/dbg/ Dirty Bomb

>Is it p2w?
only for the first few hours
>How the loadout system works:
>Loadout/weapon/augment charts
>Recommended loadouts (Updated but still a WIP - Not quite finished, give your feedback)
>How do I get this game?
>Join our steam group and play with us:
>Wanna play competitive?
>Tweaks and HUD customization
>Singleplayer map practice and testing commands
>Aim/reflex training:
>Best waifu

Other urls found in this thread:


Looter should drop a large medkit/ammo pack. Why in the world would it be a mini one?

Proxy is my waifu



Who wouldn't want to be a one man army, killing fools and replenishing health and ammo all the time ?

>Arsenal Crate
>Expert Case A
>first ever Cobalt

Neat. I like Bomb Squad. Too bad I didn't buy Phoenix during the sale, or after when I stacked up 50,000 Credits (I got Aimee 2 days ago instead). But I'm at 26,438 Credits now, so it won't be too much longer.


this game really attracts the best and the brightest

comfy, here is just full of angry russians

I see where you're coming from, I do; but most of my games have been overall pretty fair. Sure, there's been some games where it's just an uphill battle in the snow, but there's been very few where I've just deemed it a lost cause and decide to stop trying for a round; especially to this degree of just impossible.

>South American servers are in fucking Florida

Are SD literally retarded?

Are they? I was wondering why I got such good ping off of them.

> SD

If there's a better connection to everywhere covered by SA, then what's the problem?

this kek

These are the ones I know of that have both Tough and Unshakeable. My favorites are the Arty and Stoker ones.

No, what I'm saying is that you shouldn't be surprised the balance is often skewed when the players are allowed to skew it manually.

So is this game ever getting out of "beta"?

Nope, just like you.

But I'm not even a wolf or anything :^)

>be playing
>first match of the day end
>no may case
W-well you too SD



It's tempting, but i'm not autist enough to try
jk, will try later today

Daily expert case, now I have both meta cards in urban

They say everyone can get coalsplitter, but will everyone be able to get the symbol next to their name in killfeed now that only comes with skullsplitter?
If so, I feel less like a unique snowflake and I paid for a trinket for nothing.

People were banned for EV exploit so I'm afraid to do this

I doubt the killfeed bonus will be on a free trinket

>EV exploit
What ? Am i too new for that (not a alpha player) or did i just miss it ?

There was an exploit that let you spam place deployable in front of EV. You didn't physically place the deployable but you got the xp for it and also the ability didn't go on cooldown.

Also killing myself a lot of times isn't something i do easily, makes me cringe.
But the shinies...

>"our girl" pansy is streaming overwatch

All sellout camwhores do, whats new?

yeah but even braindead shitters like subzstance can beat the sellout camwhores 1v1, pansy would take a steaming dump on subz

Actually I think she has before when she was streaming Dirty Bomb and he tried to stream snipe her







>mfw i EV exploited a shit ton
>got at most 10-12 levels
>encouraged others to do it and even had races to see who could get the most exp in comp stopwatch
>never got banned because I knew it wasnt wrong

Another bronze in the case a day... jeez. All bronzes!





wat it b tho

I swear if you get my swiss R81 I can't get


Thanks, will look into this when I get into the office. Please note this is an exploit and you can get banned for using it.

No killfeed icon.

Critalix is a lot of fun to stream with. That reaction is great.

Best blish, gz

Where's the body hair pasta 34 WHERE

Aimee: ???

Aura: extremely curly black pubic and armpit hair, a very wide happy trail that disperses into finer hair all over her belly at the sides, and goes almost up to between her boobs. Moderately prominent hair on foreaarms and legs, including the thighs. All of it is trimmed with an electric trimmer to about half an inch. Light mustache.

Kira: very long jet black pubic hair, the sides, inner thighs and what little she has of a happy trail are shaved. However, The hair continues to the back, where she doesn't trim or shave, so there's an abundance of thick hair all around and above her anus, spilling over on her butt cheeks and upwards towards the small of her back. The asscrack can't be seen. Armpits are not naturally very hairy, but she still shaves them. Very light forearm hair.

Nader: completely unshaved, moderately hairy legs with hairy instep, thighs and toes. Moderately hairy pubic area, dirty blond in color, like the ass hair and the happy trail which isn't very wide. The pubic hair spills down the inner thighs and connects to the leg hair. Very hairy nipples (15-25 hairs around each, 1-3 inches in length). Armpit hair trimmed to very short length, although the area of coverage goes almost from half down her upper arm to her sideboob area and almost connects to the nipple hair. Moderately hairy forearms.

Proxy: Very hairy forearms, with hairy hands and knuckles, and the hair continuing up her shoulders where it turns into light fuzz. Armpit hair is shaved and so is leg hair, both of which would otherwise be moderately hairy. Average amount of pubic hair, with a very slight fuzzy happy trail. Only a few barely visible nipple hairs.

Sparks: Waxed legs, smoothly shaved armpits, shaved pubic hair. There is some hair around the asshole which she neglects to shave. Very light, almost invisible forearm hair. Slight facial fuzz on the sideburns area.

What's the best map to play Aimee on?

Chapel, Dome and Trainyard are easy to pick up on.


When is this event? UTC here and haven't gotten this

Maintenance starts in 7 minutes

I meant UTC+2

I see, thanks.

>They say everyone can get coalsplitter
holy fuck no you should have to craft them together

>loosing two trinkets, one being paid to get another
No thanks

Take gset A and B, A being people with the coal trinket, B being people with the skullsplitter trinket. Now intersect the two sets and you'll observe that the cardinality of the resulting set is close to shit.


It's live bois.
late recation but better than never

Added the rest of the mayo to some leftover wok I had in fridge. I crushed 2 cloves of garlic into the mayo beforehand. Had to add a third clove and some pepper though because the salad wasn't spicy enough :3

So uuh, when does the trinket drop? Just played a match and nothing.

Stoker, Kira, or Fletcher next? I've already got most of the roster.



All three are solid picks, what are your character preferences ?

I'm currently running nader and phoenix, regularly doing great with phoenix, need to work on my nader more. I just kind of throw in whatever is needed for the third slot, and all three of them sound like they'd be fun/a good fit.

get kira or fletcher

Alright, I'll grab kira and be an emote spamming twat.

You already get how to play her

Thanks for reminding me i need to rewatch Spice and wolf


This game seems to place its rng in weird places. Thunder took me 30ish tries to get the card I want, but this one took 1 try. Love me some good default weapon cards.

>wanting that card



Why do you want to put trinkets in your weapons?
Nude weapons are better.

>retard phantoms taking up half the team all week
>well, this rotation can't be worse right?
>retard aimee and rhinos taking up the entire team

Fuck this game

Already have B81 in Swiss and gen 1 S72 in Cobalt. This card is great.

Dreiss is a really fun weapon.

Retard Rhinos aren't so bad. I had 3 guarding the generator on Bridge the other day. They were so close together that the Nader trying to blow up the generator couldn't reach it. Same with the Stoker trying to toss a molotov in. It kept hitting their faces. God bless those crazy Rhinos.

That's fine, but when the mongoloids decide to become stationary minigun turrets in the worst fucking places possible and just end up accomplishing nothing, it can get frustrating pretty damned quickly. Nothing like cycling through spectator cam of four rhinos sitting in various corners nobody goes to while spinning up their guns. It'd be funny if it didn't happen so frequently.

do people still play this now that battleborn and overwatch is out? oh wait i guess poor people still do. enjoy lel

I have Overwatch, but I have no desire to play or watch it. It's a fine game, I just like this one significantly more.

We do, thanks !

back to mongolia with you, mongol

>t. loserstanze

Literally who?

Regardless of whether or not Thunder is actually balanced flashbangs are obnoxious and every FPS would be better without them.


guns are obnoxious and every fps would be better without htem

shitters are obnoxious and every FPS would be better without them

I don't care about the flashbangs. I just hate that it's a 170hp burst sniper.

Give him another autogun instead


Overwatch looks fun, but I can't stand the lack of any coherent art style, it looks like some child just threw together a bunch of his crayon drawings and made them fight.
