Runescape General /rsg/

Solomanfu edition
Previous Thread Official World: 42
Official FC: "grindanfc"
Clan: GrindanScape (For an invite, go into the FC and ask for one. No requirements.)

>I've been inactive, what did I miss over the past x years

>Latest Update,16,766,65779975

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Threadly reminder that there is nothing wrong with being a furry

1st for OSRS is the superior game.

for illiterate people, yes.


P E T I T I O N _ / || \ _ P O L L

Should we stop making these threads?

Reply to this post with your comments/opinions

P E T I T I O N _ / || \ _ P O L L

Yes, unless we change our name to Furry Runescape General

OSRS fuck off.
accept the fact that you are illiterate, and cannot enjoy books.

I'm not from OSRS

I have 2600 total on RS3 and these threads are fucking dead, unless there's some autistic shitpost war about furries that is.

it's fucking embarrassing and no one uses this thread to talk about runescape

take your boogeyman shit and fuck off

there are deder threads, don't be a cunt.

>2600 total

Fuck off shitter

>stop liking what I don't like

It's not about the threads being dead, it's about them only being alive when people decide to bait and shitpost

Friendly reminder that furries deserve to be genocided


If you don't like it just don't use the thread

also, the threads come back to life when the lorefagging starts.

>general up for 15 minutes
>clan with 500 members
>friends chat with 45 players currently
>7 unique IPs posted
>17 posts
>4 posts contain the word furry/furries

fuck off reddit scum

Thanks Veeky Forums police

7 unique IPs and 17 posts in 15 minutes is fairly good for most generals.

>This is what RS3 fags actually believe

Whats with reddit and posting massive rants about how evil jagex is for doing things like rebalancing the game or daring to think about not making Zaros a mary sue?

I mean not really
but most generals tend to be "flavor of the month" and thus have a lot of posts/posters discussing new games

For a general that's literally been around since Veeky Forums started and for a game that is 100% figured out it's okay.

The fact that shitposting about furries/thread meta being the only discussion in the thread with almost no runescape discussion (despite today being an update day with fairly controversial nerfs) is downright sad

hello /v/

>tfw havent been to /v/ since 2011

Most generals have existed for a while, the majority of Veeky Forums is about as fast or slower than /rsg/, sure flavour of the month generals exist but they're the minority.

This thread is purely metaposting and shitposting because someone came in and started metaposting right off the bat which doesn't leave room for discussion.

If you don't like it just leave and help it die or actually try to discuss those "controversial nerfs" instead of whining about how no one is discussing it yet.

>blaming me for not discussing runescape
>when the thread itself is pretty decidedly a shitpost-general
Yeah, these people sure seem interested in discussing today's update. Asking their opinion wouldn't be a waste of time at all.

I wish I was this autistic

Are there any good RuneScape memes?

No such thing

>get raided by OSRS
>get raided by furries
how exactly is that our fault?

Its the first few posts of a thread, of course its going to be "nth for x".

Seriously, if you don't like it just fuck off and let it die instead of shitposting about how much you hate it, metaposters like you are the biggest cancer in Veeky Forums

Is it really a raid when those people make up the majority of regular posters.

If it's a raid where are all the normal /rsg/ posters who just want to discuss runescape?

Waiting for retards like you to leave, no point discussing if you're going to whine about it

>Is it really a raid when those people make up the majority of regular posters.
since fucking when, five minutes ago? the threads aren't usually "autistic furfag here", "illiterate OSRS retard here", you're just fucking cherrypicking, from literally the last five minutes..

>If it's a raid where are all the normal /rsg/ posters who just want to discuss runescape?
dealing with faggots like you, retard.

fine, fuck this piece of shit general

>40 minutes
>only 8 posters

let's see how long it lasts and how many page 10 bumps you need to stay afloat

see you tomorrow

i just had a thought.
what if he's that ban evading powertripping faggot who fancies himself a mod, and tried to kill the splatoon general for not talking about the game even though they claimed they were?
what if he's switched targets to other ded threads?

Wouldn't surprise me, self proclaimed board and thread police are cancer

we have had jannies camp the thread before, but ive never really seen bans.

that was mostly due to the pointy-chin-drawing faggot who kept advertising and op sniping 200 posts early, though.


Jagex should fucking hire me to tell them when they are doing something that's fucking retarded.
Maybe then I could sniff the chair Ana used to sit in too.

>doing something that's fucking retarded.
as in what, specifically?

try reading the patch notes once in awhile

It looks like that poo in the loo girl who got famous for becoming a pornstar.

>Those hips

They ban people its just easy for people to ban evade

i still don't get it.

>Jagex's team can't even do yaka with infinite HP
>Nerf survival shit so people can't do yaka in an attempt to fix economy
You literally CANNOT make this shit up.
Also this invention update is the dumbest shit I've seen and it took 5 months to implement.

>myreque quest finale is fucking retarded
>mega may things are fucking retarded
>random nerfs out of the blue that are fucking retarded
>invention release is the single most fucking retarded thing I've ever seen in this game
>slisgay is fucking retarded
>nomad quest is fucking retarded
>the elite slayer mobs are fucking retarded
>rune metrics is fucking retarded
>the easter event was fucking retarded

Pretty rude tbqh

i meant what they did this time, user.
we all know they fuck up constantly, but i was and am not aware of what they've done now.

>who got famous for becoming a pornstar.
Who dat

They also nerfed holy water, it went from being the best weapon to use on demon meme mobs to being the equivalent of using rune darts

Most of those were fine though

>That fucking picture that won the NXT competition

Wow, a picture of the castle Drakan. How fucking amazing

i agree with all except easter event, that one was pretty cool.

>introduce defenders
>they are actually good and achieve what they set out to do
>nerf them so they are useless

>people find out that you can use barricade and heal group during vorago
>jagex says something along the lines of "a truly amazing example of players pushing the boundaries we won't nerf it"
>proceed to nerf it

>make dreadnips even worse
>make holy water, something that is basically dead content and only useful at other dead content worse

For a company that is trying to make a new support role in a game that has only and tank and dps roles they are sure doing a shitty job

>a truly amazing example of players pushing the boundaries we won't nerf it
Half the mods on social media do nothing but post on social media though, chances are the guy that said it isn't even on the team responsible for the nerf

>>jagex says something along the lines of "a truly amazing example of players pushing the boundaries we won't nerf it"
This was apparently said years ago, I don't know why people except them to uphold things they've said literal ages ago

Astrals are literally 5m/h, what's your excuse?

Nihils are 9m an hour

Really? Which ones?

Who else disappointed at those NXT contest screenshots?

The winning one looks like absolute shit, and that one at the dock at night was literally the same one that I had, except I was relaxing in a beach chair, looking towards the moon.

fuck jagex.

And there we go. Max cape achieved

Good job!

now get quest cape.


I have it. It was the 7th "Skillcape" i ever got

comp then

>not first

Summer, when i have more time

I know, im such a shitter

combination runes like steam runes are similar money but dont require 82 runecrafting. steam rune runs are probably faster too.

you're right though, people who need money and cant do high level pvm should really consider doing runecrafting.

oh for fucks sake, they broke the music player again.

>everyone complains about ez-scape
>jagex finally nerfs things and everyone is in an outrage

I understand that nerfing something as situational as healing roles and nips seems weird for a nerf target, but christ do people overreact.

This makes taking groups of learners to yaka harder for teachers, but not much else. Teams who really grind out yakamaru dont bother with heal group/other and they'll get over nips not being as good.

Piss off, cunt.

He already did

GZ @@@@@@@

threadly reminder that furries are subhuman


autism aside he's not wrong

these threads have gone to absolute shit

The threads lately have actually been much better than they have in the past. It's not that bad.

if we do nothing but talk about runescape without shitposting the thread dies

It's not that they nerfed things.

It's that they nerfed things for basically no reason. Like, if people want a harder game, you don't make things retroactively more difficult, you introduce new and more challenging content. This is MMO design 101, a course which I don't think Jagex ever took.

Just like you don't nerf old methods of doing something and introduce a new, less effective method of doing the same thing in a single update. It just screams of desperately trying to make new content relevant.

i understand its a weird thing to target for a nerf, but this is such a minor thing.

if anything, this means we now have a greater need for a seren spell buff, which is what the healer/support role in rs3 is supposed be using.

im honestly surprised the defender nerf isnt causing more bitching. i started seeing a lot of people taking kalphite defenders to high level bosses and was hoping they would start to catch on.

>nerfing existing content creates a need for underpowered and incomparable convoluted shit that takes up more inventory slots for less benefit

they could have just made them good, you know

fuck this would have been nice for 120 dung.

Sucks that Jagex has yet again locked content behind arbitrary time gates and ridiculous "daily tasks"

it really isn't that bad m8.
like 5 days max per most expensive one

Time gating is how they get you playing every day

Tryhard PVM faggots blown the fuck out!!

Beep Squad on suicide watch!!!

Specific as fuck.

Dead game.

>chaos giants
not sure what to make of this one.

what do you mean

as in how fun they are of a task.

turn on soulsplit, go make a sandwich
it's not a bad task

would do, if the servers weren't tactically evacuating their bowels for me.

seriously, what the fuck?
i never have latency issues.

>"Hop on mortal, we're going to the ritual"

>5 days max per most expensive one
>3 max level items for 2 tech trees
>30 days to unlock all the content released today

It's a pretty fucking stupid system