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Which one??????????
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So, I'm making a STR build. VIG is 40, END is 40, STR is 50, and VIT is about 28 or so.

Should I put STR back down to 40 and increase VIG to 50?

Did Shanalotte abduct Ocelotte?

those numbers are too high

don't need to do the math to know that equals reddit

Does anyone know when the dlc are coming?

What are the cities in the game?
There is Londor, New londo, Andor Londo, Lothric, and what else?
What are the connections to each other?

Is the profaned capital even a city?

It looks like its part of Irithryil or however its spelled.
Or maybe a city that used to be, but fell into a hole after an earthquake of some sort.

Stupid mod or janitor.

Anyone on PC have a spare hornet ring or manikin claws they don't want/need? Have a low level character who hasnt gotten to gundyr yet.

It wouldn't be a capital otherwise

theyll fix it right???

>mod deleting threads to prove me wrong
What a butthurt little bitch he is.


How's it feel to get cucked you pathetic sonycuck?

Why don't you get any souls while dueling?
I remember getting more than 900 in DS2.

Also while invading, where are my 60k souls?
The max I got so far is 18k

The architecture of the bonfire tower reminds me of Brume tower. Make of that what you will.

Also post more fashion. I only have the one character I posted in the last thread so I'm linking offsite to avoid eating up image limit. i.imgur.com/HUTRTU5.jpg

Reposting from last thread, but is there any way to make the Mist pyros not suck? I can literally get nothing that isn't standing still to be affected by Toxic Mist, it's so short range and lasting I can't see any use in this.

Reminder that PC cucks and their bitchboy mods are butthurt that 1/10th of their players cant even reach the first bonfire of the game


keep deleting my thread ill keep making fun of you


I wanna go str pyro but I see dex affects casting time. Would it even be worth it? Already rolled knight as well , so my I think and faith are pretty low

Why did they delete the other thread with more posts, anyways lol

>invading as red
>have dorkmoon on just incase
>get summoned as blue, 4th time ever
>host immediatly black crystals me

I don't really care, I'm not farming for ears or anything, but do people really just want to troll blues lol

>The max I got so far is 18k

You have to go back to Firelink every 10 minutes so most people have them all spent.

Reminder that this sonycuck is a minority that is salty as fuck he has no one to play with



Stay mad bitch boy

Looks like the flaming in the OP was to blame, this faggot is an example

Invaders get like 1% souls or something for killing hosts and other phantoms. Hosts meanwhile get like somewhere above 10% of souls of killed invaders.

15 Dex + Sage Ring will get you the casting speed cap. Otherwise you need 40~ Dex to hit the cap. On that note I don't get why Attunement doesn't affect casting speed again like in 2, it's perfectly sensible and I hate forcing caster builds to invest in melee stats more then they already have too.

splat son

>so my I think and faith are pretty low

what did he mean by this?

Other thread got deleted so
r8 my vanity/roleplay invader

Miyazaki says "We will make three large DLCs as planned. First one will be out in Fall 2016, Second one in Early 2017, Third one doesn't have a date yet."

And this as well about this being the final dark souls:
"Dark Souls 3 will have several DLCs like previous games. But there's absolutely no plan right now for any sequels, spin-offs or tie-ins. But I can't say for certain the possibility is 0%

I saw the OP was the PS4 cover but I didn't read it

PS4 DaS3 = Larger playerbase, 0 hackers
PC DaS3 = Smallest playerbase, enjoy never getting Darkmoon summons...50% of the population uses CE to hack their builds or worse

GG faggots

What is the best weapon to infuse with Divine in DS1? Going through with a Faith Knight build. Also, is there any way to get Great Lightning Spear anymore considering that co-op is dead?

That's not a necromancer chestpiece at all.
But I'm glad you're using black pyromancies.

I'm not a fan of magic of any kind, but that has no bearing on how much I like that outfit.

Aside from the exposed throat, looks good.

I'd really just rather talk about video games.

Shitty dress, gauntlets don't match shoulder plate, dull shades makes bright red dark hand contrast too much.

Find shit with a little bits of red in it.

I don't crystal them, but I usually leave them alone with the invader.

they never win

>We will make three large DLCs

but the season pass says 2 epic dlc packs

are you saying that those 2 come with one dlc that isn't epic?

Blessed is for offhand but you'd honestly be better off with simple for FP regen

>Evangelists have such a wide sweeping moveset that if you dodge an attack by rolling behind them, you might still get hit by the follow-through
>They can drop their weapon
>Once you equip it, you can only do vertical attacks except for the 2h R1 which is just a sub-180 degree arc in front of you
>You will never cleanse the bastard's curse

it's not dead

You always two-hand bows. Do I not need the full listed strength req to use them?

I've fought a ton of blues as a red and they're all pretty atrocious

>tfw doesn't let good players be blues

Anyone on PC have a spare hornet ring or manikin claws they don't want/need?

The first line was followed by edition etc. So it was a b8/flame thread created to incite shitposting.

I'm playing on XBone


To be fair, you can't get good at pvp from farming silver knights.

>hating on the spiked mace

the WA is fucking nasty and pretty much a guarantee if you get the first hit


Reminder that the severe quality drop in /dsg/ is directly related to the influx of PC players

Most likely it contains the DLC announced and the third is still up in the air. They might pull a Bloodborne and combine 2 & 3 into one.

I'm fucking done with this PvP.
Unpunishable rolls that are now available to every single type of build.
Lower health totals overall to promote hornet faggots even more.
Magic literally doesn't exist.
Greatshields are completely unpunishable in every single way. What are you gonna do, kick them? Use Knight Slayer ring? Good one.
Couple them with a decently ranged weapon with a fast startup, like Estoc, and congrat-u-fucking-lations, you are now unbeatable if you're not mentally impaired.

firekeeper dlc when

Any ideas for where the cosplay event should be held?
Should we stay with highwall or is there a better spot?

>says I get 307 AR with a whip
>only hit for 150 damage

They have spin sweep for WA, what more do you want?

> No crow demon fire orb spell
> No Lothric blink spell
> No immolation evangelist spell
> No wax spray debuff spell

All the enemies have more fun with magic than I do

>if you get the first hit
Which you won't, because everyone knows what you're going to do with that one-trick pony.

Me too and I've only seen 2 summon signs in 8hrs of play. But i just reached undead settlement so maybe that's why

cancer for the waifu fags when?

I'm with ya user. I don't know what to do anymore. I played das1 and 2 for like 1k hours, don't want to go back to their pvp. Das3s just isn't good for me to continue though.


you've said it 10 times already, just fuck off now

No these are usually people in like total noob gear who picked up the covenant and put it on because they thought it looked cool or something

I don't think they were even farming, or knew what the ears did

Speaking of this, I was fighting a host and a blue got summoned so I walked off to fight the blue, the host insisted on ganking so he ran up to me to do a running attack, I parried and killed him

Would have been better off letting me fight the blue lol


>it has sweep combo L2

Literally all you need to make it decent

The Spiked Mace is actually really good but I hate how they didn't just replicate enemy moves for some of the weapons like that. The Black Knight weapons are the only ones that let you do that

>R2 for Dragonslayer's Greataxe aren't the lunging slash like in the boss fight
>Can't do any of the crazy shit the Frost Knights do with the Irithyll weapons
>the only unique attach of the Farron Greatsword is the group spin and not any of the jumping slashes or fast overhead swings with the dagger attack as an L2

Wax spray should be the Scholar's Candlestick WA. I'd kill/suck the dick of basically anyone for a blink spell though.

Except DaS2 had the most content.

Ever think that maybe more than one person hates the steaming pile of shit that is DS3 PvP?

Whatever you want. Divine's like that. Pick something knighty like a halberd or claymore or longsword or mace or something.
Co-op ain't dead.

That's a little weird.

no user, the spiked mace is pretty damn strong

that's why it's the biggest pizza user.

It's not hard

Talking about Dark Souls 1 duder. DS3 online is plenty active on Xbone

>Fallen Knight and Dark Sword
>Artorias set and Dark Sword

Why are these two so common

Didn't say anything about strong or weak.

this is my entire experience with pontiff if i dont get enough parries off
do enemies actually delay they attacks until the first frame of anything you do?

look ma I can press 2 buttons!

That's good to know. I was a bit concerned only seeing a handful of phantoms running around.
I recall in 1 and 2 I saw hundreds

Cheese Pizza is also superior.

Because people like those sets and the darksword is strong
Are you retarded?

Take a wild guess what kind of tastes a FoTM meta shitter has

>you will NEVER get hit
Fuck off, dude

it's 3 buttons you cheeky little shit
you did say it had no sweeping attacks when it has multiple 360s

Little girls only have tightness going for them.
Sausage pizza is where it's at m8

I can make everything a Black Phantom very easily now.

I hear you so much.
I desperately want everything the mace cathedral knights have. Give me that mine-laying weapon enchant. Give it to me now.

>bandit's knife in left hand
>L1 is block

Aight mate, I'm done for now. That was fun, I'll see you around.

That pitch fork knockdown makes me laff everytime

I just want the Great Mace to even be as usable as the other great hammers, it's so fucking bad.

Has anyone removed Firekeeper mask yet?
Like the NPCs faces?

I need to see her

nah, pontiff's instant attacks become predictable once you've fought him enough