/ps2g/ - PlanetSide 2 general

TR UP edition
>What is this game?
>How do I play?
>How do I play? (advanced)
>Tweaks and optimizations
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons
>Weapons chart some user made
>How does the construction system work?

Previously: shitposting, lots of it

Other urls found in this thread:


first for "clab is le eevul haxors, pls b&"

memes edition

>TR UP edition
Let's let this 404 quickly and make the next thread with a less cancerous first post.

>tfw TR players are so good at this game we run out of ammo for our LMGs all the time

we just can't compete

next edition : whining nc edition

>>tfw TR players are so good at this game we run out of ammo for our LMGs all the time
How does spamming rounds everywhere randomly make you good?

t. shiTR

>shiTR can't handle the bantz

Do you think we'll get the solid faction color scheme again in a future bundle?

Most camouflages look pretty awful on vehicles and I'd just like to be able to paint my shit a flat color.


The drop is killing me but I'll try pairing it up with a faster firing minigun to compensate for having only one gun in close range. Any guides worth checking out for MAXes and Valkyries ?

rip in piss


Infiltrator is my favorite class.


Dick is your favorite food.

>can't see shit because nights are dark
>increase brightness
>nothing happens
>increase brightness more
>still nothing
>switch to fullscreen
>literally light as day
>get all of the long range kills on people who can't even see me


>overwatch open beta
>battlefield 5 reveal tommorow

how long until we back to ded?

How are we hackers? what happened?

confirmed hackers

Clab Loves Autoaimhax Bae

oh FUG xD


tldr: just buttblasted shiTRs

>getting autistic about your confirmed hacker status

>implying that was me
>what is meta-shitposting

damn didn't know that we updated CLAB.exe with no recoil mode. I'm gonna have to download a newer version.

>getting autistic over someone else's confirmed hacker status
is this that spicy cuck meme I've heard about

>what is meta-shitposting

>They are now using TR weapons with hacks to "prove" that TR is not UP. I don't know what to say. Even the medkit huffing ".75 wuz fine" Betelgeuse spergs wouldn't go that far.
>shiTR actually believes this
comedy gold

>don't talk to me or my wife's clan again


How effective would a pack of Stalker Infiltrators be if they had good communication?

Like 4 of them all goofing around behind enemy lines, spread out and communicating to coordinate synchronized decloak-crossbow-recloak assassinations on targets and shit.

Or a herd of Fury Wraith Flashes just spanking tanks in a conga line.

>having recoil enabled


>How effective would a pack of Stalker Infiltrators be if they had good communication?

very effective


I've seen a few squads coordinating for shenanigans.

Last night I saw five stalkers chilling in a point room raping all of the ghostcappers during an alert.

CLAB is hacking?

Why the fuck do infiltrators never use recon darts? Jesus christ i often change into infil just to spam that shit while on top of some ammo.


VAC bans soon, stalker.

yeah totally
the evidence is overwhelming

What ever happened to that MLG ini tweak in the pastebin?

A bunch of VS heavies wearing VS camos?

>tfw you let a shitter gun your bulldog ant and they cant hit anything despite there being 50 people running around and the vehicle not moving.

On a somewhat related note has anyone noticed how great the ANT is at running mans over? Its super wide, maneuvers amazing with scrapper and kills maxes in one ram, also it has sundy HP and a gun on top to finish anyone off.

>Red Alert harvester nostalgia.

If you're curious about what the new latency indicators mean.

No because they don't exist anymore. It's just one abrasive cunt posting webms of no recoil hack and when people point out, he goes into autist mode and starts parroting memes like "aim better"

Oh, neat.

Patch notes on some shitty fan site and no where on the official site.

How nice.

Hey man don't look at me

They don't like the official forums because they don't have an army of circlejerkers to le-downboat any nasty posts into oblivion.

are you enjoing ANTs?

What's the quickest way to make certs at the moment?

>no recoil hack

are you talking about this?
this is hacking to you?

> shitty fan site

r/planetside is literally more official than the forums

it's sad but it's true


>If you're curious about what the new latency indicators mean.

You get two ping indicators now. Your ping and server ping.

>It's just one abrasive cunt posting webms of no recoil hack

If you want i can sell you CLAB's no recoil module for only 19.99 euro (without shipping)!

I love ANTs, I don't use them for minecraft rather as a psuedo-combat vehicle.

My personal setup is Max Stealth, Max Scout Radar and Max Scrapper, park them in the right place and you can easily get 10-20kills with the Kobalt or Bulldog. You're pretty much boned if a tank or harrasser shows up but they're onlt 200 resources so its no big deal. The best thing about the ant is that it is tanky as shit but doesn't handle like dogshit like the sundy. The scout radar lets you see where enemies are (and they dont know where you are with stealth) and then you can flatten them with ease, drive over a couple of tank mines and still not die; it's great.

>I love ANTs, I don't use them for minecraft rather as a psuedo-combat vehicle.

oh... I just wanted to talk with someone who actually likes the conctruction system

if you've got a gunner, the best thing is by far the shield.
you can sit there and tank hits for up to 250 seconds. it's insane how nobody sees the problem with this.

I like it
What do you want to talk about?

t. shiTR

are you surprised?

is burst fire and pulling the mouse down really too much for shiTRs?

I'm not sure it that guy really think this is a no recoil hack or is that just a joke.

The chance that some of them will hit their target is >0.

most imporant question is

1. how many of minecrafters are out here? seems to me like if there are 2000 people on the server, only 200 tops are building shit. Am I wrong?

2. Is there some kind of community around building shit? Like groups/ outfits who only build and harvest shit and don't push lanes like everybody else?

>1. how many of minecrafters are out here? seems to me like if there are 2000 people on the server, only 200 tops are building shit. Am I wrong?
It seems to vary from day to day
>2. Is there some kind of community around building shit? Like groups/ outfits who only build and harvest shit and don't push lanes like everybody else?
Not as far as I'm aware of. My outfit splits between regular fighting and base building.

I haven't unlocked any of the structures yet, got the walls and bunkers obviously but they get destroyed in nano seconds unless you have the auto-repair things. Some of the bases I've seen outfits build have been really kickass but I can't be bothered to spend the time trying to set up a base by myself only to have a couple of gatekeepers blow it up. It's really something you need support to do.

I primarily play solo so the radar is good for me, mainly for the xp gain from nearby kills but also for the ramming; also the shield will get nerfed to uselessness (ZoE levels,) you can bet your ass it will.

>also the shield will get nerfed to uselessness (ZoE levels,) you can bet your ass it will.
Of course it will, but it's a ~1k cert investment and your gunner can easily get 500 certs an hour unboosted, which means the driver would get a comfy ~200 certs per hour with absolutely no effort.

Oh man.

OK, the way to fix that is set render quality to 99% instead of 100%.


take a look at cloakers while that bug is in effect

is there a ps2 version of this?

I think there was a crown themed one or something similar.

>are you talking about this?

I haven't unlocked ANY of the construction pieces.
We need to apply the piece shapes to geometry and in time to classical roman architecture foundation layout plans.

You know the Jackhammer is OP because even BR100+ use it. Normal shotguns are pic related, and the pellets despawn after 20m. You never see anyone but the lowest of lowbies using them, except a few people who want to aurax light assault.


"whos gonna capture the point lmao"

>On a somewhat related note has anyone noticed how great the ANT is at running mans over? Its super wide, maneuvers amazing with scrapper and kills maxes in one ram, also it has sundy HP and a gun on top to finish anyone off.
It doesn't have Sundy tier HP, but it is a great man mower.

Where is the anti-aliasing option? I am messing around with some settings and now hings look jaggy as fuck

>Not 45% pop
What server is that?

put your render quality at 100%

it says clearly on the image

Damn, the grey camo really looks black on potato settings.

I fucked up the screenshot, but
>tfw your first auraxium is the Python Lightning

I want to thank all shitty MBT-drivers, airchavs and sundie owners on Miller I've fucked in the ass so far.

So how has this construction thing turned out so far?

There's a lot less tower/Biolab fights, so it turned out to be shit

It's FUN

Pops are way up, autism forts are being built, a small number of autists are getting very mad.

found the cod/cs go fagtron


Makes the Archer alot more fun. So many targets. Was just in a group of people using like 8 of them, and the buildings just seemed to melt under continuous fire.

You are mostly correct

I use shotguns sometimes at br+80 because fun

In fairness, insta-killing a beetlenigger as he comes around the corner then listening to the rage-whispers is pretty funny, and worth having a kit with one of the semi-auto shotguns on it by itself.

you jealous faggot

>no female soldiers

Fucking patriarchy

>one guy in the middle of being roadkilled
>four others about to be fragged by a grenade thrown to kill an already dead enemy
>everyone else looking in completely random directions, including the tanks


Just like vanu.

Just usual NC things

>kill roof monkey
>"One less enemy max"



>he doesn't know about MAXassaults

I haven't seen one in ages ;_;

...where's the recoil?

Why do I suddenly suck at this game?

Played Vanu up until BR 53 - got bored.
Maintained a K/D of 1.30, mained Light Assault.

Played TR up until BR 31, pretty fun, I still like TR, maintained a K/D of 1.60.

Now am a NC, just hit BR 32, and after feeling a massive high of "holy shit the NC is for me! Why have I never played these guys?"

I maintained a K/D of 2.0, but then I started to suck horribly and now it's a 1.75.

I'm starting to die alot more now as NC, it feels like my thunder is gone. I logged into TR yesterday and managed to rack up 40 kills and 10 deaths in 30 minutes, before quitting.

I just don't know what to do in this game anymore I guess. I'm not sure what the hell is up with my consistency issues.

It feels like when I play NC, I can't kill anyone anymore, whereas I was doing perfectly great as them before. I don't get it.

It's become downright frustrating for me to play this game now. When I play NC, I think to myself "If I were TR or Vanu I would be kicking more ass than I do right now." but that's not true, because I WAS kicking major ass as NC.

I wish I could get that badass feeling back because I genuinely want to main NC.

Is this me going on tilt or something?

Or am I being a massive baby faggot and should just ignore my stats? I want to improve my game.