/ink/ - Splatoon General

Reminder that if you see any Splatoon posts outside of /ink/ and /ninty/, DO report and hide/ignore it. DON'T respond to it.

Current Maps Rotation:splatoon.ink/
- Chrome extension:chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/aahamocdabckhacaedblhgimpkhpiopm
- Firefox extension:addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/squid-thing
- Booru:booru.splatoon.ink

- Splatfest results arein, ans confirm fancy dress party wins by popularity and wins!
- New Amiibo have been announced for the Squid Sisters, as well as recolored versions of the previous Amiibo lineup, coming in July!
- You can watch the Squid Sisters recent live performance, featuring their first solo tracks 'Heartbeat Bomb Rush' and 'Seaweed Nights', here:youtube.com/watch?v=jOtjUG5PXlE[Open]


> Resources

> Official NA Tumblr :

> Wiki:

> User Stats:

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Couldn't you proofread a bit? Look at your [Open]


10/10 loser confirmed

Okay what happened this time. I just woke up and Splatoon.ink/ink gives me a funeral page.

Second time Callie has taken both popularity and wins.
Splatfest is fixed, FIXED!

It's symbolism for /ink/ is dead.
Only those who actually work to search for /ink/ should find it not any random person just clicking a link..

splatoon.ink/ink still redirects to a funeral home page. Can we fix that, or is it up to the mods?

that's funny but also depressing


If something happens we just take over /nintyg/ again


Man, he just keeps getting more desperate

It's not even up to the mods per se. It's some redditor that's in charge of the domain I think.

Id rather we not do that again.

Does this motherfucker ever sleep?

get rekt furfags

Yeah but beggars can't be choosers.


We need to find a solution that doesnt involve shitting up their general like filthy refugees. We could just hang in the discord until the passes.

Wouldn't be surprised if he has this scripted.

I've seen this posted quite often. Can someone elaborate what this is to someone that's new to splatoon ?

it's a randomized private battle based on the op's post number
random game mode, random map, and random gear/weapons for each player


Fuck off pedofags.

An undisclosed action has been filed against your general. Have a good day.

fuck off mlg splatoon player

If we disappear, that'll prove the spammer's point that Ink isn't needed. Moving to /nintyg/ sucks for them but it shows that a separate thread is necessary.

Hi from /dsg/. FUCK OFF


Morning Babt, you sleep well?

Technically, no thread is needed. But if it is wanted no amount of vigilanteism will make it go away.

Who gives a shit if he wins. It's one person. Swallow your fucking pride and help think of a solution if you're so smart.

>(You)s posts aren't getting any replies, in part due to our OP warning and in part due to the same old dance 3 or 4 times
>It's even more obvious he's samefagging now

Needed in an organizational sense. If Veeky Forums was just one big thread no one could have conversations because it would move too fast. /nintyg/ pretty much immediately got clogged with splatoon chatter with nothing else.

Based babt

Don't give him (you)s


Any squads around?

>people preferring to dress fancy over having fun with their dresses.
Absolutely disgusting

>playing the game

Shigeru Miyamoto


Are we back for good this time?

wwhy /ink/ is piss, why /ink/ is piss #italiano

That autist is spamming other generals again, in case you guys haven't noticed yet

I know things are hard right now, but we just have to FIGHT!
But trying to avoid any more conflict..

Anyone want a drawing of their woomy? I might link them off site to avoid mr scary face

the discord doesn't want our waifuism. discord is shit for images anyway

Don't people usually say FAITO?

Honestly, don't give two shits about them
Whether you post art or not they're still gonna spam shit, and whether they do or not it hardly matters

Yeah but only one person has come into our thread about it. Most people realize single shitter =/= entire general.

probably not
yes please! could you include the weapon?

Can you guys tell me why does this autist spam at least? He mentioned "!!dO6UeLoiMqn" trip in his post, who was that? From the looks of it, he's very butthurt about that lad

the next OP should have a link to the /qa/ or something.

Someone mentioned using trips to make the real /ink/ unique from his multitudes of fakes, and it's been incorporated into the rest of his bullshit.

Well, I suppose they might! But I initially drew this to send to my friend who's feeling a little down, and he might not get the joke!
I guess, but I don't want the general getting deleted for the bajillionth time on my account.
Sure I can! That's one of my favourite ink colours, so this will be fun!

draw my woomy with please

How can any thread even contain their shitposter in a fucking anonymous imageboard lad? Whatever

Thanks lads, I'm leaving now. Good luck fixing the general

Do you have no friends in real life? Because thats how I picture you neckbeards

jesus that's dedication... how long did it take you to get all the colors? did you just play turf games over and over again?

So what's with this thread deletin /ink/?

There's no difference.
>dressing as a hot dog
The only good costumes are fancy ones, but the only good fancy attires are not costumes.

"There is a time and a place for anime. The time is now. The place is here." -me

it's not on your account
he'll spam whatever you do

I would really like it if the banter wasn't complete ass.

if you go into recon, you can get the default color for a color set. To get the other color, you need to actually play and hope you get it. And then there's also ranked exclusive colors. I just do it for sets that I have as default and universal through all the weapons I use.

The Splatfest was really normal girls vs futanari. Note how the costume party was a girl with a massive wiener.

Wait, I was a girl on costume. Now I want a dick. :(

what is this

Report him.

This is just getting sad now.

Entirely different boards now? Really?

Ok, I like porn too, but its a blue board, and you are spamming

What did /ink/ do to deserve such as this....

babt is honestly one of the worst falseflaggers ever

that's a spammer trying to destroy ink, report and ignore

please stop replying to babt

>Reminder that if you see any Splatoon posts outside of /ink/ and /ninty/, DO report and hide/ignore it. DON'T respond to it.


From what I see, they dropped the g at the end of their tag that every other general except "/ninty/" have. So they deserve it.

i'm here for the sitin

This is really dissapointing. All I wanted was to discuss Splatoon.

See .

Why Don't You come to Another board?

Etrian Odyssey General doesn't even have an acronym.

Then they also deserve it.


Where can I watch high level splatoon matches, like tournament recordings or something

>every single member of the enemy team has bomb rush and after taking an early lead they don't stop spamming it
>get mvp on the losing team despite eating shit constantly because I got a handful of kills and kept re-inking territory
That was depressing.

You advertise in MY thread than you give me this bullshit. Fuck You, Good Sir.

babt you need to sleep eventually

(If you somehow aren't babt, it was bait you dumbfuck)

Nintendo general does have it. it's /nintyg/

That was surprisingly close.

It's one guy doing that. Just report and move on.

Fuck it, I'm going to be talking about splatfest! From a Mariebro, congrats Calliefriends! That was a close Splatfest!

I haven't looked at this game since I played the beta test.

Is there a single-player mode or is it online only?

There is a single player mode, yes.

There's a single player mode. Starts easy enough, but some fights can get frantic, especially the last boss.
If you want challenge mode though, you'll have to buy amiibo stuff to scan in.

Wish it was longer

I thought the SP was about right. Or I didn't think it was too short.

What's the deal? No after Splatfest bitching or gloating? /ink/ has fallen too far.

Not him but I felt it was too short. It felt like what super mario sunshine should have been like, just a lot shorter and also reminded me of the spongebob movie game for some reason, but not the shittiness.

Fuck you!

Maybe the ending where a song defeats the final boss.