Hearthstone general /hsg/

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Discord: discord.gg/0rEzZFGEKs226nI7
Most recent Bracket: challonge.com/ShitpostsNewAnons
Next Tournament: May 20th, NA


1st for anduin is a qt

What cards or decks should I craft?

What decks do you play.

>99% RNG
>1% Skill
>hearthstone in a nutshell

Came back to see what the expansion brings and it's still the same song and dance

Only gold classic legendaries

>face nothing but control fedoras non stop
>tech for control matchups
>suddenly every game starts with VERSUS THRALL or VERSUS GUL'DAN
>tech for aggro matchups again

>tfw started playing HS way after everyone else.
Kill me.

This is what being vegan does to you. Daily reminder to never go full Vegan

>babby's first card game: deluxe edition now with more tears

Before and After going vegan

Played many card games but the rng here is HORRIBLE

So i got tirion, is he good?|

This motherfucker Ropecoach streamed himself fucking his wife, WTF?

He was actually helping her get undressed.

Then they went off and had sex.

His wife has a massive bush

the absolute madman

alpha as fuck

I like playing Ramp Druid because I dumpster zoo and tempo decks easily.

What type of deck is Ramp categorized into?

I like that they both rocked up to a lan tournament a few days later as well, it was great

>Those kids that always say "but I'm F2P" like it means anything
Fuck off, my man. :^)

His skin got all splotchy and shit. Looks unhealthy as fuck. I give him two years, tops. Even Boogie is going to outlive him.

I like playing every deck that I can. So having one for each class is what I like doing.

Twin dr. 7

Zoo if you like cancer
Freezemage to counter aggro shitters and zoo
Control'thun if you want to bore your opponent to death
N'zoth paladin for ladder climbing
C'thun decks
Yogg decks to mill yourself into defeat

Then there is Shammy

>ice block mage roping every turn in tavern brawl
>i'm just playing hs on a tablet while i play an actual game on the pc

tempo just like zoo and aggro.
I'm also skeptic about you beating every zoo and tempo deck. What is your battletag ?

What honestly makes people go "vegan"? Do they really think they are making a statement that matters or something? All they're doing is making their body very unhealthy by not providing the necessary anything their artificial shit does.

>use an ancient since im running a three god deck
>It survives a turn and wastes a sap

Might be a jewish scheme. First it's vegan, then they get on that soylent shit, then their hormones get fucked up, next thing you know they're a raging SJW tranny abomination.

Why do people think ranks matter in HSG?

Rank 19 and below ALL play net decks. The skill difference is not that wide. You just play different net decks at lower ranks compared to higher ones.

Sometimes a deck you play will have an easier time at rank 1-5 than rank 15-19. If you can't see this, you might be stupid.

Zoo is an aggro deck.

N'Zoth Rogue is FUN.

Friendly reminder: If you use gold cards, you are bourgeois scum.

Completely destroy a class with a subtle change

Every overload now costs 1 more

Hero power costs 3 hp

Minions can only be healed once

>Every overload now costs 1 more


Yo I just tried Totem Shaman and I lost way more often than Aggro Shaman.
I don't get the hype

i've lost 6 ranks today and i keep losing more

i don't understand what's happening, i always either get rushed down too fast from aggro or run out of answers versus control

>inb4 hurr aggroshitter
i'm playing midrange hunter

At what point did you stop and think: "Maybe i shouldn't play ranked right now"


I think all the good players decided to climb the ladder today.

>not playing aggro or control

>9 days until hearthstone loses 3/4ths of its userbase to overwatch

>facing Priest C'thun cuck
>trading with cuck all game long
>cuck thinks he's clever and keeps building his C'thun up
>20/20 C'thun
>drops it while I have 8/8 rag, 25 hp, and and 4/5 cairne on the board
>thinks he's won with a 20/20 c'thun on the board
>aldor the cuck and stampede his faggot c'thun
>hit face with ashbringer and burn that insect to finish him off

>To Overwatch
>Not just losing 3/4ths in general

The Illuminati is spreading its propaganda to influence the hearthstone meta.

It's agenda is to frustrate nerds who spends all of their time on the internet. These nerds are more likely to take out their frustration on the other group of easily irritated internet dwellers: Social Justice Warriors.

They're doing this in an effort to paint socially progressive issues in a positive light by making them look like victims of actual discrimination.

Playing meta decks is just playing right into their hands.

After they fuck up the next expansion, definitely.

>~1 month until overwatch loses 90% of its playerbase

Why aren't you preventing Hunters from dropping their mechs every single turn while slowly burning them to death?

It works nicely, since Mech Hunters represent >50% of the Tavern Brawl

I am going to be sad when this tavern brawl is over.

I've made a pretty easy 400 gold since it dropped.

>you will never play this deck to its full potential

get on my level plebs

Because watching them flood then raping their board is soooo much better

>getting to turn 4


are their combos this is bad against?

>Heh, Greetings

>You go first you lose
>They go first you win
>Not realizing that's what this brawl is about anyways

Also mulligan strats?

>tank up

I literally got cancer from this post. Jesus Christ what the fuck how retarded are you

have you started saving up your pennies for the next p2w expansion user

spotted the c'thun c'uck

>If..If I say cuck, they'll think I'm cool!
>Shit..somebody called me out on my autism!

You have to be 18 to post here, come back in a few years.

I play dragon priest because I'm too lazy to shift

A lot of people I face are + attack murloc decks in the brawl, so I decided to bring out the crab. Very satisfying to see them concede on turn 2.

Works ok vs tidehunter evolve shamans if you get a good start and they don't. pretty useless vs mana wyrm decks or mechs though.

what decks do you have fun with this brawl?

Eh, it will survive but just off retarded blizzdrones, like Heroes of the Storm.

Post FUN brawl decks.

Been having a laugh with Prep+Cleef

you mad cuck? I think I struck a nerve :)


>No Emperor Thaurissan
>No Flamewaker
>No Grim Patron
>No Argent Horserider
>No Justicar
>No Totem Golem
>No Reno Jackson
>No Keeper of Uldaman
>No Entomb
>No Tunnel Trogg

Who's looking forward to 2017 here

Why not whisp/tinyfin + cleef?


Well I was joking with the 18 thing, but I think you may be 15

Oh shit user, good idea.

>Facing a hunter using my Renounce Darkness

You thought you were facing Gul'dan but it was really me, ANDUIN!


Use tinyfin and benefit from the opponents +murloc buffs.

>cucks still replying

go play your zoo locks and stroke your 2 inch dicks

>tfw you be netdeckin'

will you be my bf?

What are some fun archaeology waifu decks?

tfw you dont have cards required to netdeck so you make up your own shit at rank 19

such is life

It's one of the first decks I made, haven't played it in awhile. It does well, but it's boring to pilot. Basically just pre-standard murloc pally, but with a worse win condition.

>want to see how skilled players pilot a certain deck
>decent streamers hardly ever play it

what the fuck are you smoking, retard?

>making a deck that revolves around minions with 0 attack

Gee, what could possibly go wrong?

Midrange shaman is pretty good though. Just don't go full retard with primal fusion that shit. One Thunderbluff valiant is enough. And Bloodlust or Al'akir as the finisher. I like Al'akir personally. I've used him as an actual regular minion on turn 8 a few times to pretty good effect.

It's one of the most straightforward decks to play, don't really get what you mean by 'full potenial'. I'd wager even zoo has more interesting ways to play than heal paladin.

It's been surprisingly effective. You just hard mulligan for Innervates, then Yogg fucks up whatever carefully-laid plan your opponent might have had.


>could take the time to netdeck some shit off tempo storm
>too lazy to make the necessary stuff
>throw together some shitty midrange shaman deck that carries me to Rank 14 at best

I could play anything else right now but I'm too afraid that if I get off this deck I'll end up dropping back down.

>tfw buttmad aggro Shaman keeps whining about Control Warrior

>Justsaiyan hanging out with his sister on stream

>Its another rogue

>m-muh tank up

Just play fucking midrange deck. Holy fucking shit. 4 life per turn means nothing when you have a board.

>it's a shaman auto concedes after getting MUSEUMED episode

>tfw no qt 3.14 imouto by your side watching you play Hearthstone
such is life :(

Why did they make Slootbag a rogue card?

>tfw three old gods

wait what the fuck
is that real?

Why are all the Old Gods always in water?

>capitcha: pick rivers

They aren't.

Old Gods are the size of planets.

So those 2 people right there are nation sized giants?

have you seen the size of warcraft shoulder pads? they weren't made for ants

You only see a small part of the Old Gods in Azeroth, they are fused into Azeroth itself.

Is Darkspeaker secretly good?

there's only one that matters