Why is Bastion also one of the highest damaging characters in his normal form?
Mason Robinson
Asher Foster
post win %
Hudson Brown
Community created content when?
Xavier Collins
Why is there a 9 year gap between open beta and launch?
Adam Brooks
Nicholas Price
Farah's ulti needs to be buffed bad. Really bad.
Matthew Foster
>hats please!
no fuck off
Josiah Lewis
fuck OFF
Jordan Morales
never hopefully
Adam Perry
Jacob Nguyen
What does this game deem as "projectiles" ? (Or what does it not rather)
Nathaniel Thompson
>that one fucker that's been playing hanzo for literally two hours
jesus christ pick something different
Anthony Nguyen
meh i don't think it's that weak. it's supposed to be comboed with shit like zarya ult
the only problem i have with it is that it's quite RNG how fast you can kill someone with it if they are a bit further away
Jaxon Green
Post good Mercy art, I can't find any
Ian Rogers
I want the fucking images of the sprays in-game for my own personal use. All i can find on google are the data-mined ones with the background on 'em advertising the website. They are not full-size either or i'd go to the trouble of removing the background.
>leaving out the most obvious and best one ????????????? what are you doing user, it's Pharrah
>entries will include 100 different recolors of Reaper lmao
Easton Moore
future looking good
Dominic Foster
I wanna learn a healer, help me pick one.
Ian Cook
need some confirmation on this;
does rmb blasting an enemy in the back during a speed boost on lucio do more damage?
just one shotted a s76, zen and a hanzo. not sure if thats what it was or if it was something else.
Christian Brooks
Eli Williams
yesterday i saw a guy who had 15 hours on Genji and 15 hours total playtime
Andrew Myers
I hope you all don't pick any skins or presentation or whatever.
Jordan Roberts
Michael Peterson
Mercy for attack
Symettra for defense
Nolan Williams
Maybe that lucky arrow killed someone who was ulting?
Christopher Ross
im laughing omg
Dylan Roberts
that's nothing
open beta had people with dozens of hours of just genji or mcree
Landon Nelson
100% widow win represent
Adam Fisher
best i could find
Asher Brown
My game crashed and it now says im being penalized
What gets penalized?
Grayson Reyes
symmetra is not a healer and she is only good for defending the first point/early payload anyway
it's pretty simple, the teleport is only valuable when it saves a lot of time for respawned defence players to get back to whatever they are defending. that's no longer the case when the payload or capture point is close to where you spawn.
Austin Wood
Oficial content vs community generated content.
Gabriel Ward
yeah I've seen tons of retards playing soldier 76, hilarious isn't it?
Bentley Watson
I have a 99% winrate with torbjorn I've played maybe 10 games with torb at the most so I have absolutely no clue how I have that specific number. >modern blizzard >community created content Pick one
Lincoln Nelson
quitting during a match your matchmaking and ult charge are slower
Angel Williams
Angel Miller
Symmetra is always good because she's best girl
And she's support, close enough
Jason Gutierrez
>its not supposed to be good
what kind of logic is this
Ryan Sanchez
oh ffs
i cant even
Wyatt Peterson
I like how even that Tracer felt like she needed to backpedal a bit first before going for the blink
As if she needed to take a running start or something
Logan James
Does that occur in hero selection too? I had to take a shit and left the game.
Chase Morgan
You get 75% less XP
It says you need to complete matches to get the penalty taken away but I finished like 4 matches and it's still there.
Ryan Howard
all these other attack heroes have instakill aoe attacks except the one hero whose forte is supposed to be aoe damage
either give her damage resistance so she cant be picked off in two shots, or make that shit deal more damage
Ethan King
>Winky face
Juan Parker
thats not pharah, where are the robot arms and robot legs?
Luis Howard
>And she's support, close enough please don't spread this message it's really fucking annoying when you have to rely solely on healthpacks for sustain because some retard in your team thinks 1 symmetra is good enough for support side of things
Levi Miller
Is it just me or is Genji total dogshit compared to Tracer
I keep trying to play him but he seems slow, squishy and his shurikens deal terrible damage for how hard they are to hit
Jacob Morales
stop leaving so much
1 or 2 leaves isn't going to give you penalties
Carter White
what exactly is winston's role in this game besides bullying squishies?
one tank on the enemy team completely counters him since he will never kill it
Matthew Stewart
wow I didnt notice hanzo was so swole
John Miller
>implying community content is bad
really? did you check the TF2 workshop?
Yeah I know, it sucks.
Bentley Baker
>Too many useless heroes >Payload maps are bad, CP ok. >Alot of characters are too immobile >Characters have too low hp/too few healthpacks on maps for a 6v6 matchup
It's pretty fun but forcing it to be competitive is retarded
Easton White
>femdom bad
Henry Adams
terrible angle. that should have been really hot.
Adam Garcia
I am not that user, I just had to leave before the game started and was wondering if i would get penalised too
Thomas Baker
i like how there is no reason to have a dick in this, but there is one anyway
SFM faggots just can't help themselves can they
Ian Perry
Fuck you nigga, I'm putting down turrets, I don't give a fuck
Hudson Mitchell
>all these other attack heroes have instakill aoe attacks really only applies to reaper
mccree and s76 also have pretty shit ulties that rarely net you kills against good players
shit, as s76 i often prefer not to use my ult because during ult i can't headshot and my aim is good enough that i often deal better FPS by aiming myself and scoring headshots
Colton Fisher
Am I weird for liking the monk guy?
It's fire and forget in terms of buffs/debuffs and his ult feels less situational.
Nicholas Gray
yes hes terrible. most heroes are
Soldier > tracer > mcgree > pharrah or w/e
Ryder Cox
Do we all agree that widowmaker and McCree are the first characters that need to be nerfed and Zenyatta is the only one that needs a buff?
Luis Scott
is this game balanced around consoles?
Why is Widowmaker so fucking ridiculous?
Brandon Richardson
d.va needs buffs more
Jacob White
Yeah, that's exactly why I said that.
Jason Cox
Reaper needs to be nerfed
Eli Baker
he can knock people off ledges with gorilla mode
Asher Walker
holding out hope for zenyatta getting some more love eventually
Aaron Flores
McCree needs a rework to his ulti. Otherwise he's pretty ok I think. He's so slow/immobile so it counters out his damage.
Xavier Young
McCree has an ultimate up every 10 seconds that has a 100% chance to kill not even a pulse bomb has that success rate.
Elijah Ramirez
ok i pick d.va
Gabriel Price
symmetra needs a buff or a remake
she is fucking useless most games
mcREEEEEEEEEE needs a nerf with his fb fan roll fan instakill bullshit
Caleb Powell
>it's a enemy team defends a choke point with torbjorn and two bastions.
Fucking fuck this game.
Logan Howard
I changed settings and now the game keeps crashing on startup, anyone know where the settings are stored?
Hudson Sanchez
1. Take a chokepoint and block that shit, put down a barrier on it and use your big meaty gorilla pectorals to close it off.
2. Jump behind enemy lines, bully squishies, survive long enough for jump to go off cooldown to jump back to safety, heal up, and repeat as necessary.
Bentley Hill
Would you suck Pharah's dick, anons?
Robert Brown
>everyone sucks at the game
just like during the tf2 beta. i'm having fun
Eli Flores
>He's so slow/immobile so it counters out his damage.
no being slow doesn't counter out 840 damage within the time of one stun.
Joseph Ramirez
No it dosent much have been something else
Adrian Smith
i think it counts during hero select
either way, unless you make a habit of leaving you won't get penalized
the old beta forums are gone, but if i remember right you have to leave a certain % of your last 20 games to get a penalty
i don't know the %
Jason Wright
where's the next panel where the entire enemy team is unharmed?
Jace Hughes
Widowmaker could use a complete rework, but they're not gonna do it anyway.
It's like they took the TF2 Sniper and removed all of his weaknesses.
Tyler Brown
I hope you get cancer if you play Mei desu
Andrew Richardson
lmao stop posting anytime freetards
Aaron Russell
The only time I pick a character other than D.Va is when I'm defending a point with Bastion. Feels good.
Camden Sullivan
Why? Just move out of shotgun range. I think he feels weak as fuck Need to be ubers in this game. Mexico level with reinhardt, bastion and torbjörn camping the viaduct is retaded
Landon Ramirez
thats when your team should counter pick
Ethan Roberts
you mad that we are cucking you now? haha
Angel Hernandez
>Its a Payload map with a team of Reinharts surrounding the truck like 300 Sparta style
Jose Davis
women don't have dicks
fuck off
Matthew Reyes
try resetting the options
Charles Bailey
yeah maybe against deaf people
against good players it's a zoning tool that sometimes catches off someone who was not paying attention. even against 150hp heroes the lock down takes too long for them not being able to react and take cover.
probably over half of my high noon's i have to cancel so i get to retain 50% ult charge since it wouldn't kill anybody anyway
mccree is all about his combo, the ult is like 10% of his overal impact on the game if even that
Christopher Collins
Austin Nguyen
The flashbang don't have any range. You're just bad if you let him get that close.
Carson Gutierrez
>lol just don't get shot bro
Brody Hall
>hey guys i've been playing for a day here are my opinions on balance
Andrew Bell
my ult converts your tears into fuel
Bentley Russell
its like people weren't paying attention at all during the Onlywatch beta