Tree of Savior General - /tosg/

don't believe his lies

Previous: TOS Info:
This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.

>What is Tree of Savior?
Tree of Savior is an action MMORPG with a lot of classes, cute hats and autism grinding.

>Can I play the game now?
This game is now out everywhere!

>Want to cut some cookies?

>English patch for kTOS

- kTOS - Server : Vakarine (Upside down "A" in gookspeak)
- iTOS: Klaipedia (NA), Fedimian (EU)

>Official Translation Project -
Helping in the translation will speed up international server updates and remove unwanted machine-translated text. There are also rewards for contributors, further explained on the github page.

>Field Boss/F.O.E Timers
- kTOS Timer:
- iTOS Timer:

>/tosg/ Guilds info

Other urls found in this thread:

I love talt!

I love talt too! How much do you have, /tosg/?

Then take it you whore!

Who excited for the free 50 TP event?

4rd for comfy grinding


Klaipeda Ch.4


I'm pretty new and I don't know what class to pick

is this a meme build or actually viable?

Have you ever been cucked this hard by a game company?

same ruser

Is quarrel shooter a good class for beginners??

>Meteor isn't even better than Prominence.

Fellow Fedimian anons
Some of you have already started working on a templar?


who /notsurewhatcharactertoputfounderspackitemson/ here?



When do I use Lv. 6 cards?

I have a lot.
But not sure if I should sell them or save for my future guild, if I ever join one.

>It sucks that it doesn't actually freeze the enemies.
There's always Audra staff, if it bothers you that much:

as soon as you get them

don't save any cards until level 15 cards

>buying the founders pack
>not just forcing on premium trough lua exploits
what year is it

One more day to go until my service is finally restored! Rank 6 has been waiting for me just around the corner long enough.

Fucking autist spammer get a life and let the squidfuckers enjoy their paint.

Yes please soemone not retarded and attentionwhore from reddit.

Fuck you dude, this is not fair.

Always use cards wisely to make your level more or less 5 levels under/over the area level where you're questing, so you actually earn EXP by defeating monsters too.
It's a small difference, but it's how you ToS.

Yes, it's brainless and OP.

Archer's kneeling shot and quick stack with QS's running shot as long as you use kneeling shot last. You become a static turret that tears enemies new assholes.

Yes Koenig!
Get that Kamehameha and prove the doubter bullies wrong!

You earn more exp with one card than you do for killing over 300 monsters. There is no reason not to use your cards right away unless you're about to reach a new dungeon and get shitloads of exp off of that.

Your logic is retarded. Get the fuck out of my face.

what a good bokor summoner build?

i dont care how dumb the AI is

Well yea, but I don't know if it's worth getting Audra over a staff with better magic attack just for that.

I want a Koening in EU too

If you can't get a Petamion, what's the next best thing?

Posting again for my Coffee bros.

>GvG guild

>implying prominence is not shit

Nothing. Get a Peta.

>If you can't get a Petamion
Farming the lv 130 dungeon is so hard?
Only world boss loot is hard to get and IMC is taking care of making them casual friendly too


I am new

Please explain what is happening

Are you fucking retarded you fuck? Clearly you miss EXP by using too much cards and overleveling enemies, so yes it's a LITTLE difference but add it up for 200+ levels and you'll actually see it, it's not another shitty MMO where the Lv.max is 50 so fuck off and keep wasting EXP cuckface

If you're a magical girl, just use your Magic Talisman.
Conqueror, Health Stone, Abomination Necklace+Bracelet set fine too.

Don't ever use those shitty +10 Starving Demon's Way necklaces though.

>one guy from Veeky Forums destroyed an entire Reddit guild
Suck it, Redditors.

Is the 200 dungeon worth it to run on a fresh 200 character for the xp or is this the point where I can just run to the boss room of my dungeon of choice to farm items?

is cafrisun respawn time 5 minutes?

mine wasn't at the spawn either

You can swap weapons, both through a swap weapons attribute and through the hotkey bar.

How many times do I need to talk to this old fart in order to become rune caster

The 190 is better exp. the mobs are level 200 anyway.

A demostration of how Plague Doctors are broken in PvP

>tfw wanna join Veeky Forums guild but I just wanna be myself and not have any beta orbiters

>Dumping frost cloud on the spawn with 5 other guilds

Good job.

Join FP.

do world bosses have individual spawn timers between channels or how does that work?

fixed for Sorcerer

In nepavry grassland and I think before the map exit too.


Don't even bother
You are clearly new.
You are an EA too late for compete agaist the World Boss mafia

I thought only official forums general section was full of this "OMG CH1 TOWN IS LAG!! WORSE MMO EVER IMC CEO SHOULD QUIT!11!1!" nonsense but it seems to be spreading to this board.
This game has -some- issues that need to be fixed but the claims of people complaining are getting ridiculous and/or are blatant lies.

Let me buy TP already !

You can already.

But he's a sorc, user. He got all those kills with his TS.

archer ver where?

I don't know what classes the resident blogposters play I just know one person killing a bunch of people at spawn is easy as fuck with any AoE spam class.

>go to crystal mines
>take off all my equipment
>kneeling shot at the crystal spider ambush in the main path
>put candlestick holder on keyboard
>go to bed cause it's 4 am
>wake up 7 hours later with 10k in trash drops and a crystal spider crystal worth 65k on the market, none of this counts silver drops
>I turned all the players running around like chickens with their heads cut off looking for vubbe fighter blood into money mills
I never have to stop making money or farming for rare drops.

And I did it without Chinese bots.

>dvine multiposting just to defend his shit guild and his cocksleeve blogposter

btw FP has a discord link

thanks reddit

>finally about to roll 3 times on a cube
>ping is like 3s
>spam rightclick on that cube like mad
>cube opens
>warp scroll takes its place, click on that too
>reroll interface gone
It's the small things that make this game bad.

>I don't know what classes the resident blogposters play
Templars is the class every blogposters here ends up to have in their team

Based imc nuking this shit game so we can enjoy WOLFKNIGHTS.

from last thread,
what is in your opinion the best solo class, for enjoying the game i play the game on breaks so cant stick to parties and such, thank you

If it was easy it wouldn't cost 6m, user.

It's pure luck.

Oh right, I keep forgeting about weapon switch.


How so

Yes, /tosg/ is full of shitposters, thanks for the update reddit.


>first roll was talt obviously.

discord and reddit fags dragged the plebposters here

Yes I am new and I am curious as to how it works with different people in different channels killing different things.

The forums have been raided by edgy Veeky Forums kids since the beta. They were also the retards that ruined shout for everyone.

moon corridor

Farming it is easy.
Luck is neither hard or easy


>You earn more exp with one card than you do for killing over 300 monsters.
t. sub 200 shitter

>there are people who manually leveled when 100% exploring a single high level map gives you enough exp for 5-6 levels
top kek

You can't.. Keep checking news/steam, assholes are assholes.

You think this game is good?

Not when it's 3 times per day.

it's a sorc targeting a spawn where you only have 50% hp with his memeshooter

>there are people who don't use the maphack to 100% any map and comfy grindan while only taking the most efficient card/time quests through the use of betterquest addons

does 100% exploration give exp cards or something?

i made one post and this is the second. i can't be bothered to argue since i'm too busy afk farming

muh economy, muh bot prevention

yep. 50 cards per map completed.

>FP and Clover fighting
>CNL comes under attack and they put aside their differences to help their imouto guild
>now they're back to fighting
Just make up already!

Looks like someone ordered 200k gold. wink wink

i have every map 100%'d at level 100

Why the fuck are Infrorocktor Bones so expensive

>>now they're back to fighting
Are we?