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3 siege layouts

bread for the bread god


> Tomb Kings still not announced

Just broke 100k players. Is this the biggest release on record?

>spearmen with shields
Man I just can't pick, it's so hard, they're both such great units

IF OUR LORD IS T'BECOME KING How is it so far? And does it run well?

Attempting to play this on my Asus ROG shitpile I got a few years ago on Friday.

Gods be with me

Like clockwork

is it gud guys?

at work can't play

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH Azag is kicking off lads.

I have literally no regard for how many boyz are lost. I've gone full Orc.

>start as vampries
>start with a free varghulf for some reason
>at the enemy vampire's capital, trying to take back the rightful Carstein clay
>out numbered 2 to 1
>notice my varghulf is holding the left flank by himself against 3 skeleton units
>send some zombie fodder to help him fall back and regen
>send varghulf after enemy general
>he fucking annihilates him
>win the battle off of that
what should I name the bugger?

Torrent when

Torrent when?


Is it good? How good? Bad? How shit?

Is it worth buying if you like TW games but are unfamiliar with the WH lore? Or, to be more precise: Not give a shit about Neckbears: The Franchise.

>Okay let me compare it to previous games
>Yep, it's still seeming pathetic for the empire

Now compare the entire roster instead of just the melee infantry rest of the roster ;)


This is fucking hilarious

I need to know what fucking genius at CA thought the Ruby Ring of Ruin was a good idea

It is literally a endless, cooldown based artillery shot that the AI doesn't know how to respond to, they just fucking stand there. And the cooldown doesn't matter because you can speed up time

Every one of those units was at full strength when this battle started.

Wow it's like I'm really on reddit
>metagame and use bugs

Should I even bother lads?

How to become Atilla ERE tier rich in warhammer?

You can singlehandedly win battles with mannfred and the varhulf

>defending shit design and AI

you're the reddit you fucking faggot

just waiting for the dust to settle before I decide to buy or not desu

Maybe CA should stop fucking around and make their AI less dogshit?

It's not even that good, back to Attila.

I hate Savage Orcs so much, but at least they pay good to get me to stop killing their "Melee units only" armies.

>tfw start up warhammer
>tfw "Total War Warhammer has stopped working"

Is it my computer? Is it CA's fault?

Refunds are a thing, if it ends up running like shit.

My laptop got red signs for both for games like Dark Souls 2 and Stellaris. I could run both at 60, so there's hope my man

I just spam boyz, fucking dwarfs don't give a shit about my arrows anyway

welp guess I'll just go back to staring at my overwatch dl screen

thank god I didn't blow 80 dollary doos for this shit

bit long of a name but alright

LoC introduction if anyone wants to spoil themselves.


>game is tanking
>shit reviews
>warhammer fags btfo

They lied about hard being the new normal difficulty.
Having so much fun though.

The /v/ermin are leaking

>warhams is even worse than rome 2

fantasy fags btfo, now get out of our history general

First few turns, Kraka Drak moves their main stack into that one coastal town nearest the Chaos Wastes, so I bypass them via the sea because I can't take on the army + a huge garrison.

Then I see that their army has moved to Kraka Drak proper, so I take the chance to go and hit that coastal town before they get there.

Then this happens. I guess they can move faster than me thanks to their tunnels, but somehow in between all his preening, Sigvald was able to see a bunch of dwarfs moving through the ground under them, and find an entrance to the tunnel system to go fuck their shit up.

sigvald will probably literally fuck their shit after this is over

Is there hope lads

Yeah, this shit is too hard

Empire crossbows are so overpowered holy shit.

>4GB of RAM
dude wtf? Your GPU and CPU are passable but get some RAM ffs.

On my game they are pretty much the last orc faction, but they are running around with 2 full stacks filled with a lot of cav. They can destroy your front line and are actually kinda smart with charges.

Some minor frame rate issues (no clue why but they don't effect gameplay) but end turn flys by now.

I only got to play for about an hour before work and already managed to lose a campaign. It's really fun

Business as usual, see you in a month guys

The dual core CPU might bottleneck you, but the most glaring thing is the low amount of RAM. I doubt it will work with that little amount.

RAM is pretty cheap, so you should consider buying an 8GB kit to just throw in there.

Azhag is hilariously slow at first

I'm playing it with high ultra without ever going below 30 with that setup

There is hope actually.

The best thing they've done in this game is the sound. Charges sound so crunchy and powerful and the din of the infantry clashes is great. In all the others you don't really get many sword sounds, just yells

Can I run it is shit.
>Way above recommended specs
>Tells me to upgrade because my stuff is not brand new

This is me. If you have hope, I do

Grimgor iz da weakest.

>diplomacy with gobbos

Mfw the border princes have taken the entire southern half of the empire in my game

Your arch is showing

>4 dwarf lords vs 5000 goblins
>dwarfs win

this dynasty warriors shit is retarded

based hotfix

I still can't understand why they named the major factions things like "Dwarfs" and "Greenskins" when the minor factions of those races have their own unique names.

i think im being retarded but i cant work out where to choose a commandment for reikland

based dwarf lords win the battle for me

what unit roster do they have?

>4 Kholeks vs 5000 Zombies
>Kholeks win
This is the blunder of the century.

>activate lord power once during a battle
>get the 100 kills achievement

That one fucking grudge thrower did a lot more damage than I would have expected.

Anyway, looks like this is coming down to a pure melee, but once my cav and warhounds get to flanking it should be over fast.

best taste. You will go far in life

it was shit. Hotfix made it gud. very fun/10

>Implying this isn't trivial shit in the Old World

Git gud lad

>4 tanks vs 5000 ants

Figured out how to get it to be toggleable. Will look into how to get it proper text, an icon later.

There is still a special_abilities_specific_behavior table which has stuff like cantabrian circle and so on but I am not sure if, or what, will happen if I re-enable it. Trying that now.

Are they? Felt underwhelming to me, like I needed to switch over to guns.

That's a tame matchup for the old world

Slayers can basically defeat an infinite number of greenskins

>Warhammer is a great setting for Total War they said
Sigh... historical release when? Medieval 3 plz


Who else is running for his life from the Lord of Change?

One day, we may


>That's a tame matchup for the old world
no it isn't
>Slayers can basically defeat an infinite number of greenskins
no they can't

ranged weapons are useless too.


>Implying GW doesn't just want to twist the knife in the wound of Fantasy fans

Pretty hyped for 1212 campaign release whenever that's gonna be. Wish they could fix the Attila borders a bit though, I mean look at those Portuguese borders... bleh!

Maybe I'm just autistic.

It bothers me too, hopefully it'll get modded in quickly.

All of the other sissies.
Just beat him with 6 handgunners.

I'm sure in no time there'll be a mod to reel back the lethality of lords and/or attached warriors. Hell, I'd expect down the line you'll have a "removes magic entirely (and hopefully does something to make up for those who are extra reliant on magic)" mod.

Giving their 'spear wall' ability the pike phalanx formation and visually they end up looking like this.

Test to come will be if it makes them bork out in combat or anything bad.

>Start Greenskin Campaign
>First battle, get Ruby Ring of Ruin
>Second battle, get Battle Axe of the last Waaaagh
>Third battle (which was literally mopping up HALF a unit of archers that escaped from the second battle), get Ogre Blade

I feel like the game is being a bit generous with magic items

Also, Azhag is level 5 on turn 3 for because of that busted fucking ring

Yeah, I mean that map isn't final, but it's just a shame that they can't edit it properly
Still though, we may not get M3 for a while, but we'll have this eventually

Should I make my Emperor a Leader or a fighter

Given that medieval 3 exists in pieces across warhammer, attila, and rome 2, I would be shocked if that wasn't the next historical release.

>tfw the ruby ring of ruin will be meta in head to head campaigns.
>Because of items like these there will actually be a meta in campaigns

the one you prefer

Any reason to use Dwarf Miners over Warriors?

Shit. Dwarf ranged units can hold their own really well, and I lost most of my cav trying to take them down in melee.

Will I actually have to change my tactics in this game? I can barely believe it.

Also, the hellcannon is fucking great. 250 kills while no other unit breached 100.

If you can't snipe lords you'll lose.

why do orks line up in formation? i understand the game needs some way to organize them but it seems to take away from immersion. couldn't they make them form up in blobs? did they get in rank and file on the tabletop?

Oh man, this is looking good then

But the Ruby Ring is only really good against the retarded AI

>did they get in rank and file on the tabletop

>he doesnt know yet

Im Chaos, I have only 1 army.

>A dwarf entering into a peace treaty with Orcs

That's a grudgin'

I rolled a 69 yesterday but really I was probably gonna do Sigvald over any other Chaos Lord anyway. It was between him and a Gelt campaign for my first, and I figured it'd be better to start out not having to defend a defined area against tons of pissed off blobs.