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Happy birthday Charlotte
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You're the best, OP. Thank you.

Oh lad why

>Happy birthday Charlotte
This counts as an Edition.

No Editions please.

Felicia is the cutest! Nothing would have meaning without her! She means everything to me! I`m going to be by her side forever and always! Nothing could ever bring us apart! Nothing is more comforting than knowing she will always be there for me! I love Felicia!

Relax pal, it's just forher birthday
People have done it to Ryoma and no complained about that text

What's wrong with her face?

remove nohr

Battlescars. Make. Waifus. Great.

Happy Birthday ya crazy whore-wannabe

I second this request

Your image is more than capable of conveying that point.

>Odin just got two 6-stat level ups in a row
I think he may actually be useful now.

Glory unyielding.

>Happy birthday Charlotte
>It's still May 3 in the part of the world that matters

Please be quiet, everyone is fine here, celebrating Charlotte's birthday.

You lost dude. Sorry. Just get over it.

She's one of the few female character's whose voice acting I tolerate.

So we're using this thread right?

Why can't you tards just wait until bump limit

It's like being torn between two families, in the middle of a war...

We did it, Charlotte friends.

Happy birthday, you beautiful harlotte.

can you even believe that the hotpockets sometimes insist that they do a good job

Not Charlotte thread just got deleted. Charlotte thread gets her birthday thread!

I love Marth!

>Charlottecuck shitposter thread lives


>doing a good job
They should purge /feg/ for ever. That would be a good job.

How is this a shitposter thread?

well, i guess this one lived
they sure took their sweet time though

Why are you so angry?

Because it's /feg/, DUH

How fucking pitiful are Charlottecucks? Yeah go ahead and shit out 2 OPs after one is already made because you cucks want an autistic edition thread.

It's not. The other OP is just mad that his shitposting thread didn't survive.

>Ryoma and Charlotte get a birthday thread
>Lucina gets (not even joking) a birthday month of threads
>Niles and Yukimura get cucked

Defend this

w/e drill

Niles and Yukimura suck. Plain and simple.

Literally who cares. It's just a picture at the top of the thread that will disappear from your screen after 10 posts.

Homo eye-patch man and Yukimura are shit.

Just close your eyes and walk away from the screen. I'm not even gonna call you "my guy". You don't deserve it.

Charlottecuck spammed two OPs and report bombed that other thread that broke no rules.

can we continue the trend of posting characters in other fe games art styles


>Berukaquck report bombing the silas thread because MUH WAIFU
kill yourself you french fuck

Niles is an annoying character. Yukimura is Hoshidan Iago.
The Lucina thing was retarded but you know how Lucinafags are.

Slowly shut your eyes.
Get up.
Turn around.
Move away from the screen.

Cutest mamui family.

She looks cute in this one.

Just give it the fuck up. You lost. Close your eyes... take a nap. Take a break and return later.

Remove Nohr

Niles got a thread.
Yukimura is literally who, although he still should have gotten a thread.

>not everyone needs a birthday thread
Why the fuck not? Making the OP picture of a character who's birthday it is an easy way to for a neutral OP image. And there's no harm in it.

Move on

Yeah, I knew it was Drill.

thanks desu

Why are you so mad?

And Charlotte isn't shit? She's one of the shittiest waifus.

Kill yourself Drill

Where's mah Awakening/Fates style Nino?

>And Charlotte isn't shit?
You got it.

>And there's no harm in it.
Except for the fact that it encourages people to start more threadwars.

>Playing Hoshido route for completion's sake
>Great Wall of Nohr level.
>Charlotte and Benny are guarding the entrance
>H-Happy birthday Charlotte?

>looking this good
Why did Kozaki ruin everything?


Nah I think she's okay too, even with some weak parts.

I don't care about this hooker, but she seems to have a devoted poster. Next time keep an eye out and post for your peeps' birthday.

Nobody will miss that prostitute anyways desu

This looks stellar. I really dislike Kozaki's style. I really hope he doesn't come back.

Whenever she says that, I hear her say "CUNT" instead of "SCUM".

Makes it twice as good.

There wouldn't be any thread wars if people just let characters have birthday threads. People making early threads to spite fans of (whatever character's birthday it is) is what starts threadwars.

Figures that a Charlottecuck would like another hooker like Farina.

yeah senri kita had my favorite aesthetic i wish they went back to this

You know, now that I think about it. Why do people try to say that Charlotte is a well-written waifu?

Exactly what depth does she have to her character? Why is her golddigger personality not seen as a dumb character gimmick ala Arthur's luck, when a common argument against her is that her supports (which concern this personality trait) all feel too samey?

Please remember that likability =/= depth. I just don't get what I'm seeing here that supposedly puts her high up with Oboro and Flora.

I don't think it exists.

God damn, he just got a 5-stat level up.
At this rate he's going to be one of my best units.

whose wife is this

These past few minutes just prove how fucking cancerous and autistic waifufags are.
>m-muh birthday thread!
>who cares if it leads to thread wars j-just le walk away!

Mine. No bully.


She's not a heartless bitch. She's a gold digger because she sends money back home to her family. On top of that, she's insecure about how she comes across to others. Though she's very skilled in combat, noblemen didn't see that as ladylike, so that's why she puts up this facade.

>Oboro and Flora

Pretending to place Oboro high gives you away tbqh

Oboro isnt deep lmao

No character in Fates is well written. They are just written in a way that they will appeal to a certain audience.

None of the girls are well written or deep in Fates.

I prefer Kosaki's style desu but Senri Kita's looks really nice too

where did you find this mockup or did you post the florina in the last thread

Charlotte is only put in the trinity of Oboro-Flora-Charlotte just so it can be a trinity. She's inoffensive filler. And even then Oboro is debatable, Flora is the only waifu with any actual depth just because that's how they wrote her.

Honestly, I think the whole well written thing is just a way to annoy people. But then again, I'm about as gimmicky as a Fates character so what do I know?

>implying any waifu in this game is well written
Faggot's like are beyond delusional.

This desu. Never understood the Harlot meme.

I did post the Florina last thread.
I found it in the same place: in this thread.

Bruh, the only person who's causing anything close to thread wars is you, and in this case the "war" is more like a single guy holding up a picket sign in front of the club everyone's already settled in to.

>le depressed maid


Drama that's forced harder down your throat than literally everything about Azura is not well-written my dude.

Why do MU sexuals even exist?

florina is for sexual

Niles is based, that's unacceptable.

Literally who?

Bullshit. Otherwise you wouldn't have made 2 Charlotte OP's after that Silas OP was made that broke no rules.

Birthday waifu autism is literally the only reason.

It really wasn't as forced as you think it was.

>just got through chapter 21 Conquest
Lilith's death in this route is even worse than in Birthright.

This waifu meme was a mistake. Post something that isn't related to this meme.

>forced down your throat
>like almost all of her character drama comes from her boss quotes, some which you can't even get if you're playing as M!Corrin
>more forced than azura who literally gets CG shots depicting her suffering
>who literally says she's gonna die in the ending right before she sings in Conquest endgame, in case you didn't play Birthright already

I love my onii-sans!