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>/feg/ Castle Addresses


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Tharja a best

Dori is a-dori-ble!


Good god is that MaMui uggo.

Defaults: Always the best. Or least worst.

Well that's the level of quality of Corrin/Flora fanart. Even Jakob/Flora gets higher quality art.

I'm surprised people pick the faggy elf haircut.

I really wish there was better options for long hair, why does every hair style have to be stupid wacky bullshit.

Who doesn't want to be Legolas?

It really does suck

Fucking seriously. He looks like fucking Elrond from LoTR with downs.


who makes the best witches and ballastia?

Also how to complete witch dlc?



I mean Robin's bland ass.

I *miss his bland ass, fuck.
Ballastician: Gunter, Takumi
Witch: Nyx, Ophelia, Poo in loo, (You)

Where can I get hi res portraits of the Fates characters?


I hate Legolasmui

Wow, I didn't figure I'd ever see someone out trap Forrest but there you go.


Midori is best dori!

Anymore Flora? I remember one from twitter being posted here. Had her putting up a storm bending backwards...

Flora has quite a few fanart with Mamui so why are you using one of the ugliest ones as the OP image

Takumi makes me happy!

How about you just take your cuck waifu OP and be happy with it?

I love it when I get to kill him!

Had it the whole time.

;_; He deserved better!

cute fujo

Are there any albums of the high-rest portraits with their smiling expressions?

Is Mozu! Sophie any good? Who are Sophie's best moms in Conquest?

Not that I know of, no, best you'll get for that is game rips ran through waifu2x or something.


Picking fruit with your partner after a long day of battle! Taking a bite of the fruit out of curiosity/hunger and it being so juicy you be the some of it on your cheeks, your partner laughing at you before leaning over and kissing some of the sweetness away with a smile!

Them teasing you over your flustered face as you continue to harvest!

Thanks anyway

>open up booru browser
>first image is naked, tied-up imoutos
I think it's time to stop.

You can use feits, but best you'll get is something like this

>twitter account protected
But the fe art!

>Tfw before Anankos makes him an hero, he says that all this time he wished you would return and complete their broken family

I don't know why, but siding with the Nohrian Royals makes me feel like shit, and I'm a Birthright-hating Conquestfag.

Mozu and Camilla are good.

>Did Avel put you up to this?
why does this tickle me so

They went too fucking far with it. No, your fucking horse did not somehow convince me to enter the hot springs while you were bathing. What the hell is even wrong with her?

Mozu it is, I don't like purple Sophie.

Is Sophie better as a Paladin or Hero?

My theory? She either fell on her head by being thrown off or possibly got kicked in it by Avel, thus giving her minor brain damage, like a boxer who took one too many shots. She can function and seems normal most of the time, but sometimes it just shows.

>some tumblr blog is doing a giveaway of a Tharja daki
>can't even enter since I don't have any friends on facebook
It's a fake one anyway
Or maybe IS just wanted to do a character similar to Cherche or something

I'd go with Paladin or GK but she's probably one of your better choices for a Hero if you want one.

It's supposed to be haha so funny XD but treehouse doesn't realize it comes off as retarded

She was pretty much the same way in the Japanese script too.

I'll see, the issue with Paladin is we already have Xander.

Is Mozu! Sophie better as Paladin or GK?

well it worked
the complete absurdity of it was funny

Same thing can apply to IS too desu, especially with the retarded bath shit with Azura and Chrom/FeMU

Could I have a source, please? For the image, I mean.


Either one, it comes down to that debate from last thread over which one is better in general really

Just noticed that link was reblogging the actual artist's page, which is here (this time featuring nohr siblings): mallius.net/post/142768051678/nohr-sibling-swap-o-elise-would-b-a-radiant

>people calling Silas creepy last thread
>not Arthur "passively suggesting to turn Xander into a corpse to Elise" or his son "let's put a bunch of lives in peril and make 'em perish" Percy

Arthur is creepy in a comic book, farcical way. Silas is creepy in a "He has a Kamui hair collection that he speaks to every night" way.

>Arthur "passively suggesting to turn Xander into a corpse to Elise"
literally what

It's okay when Camilla obsesses over Kamui to an unhealthy degree though, because she has big tits I guess?

No that is also creepy, really. Honestly there are a few creepy characters, Silas is just the one who stands out the most about it what with the whole "HEY I'M THE LONG LOST FRIEND YOU TOTALLY NEVER REMEMBERED BUT I PLANNED MY WHOLE LIFE OUT AROUND YOU" thing.

user what are you trying to do

He mistakes Elises orders to talk to Xander as "kill Xander" but realizes his mistake before he actually does anything.

Call /feg/ out on its hypocrisy.

why did rinkah have to be so useless and boring

I don't think she's boring.

I don't know but it is sad. They wasted a 10/10 design on a 5/10 character.

Camilla did nothing wrong

This is how I feel about literally every female in Fates.

At least she's my sister, so the explanation is better, even if it doesn't make things right.

They tend to do that a lot

Ever notice nobody makes posts like this about the husbandos?

She's your sister though. Silas is your "friend".

Fates makes my brain hurt.

Is there any point in grinding or managing class paths now that you can buy skills? Which is more important, money or experience? I had so much shit planned for this game but it turns out none of it makes sense anymore.

Anyone have aptitude on Doggo, Hinata, Setsuna, Azama, or Reina?

we back boys


What did /feg/ do while Veeky Forums was down?

Finished up playing Dragon Quest 8 again

wew, we're alive. Can finally ask this.

Alright, lets say I'm playing Lunatic Conquest and I'm going to go Nohr Prince -> Talent -> Promoted Talent -> Nohr Noble for my Kamui.
What talent would nab me the best skills? I won't be doing any DLC or My Castle grinding. Just the plot + paralogues that I actually get. I won't be grinding supports for the sake of them.
If it makes a difference, I plan to use the Royals, Niles, Kaze, Ophelia and Veloura for sure. I guess I'm probably using Azura too. Maybe.

All I have to do is beat Takumi, and my long nightmare will finally be over...

Still better off with the usual Samurai and Cavalier. Ninja is great but don't go into it until promoted because you lose I think 4 strength and usage of swords. Mercenary is good. Anything with swords is solid.

Watching Heroic Age.

For some reason, anything Hirai draws for that isn't SEED or SEED Destiny tends to be really fucking good like Linebarrels of Iron, Fafner in the Azure and Majestic Prince.

Doing some inheritance planning, and all the moms I have left for Nina either don't affect her strength or drop it. I've seen lots of discussion of Shining Bow Nina on here, should I give her a magical mom, or try to salvage her strength with someone like Mozu or Oboro?


Best Nina is Witch Nina with Nyx or Felicia as a mom.

>Tfw not sure whether to marry Sophie or Flora in my latest Conquest run

Make her happy.

Severa is my wife, and my best friend!

>chapter 25
>got 35k gold
>all these fancy expensive weapons I can buy
>no one is A rank yet

She can go either way, and in Conquest especially she's almost guaranteed to be given a magic mom. As long as you have a decent physical or magical mom leftover she'll do just fine.

I'm rather tempted to. I wonder if I should keep her in maid or reclass her to Merc.

Plus giving a Magic Mom to Nina frees up a physical mom to someone who needs it, since Felicia, Elise and Nyx can go with Leo, Odin and Niles that way.

When will /feg/ die permanently?

That's cute, Laslow.

oh shit just realized I can buy stat boosters

10k each seems a bit steep though

Umless you're willing to give her mega-favoritism by resetting for +Spd levels or a Speedwing or two her combat will always be underwhelming. She's better off as a maid who can do chip damage/debuff/attack stance/staffbot.

If you want to make her a killer unit then Vantage/Vengeance/Life or Death is easy enough to get on her by passing the samurai class to her.

I really wanted Orochi and Niles to support just for this fact; it would give Orochi one more place to go so I wouldn't have to force her on Dwyer or Rahjat. Ophelia is okay for crit builds I guess but that speed cut hurts.

Yikes, in that case I'll give her a forged dagger then and keep her staffing and debuffing. Maybe i'll give her Ninja via Talent so she can get Poison Strike and Shurikenfaire and send her back to Meido.

Dance with me /feg/!
