/fgg/ - Fighting Games General


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Hi fighting games. Why is the OP Janitor-san from Arthur?


>b-but dhalsim is bad and his V-Trigger needs major buffs to be viable

yo what the fuck luvcheez.
I'm sorry we called you a sperglord

So is this the real thread?

lol they left this thread?

do we have new janitors already?
I was thinking of applying, how much can I earn?

I guess

they do it for free


This will be the beginning of regional tournaments with fggvo. By US I'm extending it to Canada as well. Also to make things easier you have to check in before the tournament starts so we don't have a bunch of no shows like last time. Check ins will start 30 minutes before the tournament starts so please be aware. I will post a notice on here, /fgg/vo steam group and the PSN community so keep your eyes open for it. Any other questions about the tournament are welcome.

Here's the sign up page:

Steam group:

PSN Community:
Fighting Games General

Last Tournament Playlist:

The slots are not full. The number you see is just how many people have already registered for the tournament. There is no limit on the number of people playing.

when will nomad be disqualified?

>Luvcheez gets called a sperg
>Thread gets deleted

luvcheez go back to fucking sleep you inbred pastamuncher

what the fuck, mystic out of nowhere

What's going on with the threads?

tekgen when

the shitposting has been heavy tonight

Laura wears it better.

Soon my friend

meppz sucks


Do we have a console date for T7?

then broski must suck even more

SFV does a terrible job at educating players, fuck this stupid fucking genre i dont even know why im fucking losing

Not yet, according to silent the arcade release is next month. This means at the earliest we get it this year, but more than likely we'll get it next year

fuck you, broski's a saint

They should just permaban Meppz and Slim and the thread would be ten times better.

block low

bernie panders supporter detected. you need to help yourself, shitter. You won't always get you hand held

lets hide all the fucking frame data and hitboxes and make everything vague as fuck


Well, it's something. Now I just wonder what excuse Joey will come up with for having Pokken again for mainstage instead of Tekken.

Also are you going to Evo? Who all is here?

i fucking hate the fgc trannies.
Gief kid literally said "you fucking suck" to Gilty and gilty fucking attacked him and called him a pedophile like holy fucking shit.
To make the matters worse almost everyone is trying to defend Gillty and saying "wellll gief kid is super annoying! gief kid was stalking him! (no proof of that)"
This community is fucking garbage and youre a fucking faggot if you like trannys.
/end blogpost

no this genre is just shit

atleast in a fucking moba i have some fucking peruvian yelling at me telling me im doing shit wrong

and when i try to play anyone better than me i get kicked out the fucking room


>defending an angryfag pedophile stalker that mains a grappler




fr is set for arcades next month. console release is probably next year.

then go back to mobas, you fucking baby. fighters are not for people that want instant satisfaction

It's all about who you play. When someone struggles against me for example, I do my best to advise them because that shouldn't be happening ever and the world would suffer otherwise

why you actin like you're gonna play this game needledick

Nah, I've kind of lost the motivation to play fighting games. Im sticking with tekken though, just waiting for it to come back to svgl

>plethora of videos and tutorials online
>doesn't know how to use youtube
>doesn't know how to teach himself

Veeky Forums is an 18+ board m8.

isnt he like 16

honestly they should give you frame data and hit boxes in the game, there's no fucking excuse not to in 2016
being jewish with guides is not a valid reason btw

Been playing melee for 2 years, switched over to SFV recently. Picked up Chun and managed to hit 1k points within a few days. Nice.

Anyone wants to play VF5FS?
I'm playing with somebody right now, find us in ranked ww.

anyone wanna play 3s

chariot thinking he's important is my favorite fgg meme

i was thinking to, but other tournaments are way better for player experience. evo was too disconnected last year. it's probably a better experience as a stream monster than a non-top player honestly.

I am new to fighting games. Is it not good training to play against people who totally body me?

I've lurked here for a while but I'm afraid to ask for games cause I suck

shut the fuck up you tranny loving faggot nigger. Get the fuck out of here you degenerate. He plays literally the worst character in the entire fucking game and theres no proof hes a pedophile or a stalker lmfao who the fuck would stalk gillty seriously the uglist fucking faggot with the manliest voice have you reached that point where youre so desperate that you would have sex with a man? Fucking degenerate.

because I like playing XIII and XIV looks really good

dont worry fampai
literally everybody here sucks

post cfn

It's worth it to an extent. There's no reason to avoid playing them, but it's also good to not make your main practice partner Daigo when you're like bronze.

has there ever been a female fgg poster

If you are getting perfected and don't feel like you're learning or adapting then its not good training or useful for you.

>afraid to ask for games
Do it anyway, if someone doesn't want to play you because they are much better than you just brush it off.

>pedophile stalker

mystic is a girl

What extension/program do you guys use w/ Veeky Forums? I haven't been on in years.

joestar and yoyo

I dont play 8 frame lagger 5 I only like to talk about the blow ups and the drama. Fuck you nigger go suck a tranny dick.

I want gllty insisted of me

It may be that way, but it's gonna be my first, and I've always wanted to go

gllty is cute. CUTE!

yoyo is too good at fighting games to be a girl.

Pic related

>i don't play the game but i'll shitpost about it anyway
>white knighting a literal pedophile


Dr Worm

>8 frame meme
You'd be shit regardless of input delay.

He has the face and body of a skinny white guy holy shit you guys are fucking faggots reported to the fbi


that's pretty cringe.

>literal pedophile
>whiteknighting for a literal man


Just ask away man. You can learn from getting beaten if you pay attention to what you did wrong. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions. I hope you enjoy your trip into fighting games.

>youd be shit even if the game had actual responsive controls!!!!!
fuck you nigger
Give me proof hes a literal pedophile faggot. Screenshotting someone saying he is isnt proof.
When will you guys fucking realize giefkid is fucking based as shit

Anyone down for fight night dark souls 3?


>16 year old
>a literal pedophile

sf5 has been disappointing to me so far but cammy can do no wrong in this game

Due to overwhelming concerns I will be removing TSIDNomad from the /fgg/vo bracket. It was brought to my attention that he was not an /fgg/ poster, and since this is an /fgg/ tournament, he will not be allowed to participate. If he proves me wrong by showing up in the thread at any time, I will reverse this decision


The best way to learn is to play better players. Beating up on shitters will make you feel better but learning from your losses is a faster track to success.

Fuko is top tier

Oh shit I remember him, bit crazy

hey lol

gotta post proof bud

Jesus I totally forgot about Sayina

more power to you. hope it's a blast and you don't go 0-2.

>implying that's the real silent
People who don't come here entered the vsav tournament and he was fine with it.

Wasn't he the Jurifag pretending to be a girl? WTF was that all about?

>those disgusting fat tits

ok there

Yeah she is.

Sayina was some dumb shit. Got bullied out of here pretty quick.

That was hobo's call back then. I agreed with him though. Falken was a cool guy and an old fgg poster.


is gief kid our boy?

how does that tiny ass hat stay on her head

>kid who gets beat up by a little tranny
yeah sure why not he'd fit right in here

It wasn't just him.
