Steel Ocean /sog/ Admiral

3DPD a shit edition.


Current events (check in-game Events tab for details): From the 9th to the 22nd, get 200 primary cannon hits and receive:
2 port slots, 3 commander rolls, 200,000 silver, 10,000 free XP, 50 prem smokes, 20 prem repair kits and 10 prem extinguishers

>Fleet escort
Get two wins as DD, CL or CA to get 90 merits, daily.

> What is this?
Steel Ocean is a multiplayer arcade game focused about warships from World War 2 era.

> Steel Ocean Info Any way I can play with (You)?
"NA clan: No Botes Allowed"
We have an active clan in the game. Find it on the fleet page and then click application button. Post IGN in thread to get accepted.
Also post a meme.


>Commander calculator
An easy way to come up with commander setups without having to deal with the clunky UI. If you have any issues explain them in the thread.

Launch from there, in game go to Claim, then Storage, Non Battle items, click 'use'

Events: (11am-1pm & 6pm-8pm PST)
Sunday: 5v5
Monday: Helena Overlord
Tuesday: Fleet Battles
Wednesday: Fap to botes
Thursday: 5v5
Friday: Helena Overlord
Saturday: Fleet Battles

Kantai Collection posting allowed.
Feel free to talk about botes here.
If you have any questions, post them in the thread or read the links.
Remember to love your botes.

Previous Admiral~!

Other urls found in this thread:

Wrong general.


First for Haruna

So how did FBs go today?

>Old patch link

Patch info *


>4. The merit price in shop for exchanging specified commander is reduced from 1800 merits to 1260 merits.
>mfw I just buy 2 commanders

Oh.. thats some bad luck.

>almost 1.2k merit
>I could buy some commanders
>nah, I'll wait until 1800
>mfw I realize I made a good decision just by chance

>tfw clubbed the DD god


Hold the fuck up, there's a Steel Ocean general? That's pretty cool. Just got into the game recently, and loving playing DD's.

You bet your ass there's a Steel Ocean general, we are a small bunch but we enjoy our botes as much as you.
What DD line are you grinding? Any ship in particular you want to get?

What's your winrate?


Just assume you're always spotted and avoid slowing down for no reason. Kaspar Mass is to give you passive dodging bonus + 150m scout range, his captain ability is just for spotting adjustments.

Passive disguise is good, active disguise is bad.

Welcome to the general.

>tfw I dont play any MP game if it isnt in the Veeky Forums catalog



Time to sleep.
DDs are amusing.

Post off-mode Yodos


Haha time for another day in paradise!

Time for bed.

did he charge you

C-charge what?

Time to die.

He suicides by charging into BBs to torp them, so I assume he decided to charge a DD that game instead, and got impaled on torps


>Playing a sib



You health meter.

I see, today is going to be one of those days

The match went like this.
>brooklyn bitches about getting killed off quickly because he's in a CL
>calm him down and get him to spot for the naga with me
>main objective was the DD
>the DD god is spotted, he smokes up and so does the brooklyn
>I'm on the other side of a mountain so I approach the encounter to meme Drac0
>brooklyn gets memed because he never shot down the plane spotting him
>get one good salvo on Drac0
>he dissapears behind terrain
>moments later he reapears charging into the naga
>finish him off, naga is down to 1.something HP
>spot the lizzie, naga gets 2 salvos in and the QE has about 20 hp left
>finish it off, find the colo seconds later
>naga gets spotted by a plane and because of proximity with the colo
>I'm dodging salvos from the colo secondaries
>naga goes down after leaving the colo at about 1k hp
>get distance and memefire it to oblivion
>close match with ":^)" in all chat


>moments later he reapears charging into the naga
yeah that's drac0

So what's todays events

But didn't drac0 git gud?

And as you can see, his torps did no damage to the naga.

Today's event is fap to botes so claim yours before an user cucks you.

Taking yodo as usual.

Hes getting a bit better. He still sucks in most cases though.


Staking a Claim.

Drac0 only does decently if you put a leash on her and handhold her the whole match.

> her

>Not seeing Drac0 as a cute loli slav DD

not everyone can be a faggot, you know


So what botes you grinding today?

Well, rebought the Caldwell so I could help my friend start out in the game.

I am assisting a mad Reptile in his playing of this game

When does that anaversery event reset?

There should be a rule that says an user can't claim a shipfu if she's not in his port.


Based nip. I laughed.

Monday, next week.

ALSO merit daily is now
"Win 2 matches in CV, or 2 in BB, or 2 in Submarine"

No longer the CL/CA/DD

Bedtime bump.



Wow what a fat CV.
Here is a better one.

that's a nice picture.

a nice CV in game too.

Why is NACHI so good?



Aoba and Furutaka make such great botesluts.

>shipfu for early American DD's when


> chink shit

Is there one for the Farragut?

You are in a general for a chink game.

I could not find one. But here is the collection.

I laughed a little more then i should have.

that's not from the chink game dess

yes indeed.

crazy coastal defense ships when?

I like this Iowa more.

Going from November 2014's art to the "canon" Kantai Iowa was just terrible.

botefu detected

This Iowa is the best. Face it faggot

is best Iowa desu senpai

lol no

Considering the Missouri and New Jersey have a longer combat record? No. And at least they didn't kill 47 crew members in a turret explosion.



3 people died on NJ from North Korean artillery however.

Just making it an even better meme.

But Missouri and New Jersey had more Dicks that were stationed on them.

14, and 23, respectively.

2 more if we are counting the name Dickman

I like this new meme

Go down to #2

Anime literally started with things involving bombing Pearl Harbor.
My life is now complete. Everything is now full circle. Thank you Gyro.



I'll never understand how they managed to raise and rebuild the Shaw after her magazine went off at Pearl.

Americans at the time of WW2 had the world's best industrial facilities.

oh how far they've fallen...

Its depressing isn't it?


I demand you post more bote-mamas.

>subs daily event

fine, fine, but remember it'll soon be bed time Kaga-chan
