play Quake Wars with real people again

>mentioning "grinding" as a downside of DB
nigga it takes about a week to get a new merc with a good loadout card

I haven't felt the need to "grind" anything for DB since September (started playing in July). Basically in 2 months I had everything I wanted with loadouts in bronze or higher.

Shit, sorry, orthodox Easter made monday free here and my brain shifted the week.

That's dumb.

Just stop paying attention to missions, same result and you can still play the game.


>tfw sjws banned Aimeme's exposed belly

I like that she has a shirt more. None of the characters are dressed in a totally retarded way. It's stylized operator gear in most cases. The exposed belly makes her look even more 90s than she already does.

But Proxy has exposed shoulders and armpits, why can't Aimee have the exposed belly?

Not the other guy, but I also think it just looks dumb.

As to proxy, exposed shoulders on a tank top are a lot more natural than a long sleeved leather jacket with a midriff.

Yea but Aimee is a fashion freak. I doubt she would wear anything that's not fashionable.

Her clothes are really lame with or without the stupid midriff.

You're not a fashion designer, though.

No one with a strong sense of fashion would wear that lol. Also with her flat chest and face I just realized, she's a trans woman. That's awesome.

>flat chest
Nigeria, you blind?

How do you know what's in in 2020?
You don't

The better I get at DB/FPS in general the more I hate Fletcher, Fragger and Redeye. It amazes me that these gameplay concepts made their way into an otherwise very high skill intensive game, they don't really feel like they properly "fit in" with the type of combat you come to get used to.

>A cups
>not flat

That's why high level players complain about everything. They get outplayed by players worse than them using skill gap closers like shotguns, explosives, burst rifles, PDP, etc. They complain about a lot, but in turn use burst rifles, PDP and explosives just the same because they have to keep up. It frustrates a lot of people.

I can see it from the shitters point of view too. Just because you have better aim doesn't mean you should always win. And if everything pisses people off so much, why don't they just quit? Well, they do quit. Most of the old comp players have left for other games. There's only a handful of decent comp teams left out there these days. LPS, t$t, fE, HERO and fX are the most notable ones lately, and multiple times now it's been shown that t$t and maybe LPS last tournament have been the only real challenge for fE.

Cargo pants are never in fashion, they are useful, but not stylish.

She has budding breasts from taking estrogen shots.

>Cargo pants are never in fashion, they are useful, but not stylish.
Cargo pants is the only needed piece of tactical clothing, the rest of the clothes can be regular.

>Just because you have better aim doesn't mean you should always win
Even Inf3rn0 who probably had the best aim out of any DB player ever agreed that you can never assume that having superior aim will win everything by default, and that overall gamesense is more important, but it's quite infuriating how for instance Fletcher has a get out of jail for free card as soon as he manages to turn a corner. It makes me feel like I wasted a lot of effort putting myself in an advantageous position and tearing out a chunk of his HP only to have him get away scot free. Or how Redeye can essentially deny huge portions of the map while being invulnerable since no one can know where he is behind the smoke, terrible design that allows no counterplay.

I can't beat 30% accuracy even on sniper rifles. It's a goddamn 25-29 on anything. Teach me your ways, dbg

What exactly is your point? Are you saying the rest of her clothing is stylish? Because it's not. Her bolero jacket and shirt look similar to what I saw girls wearing in college 10 years ago on their off days. The hat looks like something a skater would wear.

Exactly, game sense and positioning is important. Also people dick ride that guy too much for what was essentially baiting his teammates. He's great no doubt, but people need to take him off the pedestal.

Fletcher isn't really that strong as people make him out to be. He's countered easily by good tracking. People just react poorly to his movement because he's allowed to be just as effective and move more erratically. It's harder to predict than most other gunfights. Basically, he doesn't get to go around the corner the better your tracking is.

Red Eye I can agree with that it's poor design to have his counter play be another Red Eye. There's blowing up the smoke with artillery or grenades, but like you said, you don't really know where he is, he could throw the smoke farther ahead of himself and be no where near it but still able to see through. He's more okay the higher the player count is, but 5v5 can make him a problematic.

The jacket is vintage, remember it's 2020.

aim better

Do you have windows mouse accel turned off, and windows sensitivity at 6/11?

A good gaming mouse, or at least a cheap mouse from any decent brand, and plenty of mousepad space?

A high refresh rate monitor and a config that gives you steady high FPS?

360 per mouse swipe, turn off mouse acceleration.

Relative to her stylized body size those look like Bs. As don't have curves on the sides.

Inb4 push-up
>wearing push-ups in combat

>people dick ride that guy too much for what was essentially baiting his teammates
I faced Inf3rn0 and he most certainly didn't bait his team mates a lot, he was just really good at putting himself into positions where his crazy aim could solve most problems.

>Fletcher isn't really that strong as people make him out to be
Just look at how many bullshit kills Fletcher can get with barely any effort, and compare to how much harder it is to kill with Proxy or Bushwhacker. He's overpowered for an engineer.


>guy with rampage in enemy team
You should be ashamed for allowing this to happen.

and redeye is underpowered

Might as well show you beating children in football you in denial beautiful trans girl you.

eeeh, that looks retarded.

why do people listen to puritans who are not even their target audience?

>that snap at 0.01 seconds
Sure, any weapon is good if you use an aimbot :^)

Nah, it's not hardware and configs, I even do outgun 1v1 people generally, it's either I can't track jumping proxies and fletchers, or inability to adjust to weapon's innate inacuracy.
What's accuracy I need to aim at to bee good, anyway?

45% is average

>what is low sensitivity + muscle memory
how does it feel being a shitter?

Here we go

>35%+ on autos
>40%+ semi autos (excluding PDP)
>50%+ on bolt actions (and PDP)

Emphasis on "+," as the values above are what most people (here anyways) consider to be the lowest values that are still somewhat desirable to shoot for.

Always try to improve.


>damage control

>implying i care what you think
link related, it's you :3c

You're not a fashion designer, though.


>get triple the kills of the enemy team's top killer
>still lose
Execution sure is fun.

>tfw 90% of matches are stomps, and second highest score player usually has about a third of my score
feels good not being bad q:^)

those snaps aren't even that fast?

>quick snap movements
>aiming for the head
>getting more than 1 kill in a life
>level over 30
>throw a heartbeat sensor

Welcome to dirty bum.

>playing almost daily since CW
>level 14
just how

>playing BB and DS3 recently
>come back to DB
>can't click heads anymore
damn it

>vaseline is underpowered because if you miss you've got massive downtime
>t. shitter

who are you quoting?



Sorry guys, game is dead. Overwatch is here and Splash Damage can't manage their game properly.

Enjoy being delusional about DB and it's future.

you make it sound like we've invested more than just time and petty cash into this f2p game

Shitterbee, will you Ever quit yacking?


>being this triggered


Holy shit you're autistic shitterbee, I will be so happy when you're gone


You, I just said it

>assuming I'm a particular person on a image board

How pathetic

>t. shitterbee
Only you would be this autistic

>How pathetic
Comming from a boy who just said
in /dbg/

How are you doing today /dbg/?

Fuck off you abomination

>calls her an abomination
>posts a goblin with a double chin

i'd let her goblin my balls if you know what I mean



>neither of them can beat miss murder

Downtime on the 4th of May for 7 hours starting 14:00 UTC

Holy shit I had forgot how fun shotgun Proxy is

