old: HUE HUE HUE's are here Edition
>Open Beta
May 5-9, If Pre-Ordered May 3-9
>Official Stuff
>Official Comics
>Competitive Info
>The Oversheet
old: HUE HUE HUE's are here Edition
>Open Beta
May 5-9, If Pre-Ordered May 3-9
>Official Stuff
>Official Comics
>Competitive Info
>The Oversheet
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Why do people have such a hardon for Mei?
So....I hate to be that guy, but anyone wanna just make a team of 6 and have some fun?
Who's down?
How to stop team being nothing but offense and snipers and running in 1 by 1?
genji encourages the worst fucking playstyle
>webm in the OP
no thanks
>Want to play beta
>Afraid of enjoying it because I can't afford to buy it right now
Because she can be a pain in the ass.
And she has meat around the bones.
Yeah, that hook is fucking glitchy
>12 people ITT actually play FPS on consoles
and if you haven't voted yet
I want to _____ D.va!
What's that? Taking out backline snipers and turrets? Countering Bastion? Aren't those good things? Finding alt routes on maps?
it's high noo-AAAAAARGH
This game is literally babby mode.
I laughed after playing Hanzo a bunch of matches and then noticing he's got the 3 star difficulty. I've mastered pretty much every hero except for a few that I don't enjoy playing.
daily reminder reinhardt is OP
So there's this tactic people came up with about 20,000 years ago called flanking.
how is he OP?
running around like a fucking idiot looking for kills instead of defending the point
I have a fucking toaster, I'm really excited to see just how shitty console overwatch is compared to pc
How will people even fucking play tracer, it's probably going to be mei, winston, reinhardt, lucio, widow, gengi only
Eww no
one of the main reasons i'm not buying it. you'l get burnt out fast just like battlefront.
Sooooo no one down to play on a team?
Why does this game feels like it was engineered to be some "Everyone wins play for 20 minutes a day" shit instead of something actually fun and competitive?
Because Pharah's designed to have insane vertical mobility. She doesn't need horizontal mobility too which is what real rocket jumping also gives.
>tracer requires precise aim impossible on a controller
it just existing on console is bad for pc players
it will have no high skill cap mechanics likef rocket jumps air strafing etc and instead we get le press shift for jump xD
Why the fuck is Roadhog hook hitscan? I thought I was really shitty at predicting movement but then I started to just press it on the enemy.
>leaver ''''''penalty''''''' is just a hit to XP gained which gets you nothing but more sprays and skins anyway
oh my goodness, I better not leave this literal wipe-out full of retards, I might get my box of who-gives-a-shit slightly later
So what do you guys think so far about the game?
I kinda like it. I'm leaning towards getting it, but I'm going to keep playing to see how I feel about the replayability.
his shield is insane
nothing does significant damage to it and it refreshes quickly
anally rape, binding her arms and putting duct tape over her mouth
There's already a webm of that, short but nice
We already have a game where the best class is also the most maneuverable by far
Will /owg play together any time?
My only friends are an old counter strike acquantince, whos good but is a rage machine that only has fun when we win, and then a casual shitter who couldnt beat DaS.
Im tired of losing because of reapers who refuse to change class
Because Roadhog's only use to the team is pressing hook
If no one responded, that means no one wants to, stop being pathetic.
>This game is literally babby mode.
See you in the pro scene :^)
i like zenyatta
Coordinated fire from the enemy team can easily eat through the shield very quickly.
Just had a game where enemies team left, game outshut down our lobby and didn't give our team the win....
Feels pretty shit to be honest
>Can't play who you want, forced to use heroes you dislike
>Everyone flocks to the heroes who have ez PotG potential like Bastion
>Takes 90% more effort to deal with bullshit than to execute bullshit
I thought it was supposed to start tomorrow? my friend is already in and he didnt buy it.
You require high sensitivity which is a fucking disaster for trying to see where you're going on a controller
He's barely a support i love him
I like the game but the retardation I've encountered so far makes me nervous that I'll be paying for a game with a free to play-tier playerbase
Anybody tried queuing with a friend? Waited several minutes and nothing.
Let's bara it up
>Can't play who you want
Literally just get better at the game and you can carry with any hero
If you're with your team any hero works
I'll play with you, m80
God Tier:
Ok Tier:
Everyone Else
Shit Tier:
So which is the hero you never picked besides that first time to check it out?
>high sensitivity
Be glad that it is. BTFOing Tracers with the One Man Apocalypse is glorious
Why did they make the decision to have Mercy in this game? Nobody wants to play her except bitchbois and if the other team has one and you don't you're fucked.
I did, it took longer than solo. Just keep waiting. Once you find one the rest of the queues are shorter.
Ching chong times not American. EU bitched.
Its open now.
>lost 3 games in a row
>always a completely onesided stomp
>always stuck supporting because team is full of braindead morons who won't do it
thanks blizz
Are you playing Tracer with low sensitivity?
What the fuck are you doing?
>the 3 star difficulty
Because difficulty notes matter in games, right?
>I've mastered pretty much every hero except for a few that I don't enjoy playing.
I highly doubt that, but even if you did, why does it matter?
What happened to having fun with a game?
rofl you're retarded
have fun playing widow on offense on maps with a lot of angles and corridors.
Is "high sensitivity" what people who only play on consoles think playing with a mouse is like?
>in a competitive game
>playing attack on temple of anubis
>other team is two torbjorns, two bastions, a lucio and a winston
>tempted to just leave the match because fuck that cheese
>decide to go junkrat to counter the turret niggers
>manage to get to last, but the torbjorns and bastions formed a seemingly unbeatable sentry nest
>have riptire
>riptire rolls in from behind, blows up
>murders 4 players, kills two turrets, essentially a team kill
>entire team cheers me on, we go to take the point
>a single bastion respawns
>kills everyone on the point
>they win
To add insult to injury, that bastion got PotG and I didn't.
Even now I wonder how much of a complete fucking faggot you need to be to play Bastion and feel like your good at the game.
What the fuck is it really hitscan
I thought my dota skills must have just been shit
Why the fuck is it hitscan that makes zero sense
Roadhog's dead to me
I know he's retarded but you're even more retarded thinking tight places give widowmaker any handicap whatsoever
Widowmaker's case is the same as Sniper's in TF2: Removing them would do no harm in any way and would make the game far more enjoyable.
Effective sniper classes in shooters are always pure cancer.
>I thought my dota skills must have just been shit
Probably are regardless.
TF2 sniper isn't nearly as stupid
Oh lord is this game for children. Holy cow. Just got a 10 kill streak with Junkrat by literally clicking my mouse.
Dirty Bomb is so much better. People have the shittest of shit tastes. They'd buy shit if Blizzard put some purple colored lighting around it and sold it from a loot box, and they'd be so happy they'd tell all their friends to buy the shit too.
are you a genji main?
What should I draw?
>Dirty Bomb
>p2w jumpfest
no thx
>lv 1 newbie talking shit about doing well against other lv 1s
I'm talking about controller's dummy, sensitivity only goes so high, so the max of a controller is "high" and the lowest is "low", even if both are low on a pc.
If you've ever tried the nightmare of console fps, you'd understand that high (FOR CONSOLE) aim sensitivity is terrible if you aren't playing a shitty auto aim fest
cool story /v/ro
>in counterpicking: the game
Best girl
Fun is a completely subjective interpretation and a buzzword that's usually thrown in whenever some retard like you wants to win an argument.
I know right? How dare you have fun with a game with a competitive aspect?
Less than 1% of the playerbase will ever play the game competitively anyways, just have fucking fun with your damn game.
>Oh lord is this game for children.
See you in the pro scene!
I like dirty bomb but it's going fucking nowhere as of now and the developers are retarded as if they didn't learn a lesson from Brink
One more reason why this game is boring shit, can't even play the characters you like
Literally forced into an un-fun experience
roadhog would be pure trash if the hook wasn't hitscan. he already has a hard enough time by feeding ult charge to the enemies and being a tank without shield
Got me
At least this patch is bearable
>Still cannot fucking launch the game
it takes me 14 inches with the mouse to make a 360 degree turn and i'm playing tracer just fine
>poo in loo symmetra is winning
I knew I wasn't the only one who hated that cunt
Oh god why
>literally clicking my mouse
How are you getting kills in your other games without the mouse?
delete this
Oh shut the fuck up.
If there was any actual penalty you'd be senselessly bitching even more than you are now
what if im not the best
lmao you're dumb af
enjoy playing with your 1000000 dpi chinese knockoff razer while being shit at everything you do in life
You can play whatever you want, counterpicks exist in every game. Don't cry because you want to play assault sniper and it sucks
>See you in the pro scene!
why is everyone spamming this shit? this game is going to turn out like hots with the pro scene dead on arrival