/twg/- Total War General

Grimgor da best edition #2

>Pastebin FAQs

TWC Mods -- twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?2105-Total-War-Attila-Modifications
Slavic Race Culture DLC -- youtube.com/watch?v=QiVx6yBp4fg
Age of Charlamagne -- youtube.com/watch?v=RNOy63UZXvM
Last Roman -- youtube.com/watch?v=ZPOHiFTQDyc
Empires of Sand DLC -- youtube.com/watch?v=4YN4doAZDPU
Attila launch trailer -- youtube.com/watch?v=h9xmbMLyMuo

EGX Siege AI and Vamp vs Chaos gameplay -- youtube.com/watch?v=fj05Ll1Mark
Chaos vs Empire battle -- youtube.com/watch?v=uao1Pu-Kw88
Vampire Counts Campaign -- youtube.com/watch?v=2a9nF8X2Yd4
Vampire Counts Reveal -- youtube.com/watch?v=uj605sogy3I
Corruption Blog -- wiki.totalwar.com/w/How_Corruption_Works_in_Total_War:_WARHAMMER
How Corruption Works -- youtube.com/watch?v=g6PPH4GkEM8
Vampire Counts Roster -- wiki.totalwar.com/w/Vampire_Counts_Army_Roster
Siege of Hovel -- youtube.com/watch?v=9SFM6-LC6io
Kholek Suneater- Chaos vs Dwarfs -- youtube.com/watch?v=3EIkvHD7MU8
Kholek Suneater -Dwarf POV -- youtube.com/watch?v=aAMKJzUAX_M
Modding Officially supported -- wiki.totalwar.com/w/Total_War_WARHAMMER_Modding_Details
Orc Campaign gameplay Stream -- twitchDOTtv/totalwarofficial/v/64693135

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1st for Third Age

1st for tomb kangz never ever

Ahhh /twg/… the eternal general

Aksum cucked da world. Hataz did! He took an Aksum army to Britannia. There wuz NO ONE left to cuck, da wimmiz wuz his.

Then why does he look so sad about it?

My Med2 doesn't look like that

Chaos gods aren't that bad tbhfampai Or are they?

>goblin-san won't be the advisor
>heretic-san will be the advisor for every faction
>even the Skaven

Because some people compared him to Alexander, saying the other Kang of Kangz in Aksum did most of the work in cucking the world.

Hataz is also always sad.

Because Briton girls don't have the phat booty

why even live

>You will never have a pure Hunnic waifu

Why even live?

after watching the lets play with the orcs and seeing all the themed events that popped up for them, it really made me want to play as them.

They were always going to be the faction that I played on my second play through but now I might just play them first.

Also, he's sad because he's gay but was forced to marry a barbar and have kids.

During the invasion of greece, the spartan and athenian king both issued a warning to the Roman senate saying "The only thing that can penetrate our Greek boys is long hard shafts!".
Seeing as the romans did not have archers (or could compete in other areas compared to strong greek warriors) They created the Scorpio to hurl massive thick brown shafts into the enemy in order to break them. This worked quite well as the speed and mass of the scorpio bolts (by this time called "The Bull") could penetrate any man on the battlefield. However Bull were time consuming to make and had to be prepped by a special team right before battle so they did not lose the stiffness in their shaft.

And there you go, an overview of the Scorpio.

nth for best God

Is that why it was named after Scipio Africanus, the greatest black Roman?

It wasn't funny when you spammed it on Veeky Forums and it's not funny now.

I want to play as them just to right Joey's wrongs

I haven't even played it yet and I can tell I'm better than her

It was infuriating

sod it

>even similar
Try harder

>Both have sc at the start
>Both have pio at the end
>Both similar enough to scorpion

It was named after Scipio Africanus, the man who KEKED Carthage.

Well at least pic related should keep me occupied for the next two weeks. I hope they start pushing out more TW WH videos though

Why would a black man cuck a black nation HUH!?

Reminder:Stellaris doesn't belong on /gsg/

Because the proud Africans started to cuck each other instead of their proper enemies, those who ENVY the BIG BLACK COCK.

>Caesar cucked Gauls
>Hannibal almost cucked Rome
>Obama cucked the US

eta for release?

Is it out already? Why the fuck can't I download it on steem?

Oh i know, I had to stop it several times because of it.

Is someone making a mod for faction leaders/heroes to completely die off and new random ones to take over?

Its not as epic to play them with plot armor imo.

Nah I have a review copy

It comes out at 19:00 Paradox time. So that's CEST I think

Is there preloading?

I actually fell asleep during it

> Tomb Kings still not announced

>review copy
What makes you so special?

No, which is retarded if you ask me>19:00

Fucking WHY
Why not midnight their time so us Americans can get it early?

There going to be Goblin heroes?

Like Grom or Skarsnik/Gobbla?

>19:00 UTC+1 DST
>01:00 UTC+8
What a fucking meme why did I preorder I THOUGHT THERE WAS GOING TO BE PRELOADING

Starting a medieval 2 campaign lads.
Which faction is the most fun/interesting.

> Poland
> Turks
> Byzamntium
> Egypt
> Russia

No preloading, the game is pretty small (around 4GB assuming similar size to my copy) so it shouldn't take too long to DL.

I'm not that special, I just happen to have friends in paradox and they value my opinion on their games since I tend to be unbiased.

Paradox said they'll never do a midnight release since "devs need to sleep too".

>devs need to sleep too
Top fucking meme is midnight supposed to be late or something, just let preloading be a thing

Play Venice and expand West Milan covers you on the East

I would have thought devs got wasted on the day of release to celebrate such a long period of hard work.

Why is it so bad for americlaps? I thought it just means you get it around midday?

What's with game devs making monday / tuesday releases a thing anyway, some people have shit to do. Would it be so hard to release on Friday if not just over the weekend?


>surrounded by mad haters
>muslim fucking shits to your right
>traitorous italians/germanic states to your left
>mongol doom horde who always seem to B-Line for your capital and ignore egypt
>russian wild card in the north

Probably as dlc. Theres goblin shaman lords though so you can already have a gobbo lead a bunch of orcs.

Yeah except I'm the literal opposite of a clapper so I get it at 1AM, 2AM during winter.

Well if something is majorly fucked on release they want time to fix it? Preferably time that doesn't involve working overtime on weekends.

tfw no campaign yet

>tfw fotosketcher for warhammer

jaw du u du dat

fotosketcher senpai

It triggers me that they don't get inside the fucking ram.

Can you fotosketch this or pic related

>all copies of high king edition sold out yesterday
>AoS premium shit was out for several months and still never sold out so they just removed them from the shelf quietly

Pretty interesting interview about the Chaos DLC


The Nerd Bird, he's cool but I like vanity and the obsession for perfection.

I hadn't thought about this, but now that modding is confirmed and encouraged we can make the different chaos gods represented in the CW roster.

Also would musicians and standard bearers be possible?

>My Saxon Heir has given birth to three (3) "Curious" boys

Why are Saxons so fucking gay?

Some people are saying that they might be DLC. Granted I don't know if they have any evidence besides baseless speculation.

Little white boys are always gay. That is why the women go for the big Garamantian cock.

>anything other than a shit

>2 weeks, 1 day and 13 hours

>interesting interview
>40 minutes to hide "we stole content from the base game to make extra money for our sega overlords, which anyone who orders the game 8+ days after launch will pay, but there's 1 week, so iz-all-good RIGHT?!"
Fuck CA in their jew assholes.

Have the resident children already woke up?

its so fucking annoying seeing faggots suck CA's dick as if their "compromise" is any better than it was before

it's still money hungry bullshit and they still deserve to be called out for it

20 cents has been deposited into your account


Fucking masterful PR. literally nothing has changed and yet the plebs think they've won.


Only somebody who was born after day 1 DLC was already the norm would be upset that other people have a problem with it.


I hope they announce that the campaign is near ready by the time Warhammer is out. Either that or Attila's getting deleted to free up space.

>ever defending day 1 DLC
>defending day 1 DLC that is literally the primary antagonist in the setting
wew lad

And only autistic children would knee-jerk that hard at the mere mention of DLC and not appreciate direct information from CA themselves regarding the issue - So you can then forumlate an opinion after having heard both sides.

You guys are either seriously underage or seriously sheltered. Either way its not to your advantage.

That's kind of the point of PR you know.
Yeah no. The fact that it's still around at all is proof that as a business model it works. I'm not a fan of it but baiting is retarded.
I'm going to sleep, shove a cock in me when /twg/ dies down.

You're a fanboy, we get it.

Nobody is complaining that day one DLC is bad for the bottom line, kike.

Day one DLC is still shit, but the "early adopter bonus" is a helluva lot better then what we had. Companies encourage preorders to ensure people throw their money down before they've played the thing. This leads to shit like the Alien: Colonial Marines meme. This new policy totally negates that. That is at least worth something.

>You're a fanboy, we get it.
Taking advantage of as much information as possible on the subject is being a fanboy? Would you rather we all circlejerked in here without even bothering listening to anything CA says on anything we have issues with? Sounds plain dumb to me.

He's either some sort of anti-kike particle who split off the slavposter where is he anyway, or he's some sort of reverse shill who shills CA by making the opposition look so stupid that anyone raising a legit issue will be shot down without being listened to.

The game hasn't released yet and Chaos faction is completed. CA deliberately broke off a chunk of the already completed faction so that they could use it to jew us for more money/preorders. The CA guy said as much in the video.

You're either retarded or you think that everyone else is.

No, he said that the Chaos faction that was in the game was very barebones and in order to incentivice pre-order and good sales on launch they funded making them in to a full-fledged playable faction instead to serve that role.

Maybe you should watch the video before you attempt to address what's in it.


That's the go-to justification for cutting content and releasing it as DLC- "it wasn't going to be in the game unless we could sell it as DLC". Even if he's not lying, it's a terrible excuse. Do you think that the Greeks were always intended to be a barebones, end game boss for Rome 2?

Remember, they announced the chaos DLC almost *eight months* ago. Chaos is finished now and the game hasn't released. They split off an entire major faction to make more money and get more preorders.


All factions in R2 are barebones compared to a whole race in warhammer so that comparison isn't all that good. Also not sure why you're even using the "end game boss" quote for the greeks, it makes no sense since they were comparatively weak and insignificant during the R2 timeline.

>They split off an entire major faction to make more money and get more preorders.
Yep, they did. What would you rather they'd done? Not flesh them out at all and just leave them a generic chaos faction with a few possibly unique units to spawn in late-game? I mean at the very best they would be comparable to Bretonnia in the current state of TW:WH. So that's one less fleshed out faction just so you won't get your feelings hurt since its labeled as a pre-order incentive. Hardly worth the tradeoff if you ask me.

>second stack is behind the main stack on campaign map

>deploys right behind me during battle

Nothin personnel kid

RIGHTBEHINDYOU stacks should be banned forever.

Do we have a roll chart ready for Warhammer factions?

Saves you the trouble of having to go through the other army to get to them.

They aren't that bad, I mean an incoming army is easier to crush tbhfampai


Only a terrible chart suitable for making your eyes bleed.

No doubt someone will post it

The problem is you often have no fucking idea that they're going to be #rightbehindyou until they show up, it seems to only partially be based off map location and depending on the map you also might back your outnumbered 3-1 army into the edge of the map and get rearcharged by a shitton of cav.

>CA: we suck so much at game design, $60 isn't enough, give us more or we're going to only release 3 races
Wow, what an accomplishment! Adding a dragon ogre sprite is months of work for dozens of people. How could anyone expect they add them free later if they suck too bad to make a deadline when instead they can charge money?!
>Sorry teacher, I know my homework is late, but that means it's special, so pay extra for it!

The millenial children really are gobbling the publisher's cocks nowadays something fierce.

>look at me twist literally everything until it suits my narrative xD
Well done, you got me.

>a twist
>that they couldn't meet their deadlines
>couldn't flesh out the product
>decided instead to delay game AND charge extra for their own failings
Every sentence of that is an objective fact.
It's funny how "narrative" is always used by complete liars, you probably voted for hillary clinton as well.

Wew lad, why don't you make it then?

I'm not defending it, chaos should have stayed the way they originally planned it, with them being a minor endgame feature for this game and then the fully fleshed out faction in one of the expansions.