>Fuck around with torb >Team mate starts yelling for people to switch >"No" >Team mate screaming on mic and all capsing in chat >"no" >Carry him to victory >"I CANT WAIT TO HIT IGNORE THIS PLAYER FOR YOU" Why are some people so mad
Lucas Mitchell
>Pick Bastion on defense >Win
Nice game blizzdrones
Hudson Cox
D.VA is worst tank. Deal with it, koreanfags.
Hudson Butler
>best girl >not Mercy
Nicholas Perry
is genji good
he seems really fucking shit except to cheese bastions
Kevin Bell
first for bastion damage fall of when
Jonathan Taylor
Tracer is the best waifu
Nathan Campbell
Do all my coins and skins wipe on may 10th or will I keep stuff?
Hunter Gutierrez
>waifufag op >objectively worst girl
Leo Morris
>no crossdresser trap hero to play as this game is garbage refunded
Alexander Collins
I wish Mercy would stick her big german cock down my throat.
Jackson Baker
Best girl ? There.
Justin Ward
He's A tier in competittive
Dominic Wright
Roadhog can fill any role.
Caleb Reyes
>People going all "Lucio is the best support, why play any other?" >Literally never see him
Austin Bennett
Jack Stewart
yes they wipe
Benjamin Phillips
>always commend supports no matter what
Who /notmischievious/ here?
Christian Hall
he's good if you're good, like most of the heroes
Caleb Murphy
Dumb futaposter
Camden Morales
Roadhog can fill any hole
Leo Morgan
Zarya is pretty fun to play, but I've no idea if she's actually good.
Christian Garcia
All of the heroes are good. They're just situational and are designed to counter certain other heroes.
Mason Edwards
widowmaker or gtfo
Owen Barnes
>commend myself literally every game I M P I S H
Austin Turner
Does anyone else feel like Tracer's bomb should have a bigger radius? Like closer to Dva's instead of now.
Cooper Long
What if the support is ass
Jacob Walker
his ult is probably the only support ult that actually does something unlike other supports who die to a sneeze
Nolan Thompson
>mfw someone picks Mercy over Lucio for heals near me
Michael Anderson
B tier lad
Easton Jenkins
>having shit taste Tracer/D.va > Mercy
Mercy is just a typical blonde slut.
Lincoln Hughes
>Fire in the hole no
Brayden Wilson
Really good if the player is good. But he's balanced around that so a poor or even mediocre player on him will be really terrible.
Jace Bennett
Kayden Young
>2 tanks and one mercy >mercy is retarded
Gavin Miller
>Get behind Bastion as Reaper >He just turns around and deletes me because it takes 4+ shots to down him due to armor How is this a counter again?
Bentley Lewis
looks like daddy is about to go a-shoppin
Julian Hall
So Roadhog hook is confirmed hitscan, right? It's not just the low tickrate that makes it feel like that?
Liam Diaz
Why so perfect ?
Evan Long
Doesn't need much radius if you're sticking it on people.
Nicholas Rodriguez
Why would you want a streetrat darkie over a proud German Valkyrie?
Zachary Ward
For sure, it only kills if the enemy has less than 20 health or if it sticks to someone with half health right now.
Cooper Morales
who? the wheel man? just shoot his ult
like aim and left click lmfaoooo
Robert Gray
It is, don't lead with the hook
Anthony Cruz
why is this game so erotic bros
I literally cannot play it without letting it all hang out
Ian Gutierrez
I want to fuck Mercy so bad
Ryder Clark
his counter is pharrah you dip
Cameron Sanchez
>tracerfags are literally this stupid and bad at the game
Jackson Barnes
>Encounter a Zenyatta for the 1st time >Discord orbed and 3 shot >wut >Spends the entire game on fire >Any time the team tries a push he just sits about and 3 shots the damage dealers with his orbs that never seem to miss Wat? Seems a bit of a cunt. Then again I was playing Pharah, so not the best character to deal with him.
Bonus >Pushing enemy team in >On last point of payload >LMAO 4 Bastion! No fun allowed
Dominic Robinson
Why is D'Va's damage so fucking terrible? Why does her pistol do more damage than the double miniguns on her mech? What is the point of this character if she can't out DPS anyone?
Samuel Turner
why is mcree so dogshit?
Hunter Adams
really? I'm too busy killing idiots and trying not to get killed myself to concentrate on anyone long enough to see anything erotic
Thomas Rodriguez
>hang out You wear clothes?
It's 2016
Oliver Cooper
Who /preorder/ here? I'm probably gonna do it Saturday.
Carson King
Zen is powerful but super squishy and immobile.
Charles Murphy
>open beta >thinking anyone will actually pick good/appropriate characters
Cameron Scott
I take Prozac so I rarely get hard without trying to anymore
But yes it's pretty hot
Xavier Roberts
You're supposed to ram into people with her jets (causes damage and pushback) then shoot them at melee range
Carson Torres
I played the entire day today, and even though the game is fun it is nowhere good enough to be worth 60 euros for which they sell it, i can go play tf2 for free or similar games which are just as fun. with this amount of competition selling this game was a huge mistake, blizz basically killed it before they even release
Ethan Young
>What is the point of this character if she can't out DPS anyone? >picking a tank for damage
Are you literally retarded? She's a shit character, but you don't pick her for damage in the first place. You pick her to be a tank, soak damage and push with your team.
Benjamin Lee
maybe if it was 25 dollars games fun though for sure
Dylan Adams
They aren't miniguns, they're like mini-shotguns, you have to be licking someone's asshole to do damage with them. Besides you should be fucking harassing niggers to run from you, not scrapping with a Call of Duty man or Teleport-slut.
Nicholas Diaz
Zen is a glass cannon. He hurts but he only has 150 hp, Widowmaker can kill him with a single body shot.
Leo Watson
f2p players need their own thread
Leo Watson
>3 stack as bastion, Reinhardt and Mercy >Dmg boost on bastion with Reinhardt sheild protecting
It's retarded.
Landon Lee
>Mercy is just a typical blonde slut. staying a virgin, doing it right there
Easton Fisher
no; I don't see the point
>weird that the comic isn't out yet
Michael Turner
because everyone should be nice to each other
Joseph Young
Why are people complaining about Bastion?
Isaiah Sanchez
>Overwatch will be unplayable from the 9th to the 24th
Cameron Powell
>competition Every other game out right now is literal shit and that won't change any time soon.
It's fun.
Nicholas Gray
Please, no. Quad Bastion with a monkey & Reinhardt was bad enough. We won from a Mei ult & ice block pushing the payload in.
Ian Robinson
>Actually does something >Mercy's can turn a fight around if used well >Zen's turns him into a healing wall >Sym's portal can make a big different in fighting an objective
It's not going to be any different at launch.
Jeremiah Allen
cuz even removing his shield doesnt solve the noob killer
Sebastian Rogers
You shouldn't be nice to people who ERP in spoiler text in generals
Parker Ward
>attack >take le shield guy >okay let's do this >start marching from spawn room with shield on against heavy enemy offense >expect teammates to take cover behind shield and kill enemies >the just run around me straight into enemy and almost all die instantly fucking retards, this is like every game ever i really wish they separated retarded players from the rest like they did with hots league, so i am not forced to play with stupid shits
Angel Clark
Yeah, I guess that would be nice. Thank you for this, user, you made me happy.
Robert Rivera
Can we all agree that Call of Duty Grandpa is the hottest character in the game?
Jordan Foster
Try playing Zenyatta against a Widowmaker and you will see how bad he actually is.
Jackson Barnes
Was there a time when Reinhardt could catch multiple people with his dash? Feel like I remember that
David Rodriguez
They have to finish internal testing the 2 heroes they said they're working on for day 1 dlc
Leo Gonzalez
But that's not Hanzo
Jaxson Ross
which are all underwhelming compared to jet set
Gavin Walker
Liam Baker
Mcree is such bullshit to fight against. >flashbang >fan the hammer >you are ded
Anthony Lewis
Nice blog
Just kidding I didn't even read past 2 lines because it was so bad.
John Nguyen
there is MMR but it takes like a day of games to get placed properly so enjoy hell until then
Jordan Cook
>pre-beta >everybody hates tracer and says shes shit waifu >posting about how shes my waifu, getting hate >lovin every minute >beta >every other faggot now saying tracer is best girl
fuck you guys
Charles Morgan
>playing mccree on hanamura >get behind enemy hanzo at start >kill him >stand beside spawn door and kill him a second time >he switches to reinhardt and waits for mercy to spawn >wait til they come down alley, roll through his shield, kill mercy and flashbang him for a double >he rage quits McCree is the most fun I've had in a game in a while
Brayden Lewis
>day 1 dlc i hope youre joking
Nicholas Harris
>le balanced 420 high noon you are dead cowboy
Bentley Green
is bastion actually broken?
Benjamin Anderson
So whats this about levels carrying over to launch but wiping all your loot?