/simg/ - vehicle simulation games general

A thread for all simulation games: racing sims, flight sims, train sims, submarine sims, tank sims, anything else sims which do not have enough traffic to sustain their own independent generals.

Extra attention grabbing search terms for example welcome sims
/fsg/ /dcsg/ /fsxg/ /bmsg/ /shg/ /rofg/ /etsg/ /il2g/ /lfsg/ /tsg/

/fsg/ Steam Group:

/fsg/ TeamSpeak:
Or whatever is on the group's profile

BMS download links

Planefag pastebin:

Silent Hunter 3 pastebin:

Dangerous Waters pastebin:

FPSchazly's Dangerous Waters tutorials:

Repository of various aviation related material:

>Example of welcome sims:
DCS World
Falcon BMS
Rise of Flight
Combat Helo
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Euro truck sim
Assetto Corsa
rFactor 2
Live for Speed
SAM Simulator
Steel Beasts Pro
Steel Armor: Blaze of War
Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum
Silent Hunter
Train Simulator
Farming Simulator 2015

>Example of non-welcome games:
Arm* 3
Ac* Combat
W*r Thunder
World of ____

Other urls found in this thread:


>Winning in 29s against F-15s in head to head BVR

This deserves another high quality shitpost

Why isn't ARMA allowed when it's clearly an Army simulator?

That shit felt good as fuck family

There's a disadvantage to just leaving the F-15C radar at 160 all the time, right? Should I be switching through the distances constantly?


thread theme:


I'm not too enthusiastic about the idea of letting players drive the ground vehicles. Mostly because it'd take a lot of time to get anywhere and the server would reset before then.

I scan at 40 and alternate between distances based on how far the contact is from me. I like to switch between 20 and 40 miles.
Anything past 80 miles is useless, as you wont see it. I would start at 40 and move your way down in scale as the bandit gets closer to you.

>switching radar range
I didn't even know you could do this, what are keybinds for this wizardry?

What happened to /wgg/? I mean, the only non sim in it was Wargame, but it deserves some love nigga

+ and - on numpad iirc. Also you an just move the cursor to the top of the screen and it should increase it.

So is there a point to the R-77 or should I just use the R-27ER?

It doesn't seem to love chaff any less, and it has a worse effective range it feels like - any reason to use it when flying MiG-29?

I know it's supposed to have its own guidance (right?), but that's kind of useless if you don't know when the missile starts tracking on its own.

You should use the R27ET.

I always try to bring at least one of those on the central pylons, two always on Su-27.

No, you should completely ditch radar guided missiles in favor of the 27ET and the 73 unless you really know what you're doing.

>unless you really know what you're doin
even then...

Even then I'd wager that the R77 could be useful if you fly paired with a Su-27.

Holy shit guys. Our da bois spirit has been heard throughout the motherland and has been instilled into our brave red brothers. This is the bottom right of the map. They have taken Tibilsi. This time the spirit of da bois won't let those blue cucks overrun us while we're sleeping since they have no lives.

>3 autists took an airfield when no one was on the server
Impressive, did you also went into the blue gci slot to turn off all the SAMs?

That's cheating? I thought it was russian spy meme tactic.

Anyone can join the CGI slot when there are no admins on, disable the SAMs and then move in. The slots are not protected and if you change your nickname you can choose blue/red side again.

DCS community is quite pathetic.

>hopefully tomorrow won't as big of a mess as it was today

Da bois had nothing to do with the capture of Tbilisi, it was 5 or 6 forumdads that did it while a bro and I fucked with Sochi-Gudauta


What do you care you're not the one driving, also it'd be mostly for area defense, since you could operate things more useful than the zu23 emplacements.

>The slots are not protected and if you change your nickname you can choose blue/red side again.
Is that so? Maybe I'll infiltrate the boys for a bit then.



>What do you care you're not the one driving
Yeah, but knowing DCS the convoy's position might get reset once the server restarts.


lmao the chick in the video has the same HOTAS as me

Some peopel take this whole sim and blueflag thing too seriously.

Yes well some people are 40 year old truck driver man children that fly f-15s in a game and think they are hot shit, but whatcha gonna do?

>musician political opinion

>wake up
>realise it's another day that is without the MiG-25
>tfw you will never fly at the edge of space at Mach 2.5+ with da bois in your Foxbat while F-15's struggle to shoot you as you bounce the fuck out
>tfw full fidelity modern slav planes literally never fucking ever
>tfw still no fucking PFM for the Fulcrum
>missiles are still shit to the point that the MiG-21's missiles are more reliable than the 4th gen fighters

There is literally no reason to live.

>2ch reaction pics
Suka blyat ))))))

Can you equip the 29 with ET's in blue flag?

yes you can

Yeah boi

You carry two, on your inside most pylons.

Official Gods Loadout:

R73 R77 R27ET FUEL TANK R27ET R77 R73

The loadout of the false prophet:

R77 R77 R77 FUEL TANK R77 R77 R77

>bothering with 77s at all


>wasting pylons on glorified 23ER

Semi Actives vs Actives

If I could take 4 ETs, trust me I would.

But the middle and outer pylons can only take 77s, 73s and 60s.

Seems like the best choice

>Wikipedia article on the R-73
>" It can also be carried by Russian attack helicopters, including theMil Mi-24,Mil Mi-28, andKamov Ka-50/52."


I love the Ka-50, and if I could fucking get R-73s on that shit my dick would be sky high nigga

>Says how R77 is useless
>Says you should even know R60s exist

Do you like being useless or what?

F-15s would be really butthurt.

4 77s, 2 ETs.

But the 77 in its current state is kind of useless compared to the 27ET. It's a little more than a glorified 23ER.

>4 77s

Only problem with that is R73's are god like, and in the pretty good chance that you merge, there is nothing worse than regretting not taking 73s.

Also I'm studying right now with this app, and the question came up. Sorta funny.
Blue Flag when.

I meant to say 4 73s, not 77s. As I was advocating against 77s before and I advised not to carry them.

am i autistic if i refuse to play commie vehicles?


They are effective in the 15 km range, where i really like having them, since IRs in DCS can always be spoofed by rolling and flaring.

Highest tier of autism.

did you seriously play with your radar set to default 10 / 20 miles all the time?

Sasuga /simg/, not doing the tutorials for even the simplest planes

Now it makes sense.

In the 80's Blueflag I had lot of success in the Fulcrum with two R27T's and 4 R-73s.

Two sneaky T shots, and then work hard to survive into 73 range.

Might start trying it in the testing phase. Not sure if I've gotten a single kill with the R77. I love that it's active, but it's range is just so shit for a Radar missile. I get AIM120 launches before I'm even in max range.

>it's active
It really isn't. Its radar gets activated at pathetic ranges.

Might be why mine miss so much

Make sure the missile actually pitbulls. I don't know where the counter for it is though.

Causing a shitstorm 101:
Step 1

Step 2

It has 20 km range for active radar. It's more like a close-mid range missile. Don't try to use it like aim120. Works fine in closer combat where you can't get your ET lock to fire and forget before switching to other target.

Cheeky bastard


There is no counter. R-77 range is so shit I treat them more like an extended range R-73 than a radar missile.

Probably, I didn't even know what the range is on my radar

This fucking turbine is so ugly. YUCK


Now this is a sexy helicoptah.

bluefag ops when?

how does one join da boyz?

Get on TS

fly gods plane

i would really like to see arma 3 accepted.
it is arguably a great combined arms simulator

Make your own general

Fuck off.

report shitposters please

>makes a shitpost
>"pls,repost shitposters"
If you cant deal with people disagreeing with you ,then not only quit this general ,but also the internet.

>Cliffs of Dover online
>ATAG MP server
>Isle of Wight captured by natzees
>Oh no you don't
>Get in Spit Ia
>Fly over Isle
>No contacts high
>Fuckit, I'll dive
>Strafe 4 stationary 109s and set em ablaze
>One 109 tries to scramble
>Turn his engine into mush with muh .303s
>Second 109 circling above me
>Notice my ailerons are now swiss cheese
>Go for a head on pass with this 109 coming out of the sun
>Clobber his radiator and rudder
>Look back to see him climb a bit before bailing
>Limp back to the Mainland for tea and biscuits

We need more CLoD ops

>Shooting down your first MiG in BMS

Feels good man.

Forgot my pic

Why can't the Russians make good missiles?

>first day of bms
>both sides sortie xboxhuge CAP
FCR is pure white

Lifelong arma series fan.
Arma is not a simulator
People who think arma is a simulator are casual idiots who have no idea what a sim is.
Get the fuck out.

Da boyz and girls , these are the babies were fighting against .

If arma is a sim, so is ace combat, and war thunder.

B..but r73 and r37.

Where the fuck is that

>take challenge

>implying the r37 actually exists

Buddyspike forums A thread about model enlargement .

You what?

meant to reply

Is BMS dead ?

They should totally turn it on. People definitely wouldn't abuse the fuck out of it.

There i replied jack, for the good of humanity.

But no one is complaining about that everyones complaining about MUH BLIMP HELICOPTERS even though it's complete bullshit, when the setting is on small.

What's that supposed to be?


You tell me?

Some retard who things small model enlargement=large

I can't even read this mongrel's broken english, holy shit

To be fair, you can edit any setting to be however large you want.