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Rhajat a best

What's the bustiest Tharja/Rhajat you've got?

I love Sakura!

Dori is a-dori-ble!

Now I'm not gay, but I would ream Forrest's ass so hard he wouldnt be able to sit straight for a month

For my eyes only user.

>Kana has been kidnapped
>Taken: Fates

>takes at least 10 turns to get past Saizo's room

This is my wife.

>Arthurcucks mad Odin Dark didn't die

Odin/owain the best!

Fine, what's the bustiest that you're willing to share?

Why haven't you married your imouto yet? Are you gay?

That's nice, Asugi.

I think he reached the point where if he tries to rush in by breaking all pots, he will lose 1-2 characters but has the chance to make it on time. Then he throws Kamui into Ryouma because he "thinks he could take him" and so Kamui dies and restarts.

>rainbow sage revelations
Well that's pretty fucking interesting
Too bad this next map is a pain in the asss

I like Hana

Help a brotha out with some Berets/Ninjamasks and BP plz.

off screen walkthrough/dictionary check hype

I married my nee-san, so that makes me less gay than you. Imoutos aren't for deflowering, at least not Elise.

Shilling my castle on /feg/!

There's probably other stuff too but I'm too lazy to look around my folder.

No, but I don't want to get banned from hoshido....

Inferior, worthless


>Bug subhuman as obligatory chuuni character

I'd be okay with this

I already put 4 Kanas in Sakura.

Forgetting to post my card because I'm an idiot!

If only she would comb

This nigger doesn't deserve to be so fucking lucky

>removed that hair which is always in her face
Wait what.... I like this edit and I don't know why...


If this fuckboy keeps giving me the sex eyes every feg thread he is going to get S-ranked by a man whether he wants it or not

he wants it

kaze did it my bois

What bug though? I'm thinking what this user said

He can't die until Saizo goes down. After that he has no reason to live anymore.


And the AI is kinda dopey using attack stance when they could be getting additional full attacks instead.


Saizo pls...

Sometimes luck plays a huge role.

i think i'll go watch GoT as well

Have a nice day.


If FE was goth

I want to make Meido a mom.

we made it my bois

Realistically, can he clear the map in the turns he has left?

>not setting yourself to Hold
it's like you want to be seized

Of how many user?

You too maidanon

He'll probably just go for the escape unless he fucks up the choking the center hall.


A-all at once user?

>contributing to the sex eyes you complain about

Either you are retarded or really want to smash that sweet ass


How's your dad goin, Forrest?

Telling generic maid that she's very cute!

>leaves to "watch game of thrones"
>comes back
>loads bookmark
>he has more turns left
>he thinks nobody will notice

Generic maid a shit. Generic shrine maiden and falcoknight are better

Pretty good. He wore the outfit I made him, but the collar was inside out...

>goes for the escape
>doesn't realize quite how far the Shrine Maid's range goes
>Corrin gets entrapped on turn 15 because of negligence
>Etika has no choice but to aggro Ryoma
>loses 3 units before having to reset because he'll lose to timer

It will be hard to not notice with the situation he left himself in

How would you think she'd feel having all those babies inside her then?

He actually says that he's only interested in women in his supports with Mamui. This doesn't stop Mamui from complimenting his looks and staring at him or Forrest from playfully implying Mamui is lusting after him.

Honestly, she probably will die. But I will just go for her sisters who are an exact copy of her.

Found this.


Would Hoshido or Nohr be better at basketball?

I want to watch him get crushed, he fucking infuriates me

You have Dark Magic, you'd find a way that she wouldn't die you know.

I S-ranked Sakura as soon as I possibly could.

Hoshido, hands down.


Is Ophelia weird enough to fuck a beetleman?

tell me about yourself, why do you use a name?

me in the middle

Forrest said he was romantically attracted to women... but he did say he wouldn't dabble with men sexually

Me on the left.

>Implying Ryoma wouldn't ship them

Nigga wouldn't even have to hide the "not blood related" thing anymore and Hoshido would get a god dragon kid, he would probably tell Corrin to OUGI her all night on their honeymoon.

>who is better at basketball
>the short ass Asian country
>or the Aryans

>tfw i can filter tinydick bowboy

Meant to say "but he didn't say he wouldn't davble with men sexually"

Its what Sakura and Ryoma both want.

>Camilla mercilessly teases the Hinoka!Kana

>Camilla would be alright with you dicking some other chick
>Hinoka would be alright with you dicking som other chick
Sakura and Elise maybe, but this shit is wack.

>Be Takumi
>Son becomes a proficient Archer and makes himself useful, contributing member of society
>Leo's shitty son wears dresses and argues with people
>Wins popularity poll along with his dad



Dat Mysterious Appeal man.

>chapter 17 Revelations
But why do they do this?

Just censor my shit up

did they actually remove the petals falling behind her? why?

>Revelations Odin

Too much for the americucks

Too Japanesey.

I thought all the sexualization was the whole selling point of this game. Who the hell is going to buy this now?

Too sexual.

Holy shit they actually did...

Nobody, literally nobody.

>game sales depend largely on otaku who like fanservice
>take out the fanservice

it didn't stop Fates from selling like hotcakes, of course, but god-fucking-dammit Nintendo

>People unhappy with the censoring
>People unhappy about the lack of dub
>People unhappy about missing an entire DLC
>People unhappy that the game isn't what it originally was supposed to be
I'm honestly not sure. It's just a seriously watered down generic JRPG at this point.

Because there isn't a whole lot like Fire Emblem on the market right now. Plus the swimsuits and face petting didn't impact the plot or gameplay at all. Meanwhile this game is basically going against Persona 5.

>People unhappy about the lack of dub
Who the fuck is unhappy about this? After Fates' dub you'd think that'd be a good thing.

Don't be like that.

Post the picture or I'll post images of her getting BLACKED