Ace Combat General #219 - /aceg/

Hastly prepared due to lazy fucks edition.

Thread theme:
AC7 Trailer:
Update 13 trailer:

Gold box? It's probably 30 tickets
Update has dropped, with B7R Hard, Paris, permanent x6 supplied on weekends, no new planes
Ace Combat 7 has been confirmed to return to Strangereal. VR equipment will not be required to play the game.
New co-op tourney up, nothing notable to fight for
An user is making an AC inspired PC game:
Rumors of a PS4.5 coming Fall of this year to go along with PS VR's release
VGL6 soon

[] (use Text to export the build into a text format)

Other urls found in this thread:

First for the Last Gunfighter.


Second for NO MORE iDOL

Sorry, I didn't see it. Maybe next time.
It's the La li lu le lo, I mean, Gray Men's fault.

Thanks OP.

I want to be an idol!

>Sorry, I didn't see it. Maybe next time.
That's all right

Good RPG session, we didn't get to wrap up, but aside from Cosmo doing her damndest to get killed on turn 1, it went well.

Strix taking 160 rockets on a single plane turned out to not be a terrible idea. Go figure.

So, what planes are the rest of you working toward? I'm a little under 800,000 from my Adler.

I've acquired enough credits to bring a rena X-49 to 6 without stops, or Alect to around 9. I'm planning on dumping it into one of them or pumping it into my CFA to bring it to 12

I forgot what a somber game AC04 is. It's so much better at getting its anti-war sentiment across than AC5 is.

Best game in the series desu fampai
Zero comes very close.

>Tfw trying to let go of the E3 hype

why am I not playing 7 right now?

They gotta squeeze every last drop from Infinity.

I like Zero more just because the flying feels a touch awkward in 4.


bombs away my boy bombs away

Yeah, 4 is far slower paced and MUCH easier. The slower pace is fun because fucking around at ground level is way less lethal, if you ever want to just mess with the scenery

Some of us still have to finish up having fun in ACI, thank you very much. Seventy three rank levels to go, and plenty of plane upgrades to go.

>Open Horizon isnt in the OP again
you dun fugged up

I've got everything I want that I can currently get at this point.

Just waiting for that Patriot Falcon to be re-run. If it doesn't come up soon I'm going to flip my shit.

December 2016
...But it's going to be a shitty promotional AC7 mobile game exclusive to Japanese iPhones.

>not a Cipher eagle and a Pixy morgan
They fucked up that promo shot

>3 weekends without an emergency sortie
I've burnt 20 stocked fuel today just to see if I'd get one just before the competition period ends, no luck this includes being in a single room for 5 sorties straight

half way through I start to wonder why I'm even trying to push for a hire rank in the competition anymore, there are no planes in the medal exchange that I really want, maybe when the Nagase planes show up but nothing right now.

Is the baseline F-15C in infinity any good? Is it possible to get the USAF aggressor skin nowadays?

Might as well just get jewcoins when you can so you can have them saved up when the plane you want hits the shop.
Personally, I'm saving up for the -Red Devils-. I'm sure it ain't gonna come cheap.

Wait wtf is this?

>not a Yellow 13 vs Mobius 1
They fucked up that promo shot

the mobile app for assault horizon they released to promote AH, I actually had a bit of fun with it, like having one of those toy planes in your hands and going "FWWWWWOOOOOOSH" with it, except it actually makes the afterburner sound for you when you move it faster

actually has there been any planes that was a random drop in the medal exchange store? seems like they're all tourney prize planes.

Yup, I was just messing. There is no planned shitty promotional AC7 mobile game for December 2016.

What do you guys think they'll do for the 2 year AC:I anniversary? Money? Fuel? Jack shit?

jack shit or shut down the servers

pretty sure the top 100 already have the tourney planes, why do they still insist on maintaining that position?

>Implying there is still hope for freedom

Just imagine if ACI continues all the way up until AC7's release, and the online model continues, with the "one-time purchase component" just being a campaign you can do with rental planes, and online multiplayer needed to level them up.

Emergency bump with degeneracy.

If you want to bitch by all means do so, I need to sleep and can't bump this shit all night.

>Ustio Air Force's response to degeneracy



>After the mission


What is RISE ?
Baby don't ded me.
Don't ded me.
No more.

Reminder that if this thred dies prematurely and a new one have to be created, don't forget to include

>kasanagi competition is over
>dropped to just a few positions under 1000
>screwed over by RNG by not having any emergency sorties pop up in my 25 fuel run
fucking hell man

I've gotten to the point where I only fly one forced sortie per day. I just don't care enough to go for tourney rewards anymore. I'm just working on maxing the slots on my plane.

>random map cycles moscow
>It's the fourth map in a row I do on my ducling anyway
>Teammate sees my duckling and immediatly switches from a flanker to 2100cst Leo MTD
>proceeds to score 50k
>lose to a Mobius 1 who did 79k opposed to my 80k because he ad uncontested air supremacy

>Moscow again
>This time I'm with the mobius guy
>Seed the duckling and immediatly switches to a 2500cs FAEB/MTD
>Scores 40k

I will never understand ST/D faggots.

>Moscow again

Getting the following to 10:
Jean Louis (9)
Cocoon (9)
Flash (8)
Persian Cat (7)
Black Duck (7)
Buddy Morgan (5)

It's been ages since I've seen a NSU challenge.


Everyone wants to be a/an ______ until it's time to do _______ shit

Need to grind out one more part slot on my Bombcat and Miki. After that, I'm going to save up until the Albireo T-50 is out in the medal exchange. Or be a madman and get the Beast EA-18G.

Time once again for "planes that still don't have SP variants"


And that's it. The number has gotten a lot smaller over the last couple of months.

So, what do you guys think of Macross Delta ?

>tfw if the F-4G -HB- gets released it's going to be at least 500 coins and possibly 1000 coins

what's the point in even waiting anymore

So I hear this is the place for boats?

>Dat number
Can't believe someone would bring that into a contest, whatever contest it may be.

Fish no. 14
F-14 ?


Nah this is a place for idols.

Wanted coins for the Gryphus but as for now I'm seriously tempted by the Oruma. Already got a shitton attackers but a RKTL boat would be nice.

Also, currently leveling Nugget Intruder, Gaviria and my pet project, a vanilla Gripen. Got 20 million credits to spare so shouldn't be hard to do everything.

I'm trying to get my Night Stalker to 10 and I'm also farming some slots for my normal Gripen.

>this is a place for idols.
what if there never were idol skins in ace combat games ?

/aceg/ would be a better place.

I agree. Just because idorus made guest appearance as skins since AC6 doesn't mean they're completely affiliated with the franchise to the point that many started to post /@/-related stuffs that don't even appear at all in AC, including puchis

Exactly, it's like me saying that pic related is Ace Combat related because it's an Idol.

Looks pretty degenerate related to me.

Safely censored with love for a blue board.

How degenerate when compared with puchi hentai images found on the internet ?


I've seen all the comotion over puchi scat a few threads ago, but do puchi lewd games actually exist ?

Shoo, shoo. Go away deviant"Art".

Come feel the heat forever and forever.

puchi scat ? Now that's news to me.
There's image gallery and a doujin of puchi hentai out there but nothing scat related.
As for lewd puchi games, sadly, no. They don't exist....yet

>Looking at puchi lewd galleries
100% degenerate.

I was just trying to find out if puchis are immune to Rule 34.
Turned out I was wrong. Still, some of them are actually a grotesque way

How much percent are puchis themselves degenerate and the reason of it thus making the puchi lewd pictures 100% degenerate?

Idols are 100% degenerate.

Puchis are compressed idols and thus 200% degenerate.

It scales up from there.

Which means if we extract puchis they become idols.
And if we extract idols ?

If you encounter them 200% degenerate, how are you gonna get rid of them ?

V2 that fires MPBMs and TLS.

>Puchis are compressed idols and thus 200% degenerate.
What about decomposed puchi carcasses then ?

You mean like ?

I want to shove a puchi into a hyperbaric chamber then suddenly decompress it!

And the result would be..?

I want to flatten a puchi with a steamroller, or incinerate it with a flamethrower, or both at the same time.

>puchi lewd galleries are 100% degenerate
What about puchi gore images if there are any then ?

Or throw it into lava

Hello Squid Friends!

Mods keep banning us from Veeky Forums but we will never leave! Come join our fine group of artist proudly displaying NSFW art on bluetext boards. This is our version of a sitin! Come sit with us! Squid ya later!

>False-flagging this hard
I just don't get it.

I want to go Dio mode and ZA WARUDO the shit out of a puchi!
Think about what happens to a coke bottle when you open it. A rapid decompression makes all dissolved gas bubble. Now think of that coke bottle as your brain, muscles, heart and arteries, and you've just got an embolism.

Ah, you mean like the one in that James Bond movie Licence to Kill, if you have seen it.

Think we'll get a completely new superplane for AC7 or a rejiggered version of an old one?


What the fuck kind of degenerate /aceg/ is this?

I can see them using the ADLER since it was never officially featured in a game.

This only happens when we run out of things to talk about, luckily E3 is a few weeks away.

I'm trying to keep the discussion going. Maybe it's been over before but not everyone's participated in it before.

So the next game's supposed to have weather effects and from the trailers it looks like all-directional missiles. How do you guys think that's going to change strategies? Do you think the AI in AC7 is going to be good enough to keep it interesting?

I didn't, but I did hear someone had a death by airlock in it, though I'm not sure if it was a saturation diving chamber airlock, or a space airlock. In case it's space, your body inflates quickly and goes boom. Pretty fun, ain't it ?

It also wouldn't surprise me to start seeing early variants of the Delphinus, Orcinus and Asterozoa

Clouds fucking with missile locks is going to be either the most cheesed multiplayer gimmick in existence or a new level of tactics of done well