Dueling Network General - /dng/

Dueling Network/YGOPro General
Thread Number #2163
Previously, on Yugiball Z Kai! YGOPro: ygopro.co/download.aspx

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Do I really need to become a degenerate and have a tripcode for the /dng/ tournament this Sunday?


Don't ever post with your name off again Marzeshit. I filter your bitch ass for a fucking reason

Not the one this Sunday, that's for the league. Which I'm not sure is happening anymore, trip hater user's autism is strong.

>Forgot name/trip

No, it's just a tourney, though you need a username for Challonge.

"Am I just playing Blue-Eyes horribly wrong?
I saw /dng/ hyping it up hard, so I decided to give it a go, and unless I open absolutely broken, my usual starter field consists of nothing but a Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon, MAYBE with an End-Phase Blue-Eyes as well if I got White Stone in the grave. The deck doesn't even really run any backrow.

I've seen people say how your opening field should hopefully be Harbinger+Crystal Wing, and I have managed that all of about once across ~40-60 duels.

What am I doing wrong, here"

Take it up with Japan, I'm just copying what topped.
Feel free to offer corrections.

cards of consance at 2

Reminder that devotion to your waifu makes you better at card games

God I hope my sleeves get here in time


Thank god. It'll be my first time actually going up against you guys, so it should be fun

TCG Tournament on DN Sunday. On the tournament page there are two polls: one for the time and the other gauging interest in a possible Saturday Imaginary format tournament. I'll look at the results in around an hour and decide whether or not there's enough interest. Start time will be finalized tomorrow
No, you just need both a Challonge account to sign-up as well as a DN account to play

>odd-eyes advent

>Vanilla Stardust and Scrap Dragon over O M E G A and SRDA

Guys, I've lost my meme magic. Someone who I thought was a friend told me to fuck off when I told him he was in the wrong in a violent argument he was having with a chick, and it shocked me so much that my inner chakras have become misaligned. How to I overcome this soul-crushing depression and get good at card games again?




>no way of getting its only relevant effect off

Watch Konosuba and hit a random playlist of iM@S songs on YT

Was gonna say add some cards of consonance but beat me to it. -1 maxx c, -1 GUB, I don't like ravine unless you are running an arkbrave, but whatever floats your boat m8.

Your opening field doesn't necessarily have to be Harbinger and Crystal Wing, just go second, make big shit to beatdown with, and win.

Wait so the league starts Sunday then?

There is no league. It's just a straight up tournament

Max Silver's in exchange for one maxx or Felgrand.
1F1 is also terribly out of place there so get rid of it ASAP

Worst comes to worst, try ditching the extra Maxx, Felgrand and 1F1 for maxed Consonance

Fug, going to be unavailable this Sund-
>tcg only
N-no thank you!

>Wait so the league starts Sunday then?
Sunday's tournament and the league are completely different.

As for the league, I don't know when/if it's staring.

>1F1 is also terribly out of place there so get rid of it ASAP
141 gets tuners on the field though, it's good hand correction.
You literally don't even run CoC in your build laffo
Will add them though I guess, and yeah someone already said to sub Felgrand for Arkbrave.

>Konami making more original numbers

>still not Titanic Moth

Its effect is shit and the printed version most likely will be shit too but i like the art

Hosting again

If the Magicians are the center point of the deck alongside Odd-Eyes in place of Performapals then it's a petdeck.

>On the tournament page there are two polls: one for the time and the other gauging interest in a possible Saturday Imaginary format tournament.
Before you act like a retard at least read

The thing is Blue-Eyes are not, and will never be a control deck, so trying to do synchro plays and get all those negs on board is pointless, the deck is pure DRAGONS beatdown and will remain that way for a long time

You're playing the deck with the wrong mentality

Need 1 more to start.

i'm probably done playing tag now because now I know half of you are redditors, so if you see someone with my name it's not me

dark magician guy here my pro stopped working sorry

It's true

Just in case Imma gonna stop with the tags too after tonight because I just don't want to play with redditors.

Good point, hope the imaginary format one happens in case I can make it.
Whenever the one user starts posting here again I suppose.
Doesn't mean I'm not testing other variants with differing strategies

Hosting TCG-only match to prepare for the official tournament!

Printed version will probably have an effect like: When this card attacks or is attacked, (you can) detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; this card gains 500 ATK for each card in your opponent's hand.

Manga Numbers had their effects changed a lot, so I'm just betting on it

Hm, I guess. I wasn't really trying to play "control," but I guess I was trying to focus on playing for the long game.
Maybe that's my issue, is even when playing full-aggro decks, I'm always focusing on "okay but what do I need to do so I still have plays for next turn" instead of "put 20k damage on board immediately #swag"
I guess I'll try to make it more YOLO and adjust my attitude.
Chaos MAX actually seems super legit, it needs to hurry up and be legal on Checkmate.


Anybody got a kaiju shaddoll deck?

Where? I want some.

>changed a lot

more like nerfed the shit out of them

Manga Tomahawk only detached one material and didn't have that "no further battle damage" bullshit

>make shaddols
>toss in 2-3 turtles
>1 or 2 different kaiju
>1-2 kaiju slumber

Current build, ignore side.
>1-2 of the best Kaiju card, so good it's being splashed alongside Gameciel and others into meta decks

>when your partner runs cupidity in DM

>didn't influence his draws
What a fag.

Would you let her negate you?

What is the most well-designed archetype ever and why is it Shaddolls?

I want to negate her vagina with my penis

I think you're mistaken, my good sir.

>tfw I am getting more and more powerful and can't hold it in




DM: youtube.com/watch?v=VgNyT7kAXs8
GX: youtube.com/watch?v=Qvfp8L1FE9k
5D's: youtube.com/watch?v=QwNOGJhM6z8
ZeXal: youtube.com/watch?v=QfER2dvx2ys honorary mention goes to GO WAY GO WAY
ARC-V: youtube.com/watch?v=_Ks8Wche0EU this tb h

>tfw you wipe your opponent's life points out with blue-eyes ultimate dragon

Why was KaiDolls a meme? It's just a fun deck.

because iron core tried to make us believe it was good

Having fun trying to make a Resonator petdeck and it's actually pretty decent.

Need to fix some stuff, but it's already possible to evolve Red Daemon's into all forms.

Fiendish Rhino Warrior is a fantastic card.

But I am Iron Core, and I was truly foolish to think they're GOOD. They aren't /bad/, however.

but I just devoured an Utimate Obedient Fiend just for her! How I'm supposed to bone her if she negates me!


This is a picture for ants
That's a funny way to spell Blue-Eyes

I run two thunder king and two kaiju files. I also run two call of the haunted. How is your build against petdecks and competitive decks?

>No Taiyou
user please.


That's cool, I only run the 1 Thunderclap because RIPCONSTRUCT, though I need to shove in another CotH or two.
Utter destruction
Varies based on hand, but if you go second you can really shit on things like Kozmemes.

>Taiyou over Endless Dream
>not even Wake Up Your Heart
Don't argue with me or my deck's ace ever again

Feed me UA

>so much hostility in the last thread

So is that guy gone?

>honorary mention goes to GO WAY GO WAY
>not Challenge the GAME
>ARC-V best ending not being Speaking
>5D's best ending not being Future Colors
Good choices overall though. Freesia of Longing is the shit

Wake Up Your Heart would've been my choice too but Endless Dream is pretty good

I just really like the guitar part on CROSS GAME. That's also the main reason why Voice is my favorite DM opening. Unpopular opinions, man.
And One Step just takes me back to the time when ARC-V was still good.

Seems like it, autismo has been quiet for an unusually long time though.

>best Arc-V ending not Future Fighter
You don't fucking deserve any (You)s you unPERFECT fagfucks

Quick guys who's your guardian Ka?

>liking Future Fighters

>future fighters
it's shit.
Rankings are as follows:
3 > 4 == 1 > 5 > 2

I am a born Dragonslayer.

Always, now and forever.

best opening

>"lol im a bird fuck you"

Not that guy but future fighters is at least the second or third best ed. 3 is the best one though.

>not youtube.com/watch?v=CV17y6AwxvM


B-but I actually like 5


>not youtube.com/watch?v=KI25lQ-lKiA
Millenium Game is the best arc. The ceremonial duel is the best duel and the most powerful moment in all the series.
OP 5 is the best opening. Prove me wrong.


We need lewd Sora

>when your opponent would rather time out on a Maxx C

These threads seem to do better at night anyway.

>Not youtube.com/watch?v=C3ZYCrbx7qk

Tie with though

I love Last Train. Best OP by far.

>and posting the best version of it

Good taste user.

Best OPs for each series
GX: Tie between 99% and Teardrop
Zexal: Tie between BRAVING! and Dualism of Mirrors
Arc-V: Tie between Burn! and Trump Card

>believe in nexus
>not last train

do you think that KONAMI is going to make another archetype based on another of their videogame IPs? I mean we already have The B.E.S. archetype, the Gradius-Based Sries and Aitsu & friends from Sexy Parodius.

yeah I know that we have Young Solid Snake, and that The Vampire archetype is loosely based on Catlevania (Infervania = Castlevania, Vampire Killer/Hunter = Random Belmont, Vampire Lord/Vampire Genesis = Dracula) and Flash Assailant = Grant DaNasty, even Gaomon has gotten some attention, but what about a Contra-Base Archetype? or a full Metal Gear Archetype? Silent Hill? or Frogger? DDR? fucking Circus Charlie!

Last Train is definitely my second choice, I really do love the song, but you can't go wrong with Masaaki Endoh

>Not Last Train
I thought you were better than this.

poly blue-eyes continues to be legit


>GX not Precious Time Glory Days
Picking a best opening for 5D's is hard because it's really the one series without a single BAD opening.
I mean Freedom is the weakest out of the bunch, but Kizuna, Last Train, Believe in Nexus and Road to Tomorrow are all fucking top tier

BELIEVExBELIEVE is the best ARC-V opening. It introduced Yuya to the world.