Fighting Games General /fgg/

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toppest titcana

>No turf masters op
Shit thread

Ono bit off way more than he could chew with SF5

should i buy
or should i get sf5 + dlc sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif

sf5 + dlc

Hey guys. I just picked up BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend for £4, and I was wondering if I could get the character combo trophies using beginner mode?

I've never really played a fighter before, except MK when I was a kid because I'm naturally shit at them. I don't see myself playing much of this game after I beat the story modes. I'm just looking to have fun desu.

Sorry if I offend anybody. I don't know /fgg/ culture.

get a hooker and some blow

/fgg/ culture is to shitpost about Kancolle and dodge matches while pretending we all play Melty Blood

This was my question from the other thread

When playing 3s on FIghtcade, do you guys notice like dropped inputs at times?

I have problems playing mak, but no issue playing roo. I can't do her 100% stun and kara-ing anything I need to kara is not as simple.

Oh nice. I've been playing Melty Blood since '05. I can dust everybody ITT.

melty is one of the few games we really play./


Nice work lads.


The input shortcuts is very unforgiving in 3S, if you miss a downback/downforward, your special won't come out.

Let's test your fighting game IQ, /fgg/.

What is the average of the sum of 1 to 100 and what is your favorite fighting game?

Get the bishoujo desu.

why did justin play alex in that tournament?

Fucking bloody hell mate.

>too many lmao

idk 50? 51?

About 5000, Guilty Gear

Are you in NA? I got a lobby going yesterday at this hour, tough it was the weekend so probably more people staying up late. I'd play with you but I'm in the lab right now.

>/fgg/ can't into middle school math

>Don't try to anti-air
—Daigo on SFV

>tfw sliding under jump ins all day

ty based sim

50.5 Guilty Gear

for funsies.
he said he'd only use alex and guile there.

BlazBlue has its own general called They would probably be more knowledgeable about the game because most people here don't play BlazBlue

that's only neet time /fgg/

goober gear

only against Ken, which is correct

This is a trick question.
You can't take an average of a single value.
King of Fighters 13.

Oh snap. Totally missed that. Cheers buddy.

So why do you hate virtua fighter again?

you can, the average of the sum is the sum itself, so

i don't, the gameplay is fun but the majority of the characters aren't really interesting

>the average of the sum is the sum itself

literally what

the average of 1 and 2 is 1+2/2, the average of 1 is 1+1/2
makes perfect sense

Math is objectively badly designed.

101 umvc3

I like to see sega fanboys suffer

the average of an evenly spaced set is the first and last number divided by 2. alternatively, you could find the median, which is also equal to the average.

but the average of 1,2,3...99,100 is 50.5

the sum is 5050

unless you meant "what is the average of a set where the only number in the set is 5050" in which case the average is 5050 but the question is stupid and incoherent

am i being trolled?

50 ish

why did he say average of a sum instead of just average of 1 through 100

who is the biggest cuck on /fgg/

because he was trying to obfuscate an incredibly simple question by making it needlessly confusing

the question asked for the average of the sum which is stupid since that would just be the sum. What they probably meant was the average of the numbers 1 to 100, or they meant to be retarded, it is hard to tell here.

spurdo fighter when


>am i being trolled?
It's a fucking math question on Veeky Forums. What do you think?

103 melty

Best answer

If 2 Makotos + 2 Makotos equals 5 Makotos, then what does 4 Juris + 4 Juris equal?

10 juris?

10 juri

a jurisdiction

She looks like that reaction image of the girl eating cereal and she has milk coming out of her mouth

cummy lesbian footsie orgy

this is literally the only good post in this thread, congratulation

0 in a base SFV number system, because that's the number of juris you'll see in top 8s

how do I level up my meme game


move to [s4s] for a week

why do you meme like so when the character is not even out yet

Yes, the emulator is known to drop inputs and have input lag.

what's the point of playing necalli when he's literally just a shit ryu?

fba is utter garbage. and even simple shit like qcf.p will occasionally give you crouch.p

capcom should just release 3soe for steam already. there's def. a market for it and no one wants to spend money on xbl to play it.

>I keep losing the start of the round against this character. I'll go in training mode and test my options against her option.

>Four hours laters and I'm not done.

I didn't think it could go that deep.

I can never get this off my head.
I shouldn't have lost against this guy.

is it just me or is there a serious shortage of good sf doujins? speaking of which, there's a shocking lack of doujins where the guy turns into a girl, the girl turns into a guy, and the girl who turned into a guy rapes the guy who turned into a girl.

comeback mechanics baka

Doujin artists only care about anime and mobile games now

is 3soe dead now or is it just only played on xbl?

Shit game

is this tekken or doa?



ring outs are the toppest fighting game mechanic



is rh>rh>>fierce dp ryu's best meterless cc combo

no it's HK, (walk), st.MP, cr.HP xx HP Shoryuken

obvious samefag is obvious


unironically end your life 016er


ive been playing street fighter since before you were in your dad's ballsack

I've been living under your dad's ballsack since before he was even born

>100% combo off a throw
Nice game you have there goober

Whats Birdies best air to air? I know that the character is supposed to be grounded, but sometimes you just gotta lift off.

>ans = 50.5000


nice hitboxes capcum

I'd ask you to tell me they got the hurtbox and hitbox colours wrong but that's not much better.

Tatsu seems good in 4 from what I've seen but in 5 I rarely use it outside of as a combo ender or to get through hadouken spam. People EX tatsu'd on wakeup, why was it effective and why does nobody do it in V?

>finish playing sf5
>it's already morning

the real world is too painful. i want to live in an anime.

It was faster, had a better hitbox and was completely safe.
You also had 4 bars in IV so it was much less of a resource investment.

Because it was not effective