/wtg/ - Whiny Teenagers General

Best Couple Edition

>Official Site:

NOTE: You get given a premium aircraft for your first victory in game!
Need a faster download? Switch Language in Launcher.

>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc...

>Ammunition Types
fanfiction.net/search.php?keywords="war thunder"&ready=1&type=story

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

>vg chatroom:
Type " /join vg " into chatbox.
If prompted for a password, use "memes".

>using Teamspeak

>Joystick Comparisons:

>DIY Headtracking

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units

Other urls found in this thread:


>the_Grouch blogging his shitty meme pictures again

>prep for hokkaido
>teebs didnt climbed
>we get fucked
>this is the second match today

Holy shit why im always with the bunch of fags that doesnt know how to fly a fucking spitfire?

>fly allied planes
>complain about the performance of your team

What were you expecting, exactly?

4th for just unlocked 262. What should I expect?

This. The only pilots with any skill are German pilots.


At least they're not fat girls anymore.

7th for fuck Hayabusa babies

I can't tell if you're joking or not

Nice Mosquito

>muh hard to use Soviet bias machines
>muh hard to use Japanese left right machines
Fuck off. Ask any good ACTUALLY skilled pilot and they will be flying German because that's the only tree that requires skill.

Wait are theres game modes where you can play both tanks and planes? Do they have to be around the same battle rating?

ok, so poorly baiting it is

>new thread an hour old
>12 replies

Why even bother making a new one

Realistic and Simulator Battles. In RB you're matched according to the whichever vehicle you've selected has the highest BR, although plane BRs in GF are different than AF. Simulator battle is whatever is on the list, you could have Sabres strafing PzIIs if Gaijin felt like it

So just realstic tank battles? I had assumed itd just be like air realstic where you choose 1 plane and no respawns

>he thinks this is ded
have you even seen /aceg/? This is nowhere near that.

Did I say it was ded? No, I asked why bother making a new one.

what does
>>new thread an hour old
>Why even bother making a new one
mean if not 'thread is ded, why make a new one?'
Enlighten me.

It means why did someone bother to make this new thread if so little activity is happening.

why is this even an argument

Full load put, it's point based (Lower the tier, the lower the cost.) You must spawn in a tank before you can spawn in a plane

So you just said 'ded thread' with more words then?

bretty much

Slow acceleration, HIT, getting memed on by pretty much all tier IV and early tier V of americans, russians and bongs





Yeah, a pair of insufferable faggots is even better, right.


Jesus christ, I'd rather have a dead thread than one filled with shitty slavshit


Start contributing then retard

become the change you want to see or some sun tsu shit

>Posts slavshit
>Has the gall to call anyone else anything
Oh I am laffin


I'm not the one posting the Russian planes you retard.

Fucking new friends thinking every user is the same.



How shit is the f7f-1

>inna D.520
>mixed of course
>whole team gets memed on, im alone with 2 spits
>P-40, seahurricane, DB7, BF110 and Yak1 on their team
>BF110 RTB
>P-40 sets me on fire
>i RTB
>spits are now going for the enemy after repairing
>1 spit crashes, the other one burns to the death
>i go up and kill the P-40 in a sick way
>DB-7 ask me to lawnmoan a bit
>i let him do it
>>go to enemy runway
>BF crashed, he didnt left the plane
>climb to 4k
>spits at 7k
>''wew lad''
>im behind him, doesnt see me
>i climb more
>i get hit by AAA at 6k
>oil is leaking engine is burning
>turn around after 2 minutes spitfire just came out of a vertical infront of me
>shoot him down without effort
>engine is at 180°
>cant RTB
>i land on the ground
>we loose

I swear to god these teams are killing me.

>/wtg/ died


last time wtg died the most active discussion was some trap hentai webm

Gaijn hq firebombed when?

not soon enough

Stop posting already
Let it die

>tfw I killed war thunder general
>tfw I started the gayposting
>tfw I started and continued the OP wars bullshit
>tfw I get to finally watch this place die
so it really is like they say
things die not with a bang, but a whimper.

No you didn't.

>war thunder tanks will never add good maps and a sim mode that makes good use of them
>we will be forever doomed to a hell of shitty maps the size of a postage stamp while knowing what could have been
at least planes is pretty fun if slow. I was hoping they would eventually figure out more tactical and interesting tank combat but I guess that's too much to ask.

gaijin is after that WoT money. It'll blow up in their face and gaijin will remove the RB and SB GF modes because 'there is not enough interest'

>not enough interest
there sure isnt if they keep ruining it

Good work lads, we're averaging about 12 posts per hour

Yeah I'm fully aware.
It's fucking stupid. Wargaming already has a damn good WWII-themed moba - it's called world of tanks. Why copy it poorly when you could make something new and interesting and exciting? The few times I get full sized sim maps in sim (like mozdok and Poland and Eastern Europe even) it's great fun. I get to actually flank, and there's realistic cover and the engagements are about situational awareness and seeing the other guy just as much as knowing weakspots and your bullet drop and lead.

Why didn't Gaijin build a game around this? Why did they insist on shrinking the maps and shitting on any interesting and new gameplay the game could have had? Are they so shortsighted as to think the world of tanks kiddies' money is worth so much more than differentiating from their competitiors?




who else /listening to synth and killing slav(e)s in the berlin event/ here?


Long story shorty; they are incredibly short sighted. Their SB (and to some degree RB) GF is a unique gameplay mode. I cant think of any other game that offers similar gameplay. Combine that with the fact that SB players tend to be older and tend to have some form of disposable income and gaijin is missing out a lot of revenue. The sad thing is that they wouldnt even need to comprise their incessant need to cater to the WoT crowd. Just give SB their own maps. Which incidentally, are already in the game.

>actually playing war thunder
>calling OTHER people slaves


calling people playing the nation that sails along the easiest slaves, nevertheless

what if you had a bot that played the game for you?

WE DID IT /wtg/


Declining player numbers is literally it. As they get more desperate, they cater more to the lowest common denominator in order to get new players. In this scenario, with tank games, the lowest and by far largest denominator is WoT players.

Unlike in planes, Gaijin didn't have absolute market dominance from the start, and they certainly haven't responded well to the pressure.

what's up with the q times tonight?

Also what's the best maneuver to dodge a head-to-head?

>sails along the easiest

I'm sorry, you appear to have mistaken Russia for Britain.

My tinfoil hat theory is that their annual budget assumed a massive player boost when they added brit tanks like they had when they added US tanks. Nobody really gave a shit so now they're desperate for other ways to make up for their increased costs.

>Oh British tanks? I'll give that a try
>What the fuck, these guns do nothing

I do wonder how much Gaijins solid shot nerf affected new players interested in Britain.

There's also the fact that Britain, while still admittedly a major Allied nation, had very little publicity about their tanks in WW2. You can bet that your average person will be able to name the Spitfire as a WW2 plane, or the Mustang. But I doubt that the average person would know what the Valentine tank is, while they'd almost certainly know about the Sherman, Tiger and even the T-34. Same problem the Russian air force in ww2 has - I remember when I first started WT, I had no clue what any Russian plane was in WW2, and so wasn't interested in flying them.


who here /victory day/


Well considering German players managed to whine so hard that Gaijin literally nerfed the victory day sales

not me

can't get that 75% activity

"hello comrades"

Goddamn, the Red square is not paved very evenly. Watching how much the cars are bouncing going slowly is hilarious, let alone whenever the camera goes level with the ground and you can see how wavy the lines are.

I guess it was paved in the 1800s, after all.

>that thunder of the artillery firing in the background

Damn, so that's what it felt like to be a German soldier


My god, the HE-112 A-0 is so based. After playing nothing but late-war 109's & Doras it's such a joy.


>there were more T-14s than T-34s

turboprops are so cool desu

>have fun in RB berlin event
>"cool lets try sim"
>bombers can spawn right at the start
back to RB i go

Surely /aceg/ can't be as ded as /egg/

I've seen /egg/ go inactive for up to 6 hours

It's good when you're the one chasing the enemy and you have lots of energy. But when something gets behind you you're dead unless you have plenty of room below you to have a chance of diving away

So like all heavy fighters basically

>Tu-95 in the victory parade livestream
>made more noise than the formation of fighter jets

Trent Meteor when desu.

Isn't the Tu-95 officially the loudest aircraft in the world or some shit?

Although it probably isn't as loud as the Thunderscreech
>On the ground "run ups", the prototypes could reportedly be heard 25 miles (40 km) away.[18] Unlike standard propellers that turn at subsonic speeds, the outer 24–30 inches (61–76 cm) of the blades on the XF-84H's propeller traveled faster than the speed of sound even at idle thrust, producing a continuous visible sonic boom that radiated laterally from the propellers for hundreds of yards. The shock wave was actually powerful enough to knock a man down; an unfortunate crew chief who was inside a nearby C-47 was severely incapacitated during a 30-minute ground run.[18] Coupled with the already considerable noise from the subsonic aspect of the propeller and the dual turbines, the aircraft was notorious for inducing severe nausea and headaches among ground crews.[11] In one report, a Republic engineer suffered a seizure after close range exposure to the shock waves emanating from a powered-up XF-84H.[19]

Yeah, officially it's the loudest. Same deal as the Thunderscreech, the tips of the propellors go supersonic.

IIRC some pilots will turn off or throttle down the inner engines on long journeys for the sake of noise and vibrations it causes.

>tfw knocking enemy piltos unconscious just by flying near enemy planes and shooting shockwaves at them

when ?

neva eva

This shit can be detected by underwater sonars


jetS, if I may ask


literally in game

>RAF roundel
>US army star

Fw-190-A3 isn't in game

>tas never
>toldi never
>zrínyi never
>csaba never
>turán never

Once f-82 spaded is it fun ??


it's fun in its own way

How do you counter an A7M?

Just boom and zoom it

>Brugers got 3 kingcobras
>Slavs got 3 kingcobras

truly a innovative game