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Let's Talk About Why Swordbase Was Great Edition

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343 can't make good maps.

>sword base
Are you trying to trigger everyone

but he's correct

GOD DAMMIT!!! What did i say about this shit?

>waah, he keeps using armor lock and shotgun in the elevator
>surely if I keep throwing my corpse at it, he'll run out of shells!

he's actually not though

>halo maps
>ever being good


>it's a hotrod arm chair Dev thread

but he is though

He is.

>no ways to get up top that didn't require a retarded amount of time or a jetpack
>both sides were entirely closed off from one another aside from tiny doorways
>glass where you can see players through but can't shoot them
>only way to cross to the other side was by going out into the open with no cover
>hardly any interaction between levels, as they're all one on top of each other

It's like they tried to remake Prisoner, but had no idea why Prisoner was good in the first place. Like all of Bungie's re-imaginings

But I haven't even posted previously in this thread.

no, seriously he isn't


>three elevators
>giant, open walls
>in like two spots
>and there's like four places to cross, not counting the ground floor
>hardly any space on any of the floors, so it isn't a problem
>remake prisoner
It was very specifically supposed to be Boarding Action with bridges instead of teleporters, you shit.

It took concepts from both maps an combined them. It really has more in common with Prisoner than Boarding Action.

>It really has more in common with Prisoner than Boarding Action.
It really doesn't. The majority of the map is the two opposing faces. The bridges aren't even the same as Prisoner, because prisoner was supposed to have you walk off the sides. Swordbase prevents that.

Every thread

It has a floor, and the main non-lift way of getting around is crossing bridges and climbing staircases. Boarding Action was all teleporters with a couple of ladders.

Regardless, the map is still an abomination for reasons outside of the yellow lift.

>Boarding Action was all teleporters with a couple of ladders.
You mean those ladders Reach doesn't have? Of course they'd have to use lifts.
>Regardless, the map is still an abomination for reasons outside of the yellow lift.
And yet no valid reasons have been stated.

Every thread until NEVER EVER?

>You mean those ladders Reach doesn't have? Of course they'd have to use lifts.
And the stairs Boarding Action did not have.

>And yet no valid reasons have been stated.
If you want to ignore everything from , then I guess there's nothing wrong with it.

Fuck off dew you 343 apologist

>If you want to ignore everything from , then I guess there's nothing wrong with it.
All of it was addresses and easily dismissed. There's nothing of value in that post.

no, fuck you Bungie cock gobbler

I guess there's nothing of value inside your head either.

Aw man, you sure disproved me.

>All of it was addresses and easily dismissed
But it wasn't.

>three elevators
Two of which are easily watched, while the third leaves you out in the open. All three are loud and give you away.
>giant, open walls
Where? There is exactly one area that allows incoming fire that isn't a small doorway.
>in like two spots
There's glass at the top, bottom, and a few places on the inside parts.
>and there's like four places to cross, not counting the ground floor
Ground floor might as well not even be an option because you can't do anything from down there. There are exactly 4 non-ground floor places to cross, and they are all long, open bridges.
>hardly any space on any of the floors, so it isn't a problem
There's more open space on the ground floor than there is on either side of the map. With Reach's slow movement, you might as well not go there at all because you'll just get trapped.

I'm not the same user.

Calling someone a bungie fan in a halo thread is really fucking stupid.

No matter what your opinions are, Halo 1, 2, and 3 will always be the best ones. They happen to be made by bungie, who also gave us the abomination of Destiny and the mediocre-ness of Reach.

It makes sense to dislike 343 as well, they don't exactly have a good track record.

Halo 4: COD in space
MCC: Blunder of the century

>Reachfags defending the shittiest map in their shitty overrated game
Can we talk about the only good map Reach had instead?

Everything good in Halo can be considered a fluke.

>Two of which are easily watched, while the third leaves you out in the open. All three are loud and give you away.
That would require three of the four members of a team to not be watching the stairs in a game with sprint and jetpack.
>Where? There is exactly one area that allows incoming fire that isn't a small doorway.
All of them except the one leading to the hated lift. Hell, you can sprintjump across, if you're willing to go down a level.
>There's glass at the top, bottom, and a few places on the inside parts.
Oh, wow, three then. Two of which are the same room where nobody ever goes.
>Ground floor might as well not even be an option because you can't do anything from down there. There are exactly 4 non-ground floor places to cross, and they are all long, open bridges.
Except two of the bridges are very short, and the ground floor has access to the three lifts.
>There's more open space on the ground floor than there is on either side of the map. With Reach's slow movement, you might as well not go there at all because you'll just get trapped.
Except for sprint, jetpack, and how thin the bottom floor is. It's only "big" if you plan on running from one end to the other for some dumb reason, but that retardation is why you always lose on this map, huh?

>Calling someone a bungie fan in a halo thread is really fucking stupid
It's not when they talk like Halo would be better if Bungie was still in charge (see Reach). Don't get me wrong, i love the original trilogy like everyone else.

>It makes sense to dislike 343 as well, they don't exactly have a good track record.
They're retards, but at least they're improving with each game.

>Halo 4: COD in space
>MCC: Blunder of the century
lmao so funny!! XD Put back your name Hotrod

>when they talk like Halo would be better if Bungie was still in charge (see Reach).
Nobody ever says this, though.
>but at least they're improving with each game.
The maps are consistently worse than 4.

I'm eating Chicken and Dumplings, I'll be back posting in a bit.

>The maps are consistently worse than 4
Explain me how, besides art design?

>That would require three of the four members of a team to not be watching the stairs in a game with sprint and jetpack.
Jetpacks make a lot of noise. It's easy to get up top and watch one of the 2-3 possible ways for the enemy to attack you from.
>All of them except the one leading to the hated lift. Hell, you can sprintjump across, if you're willing to go down a level.
Those walls aren't open.
>Oh, wow, three then. Two of which are the same room where nobody ever goes.
Wrong. There's a window near top gold that allows you to see anyone crossing, and another that allows you to see anyone trying to take the stairs up.
>Except two of the bridges are very short, and the ground floor has access to the three lifts.
The short bridges keep you at the lowest part of the map with the least amount of options. Either take the lift or go across an even longer bridge.
>Except for sprint, jetpack, and how thin the bottom floor is.
So force players to use specific armor ability usage and not actually blame shit map design? It's wider than any part of the map unless you're near bottom gold.

>ad hominem

No because no one bought the DLC

You can't even play it online anymore

Why dont they make it free? No one is going to buy it for customs, and then matchmaking would get a ton of new maps

>besides art design?
>worse spawns
>nonsensical shapes
>no big maps
>long hallways for days
>clearly not designed with sprint and clamber in mind

>lmao so funny!! XD

But it's true. Halo 5 is pretty good, but that's AFTER months and months

>They're retards, but at least they're improving with each game.


You might think the gameplay changes are for the better but from the general consensus of hg, the xbox live parties and even waypoint the maps are pretty fucking awful. Lack of splitscreen, campaign is one of the worst in the series lacking any real significance or importance, the armour designs are just as bad as 4 and padded with retarded "skins" and the bulk of the games content is dlc.

For me, in certain areas the gameplay is still as problematic as 4. More open maps are still a pain because of the fast kill times and accuracy of loadout weapons. It's no wonder the maps are the way they are

>>nonsensical shapes
Because maps need shapes rooted in real life since when?

>>no big maps
This doesn't make a map worse.

>>long hallways for days
It's okay when Bungie does it.

>Cherrypicking dlc maps


>Jetpacks make a lot of noise. It's easy to get up top and watch one of the 2-3 possible ways for the enemy to attack you from.
Then if it's easy to get up top, especially since there are spots that they can't see if they're camping up top, then you don't have an issue.
>Those walls aren't open.
They're very open.
>Wrong. There's a window near top gold that allows you to see anyone crossing, and another that allows you to see anyone trying to take the stairs up.
And the one looking at the stairs is tiny as shit and easy to walk around. Might as well despise Valhalla for its glass floors.
>The short bridges keep you at the lowest part of the map with the least amount of options. Either take the lift or go across an even longer bridge.
The grenade launcher bridge is short as shit, and so is the one above shotgun.
>So force players to use specific armor ability usage and not actually blame shit map design? It's wider than any part of the map unless you're near bottom gold.
It's almost like the map was designed with the game mechanics in mind. Shame 343 can't do that.

I unironically believe game would be better if Bungie was still in charge.

It's okay when Bungie does it.

>Because maps need shapes rooted in real life since when?
Since their settings are supposed to be "real". The exception is Colosseum, because it's just an arena.
>This doesn't make a map worse.
Every 5 map is a cramped piece of shit. They're all worse because of it. Especially with sprint being unlimited, there's no reason not to have bigger maps, and keeping them small for an arbitrary reason hurts them.
>It's okay when Bungie does it.
>picking what everyone always says is the worst map of 3
You know 5 has shit maps when a 343 defender has to say that Orbital is the same as 5 maps and try to act like it's a good thing.

343 are the only Halo devs to show improvement between releases.

>worse spawns
Never had a problem with that outside of SWAT

>nonsensical shapes
...that work perfectly fine from a gameplay perspective

>no big maps
Irrelevant, how can you say a map is bad if it doesn't exist?

>long hallways for days
See above

>clearly not designed with sprint and clamber in mind
Ok, this confirms you're either and idiot or haven't played this game yet.

It's good now, forget the past, enjoy the present and hope for a better future.

I disagree, the general consensus is that Halo 5 is superior to 4, and that's by definition, an improvement from their previous game.

>fast kill times

they're lower than 4 and CE on most guns. Still higher than your average halo, but maybe that's needed with all the fast paced sprinting and boosting

They have yet to improve.
>worse maps
>movement options not planned for outside of campaign
>removed customization options
>worse soundtracks
>half the content at launch
>shit netcode
>constant delays on promised updates
If those are "improvements" to you, just kill yourself.

>first game in the franchise

Fucking kek. Seriously try and find maps created by Bungie that shipped with the base game, with online multiplayer in mind. I'll wait. DLC maps in almost every game are often much worse than what shipped with the game.

See, the difference here is that most bungie maps weren't just indoors tiny hallways

Halo 5, that's all we get except for warzone maps

>Since their settings are supposed to be "real"
But Turf and Longshore are fine because they're illogical human locations?
>Every 5 map is a cramped piece of shit.
Not really. Aside from Tyrant, every map has enough different places to promote multiple kinds of playstyles.
>Especially with sprint being unlimited, there's no reason not to have bigger maps
Sprint is hardly faster than the base movement in 5.
>You know 5 has shit maps when a 343 defender has to say that Orbital is the same as 5 maps and try to act like it's a good thing.
Post examples of 5's hallways.

It is done correctly because Bungie was in charge

Yet the kill time is still fast enough that spawns outside of buildings and cover feel much worse than in games pre Halo 4.

Spawning in the open is bad in any game but in 4 and 5 it seems to be certain death much more frequently

I would as well, if Reach didn't exist.

>Never had a problem with that outside of SWAT
Then you're in the minority.
>...that work perfectly fine from a gameplay perspective
Hardly. Too much shit just sticking out of the ground that catches your feet, like the random foot-tall blocks in the bases on Fathom.
>Irrelevant, how can you say a map is bad if it doesn't exist?
Because all the maps that do exist are bad for a common reason.
>See above
Yeah, they work so great they had to remove the sniper from Empire! A map designed around the sniper.
>Ok, this confirms you're either and idiot or haven't played this game yet.
They make the maps microscopic. Shit like that and the sniper on Empire really show 343 did not playtest the game theirselves.

I wouldn't. Halo was always on a decline, Reach was just the tipping point.

Bungie are hacks on the level of Sakurai, and have only ever made good decisions on accident.

Only because they started with a literal garbage-heap with 4

5 is back up to standards, with the exception of split-screen, and after months of waiting

>It's good now, forget the past, enjoy the present and hope for a better future.

No. This isn't an excuse. They aren't allowed to release half a game as long as they eventually get around to giving us what other halos had at launch. You know the playerbase is the strongest it will ever be at launch.

I didn't read your post at first because you keep moving the goalposts.
Here's one to fit your criteria, but I don't expect it to stay as a valid answer for long.

Why do you care more about population than having a good game?

>But Turf and Longshore are fine because they're illogical human locations?
Are you actually saying Turf was bad? How shit is your taste that you like 343 but hate Turf?
>Not really. Aside from Tyrant, every map has enough different places to promote multiple kinds of playstyles.
Yeah, the multiple playstyles of "sprint nonstop or camp."
>Sprint is hardly faster than the base movement in 5.
So you're just retarded.
>Post examples of 5's hallways.
You mean besides all of Overgrowth, half of Rig, half of Colosseum, all of Tyrant, all of Torque and Stasis aside from the two pilebunker zones, so on and so forth? And keep in mind that the ones that I say "half" for, the other half is wide open firing zone that's instant death.

>worse maps
They are ugly as fuck yes, but are also the best designed for arena gameplay in the series.

>movement options not planned for outside of campaign
I think it's the other way around.

>removed customization options

>worse soundtracks
Marty is is god-tier in comaprison to anyone else, you can't blame them for that.

>half the content at launch
They focused on releasing a working game at launch, they learned from past mistakes (TMCC), that's an improvement.

>shit netcode
Still the best netcode in the series.

Better than DLC map packs, don't wanna pay extra? Just play the game then.

>constant delays on promised updates

>Are you actually saying Turf was bad?
I'm saying that it's only fair for each map to be judged based on the same criteria. Both of the maps I listed would make absolutely no sense in a real-word scenario. Especially the pane of glass near the sniper spawn which is the only thing stopping you from a 6-foot drop down some stairs.
> the multiple playstyles of "sprint nonstop or camp."
I don't know what it's like at low level, but neither of those are viable at Onyx or higher.
>So you're just retarded.
It's objectively not, but keep calling people retarded for being smarter than you.
> half of Rig
> half of Colosseum
>all of Torque and Stasis
Do you actually know what a hallway is?

>They are ugly as fuck yes, but are also the best designed for arena gameplay in the series.
Jesus christ, user. They're hardly designed at all.
>I think it's the other way around.
Campaign was heavily designed around the movement options. All of those hidden weapons and optional routes took advantage of it because they were planned with a flow that was never used in multiplayer. The closest you can get is Breakout, but those maps are only for one mode nobody plays.
>Marty is is god-tier in comaprison to anyone else, you can't blame them for that.
4's soundtrack was still shit. Kaz does a decent job with 5, but the good songs from 5 are just songs Marty did with an added echo and the occasional 117 drop.
>They focused on releasing a working game at launch, they learned from past mistakes (TMCC), that's an improvement.
And they released a buggy, empty game at launch.
>Still the best netcode in the series.
People being kicked from matches say no.
>Better than DLC map packs, don't wanna pay extra? Just play the game then.
That content should have been in at the start, and there's videos showing that some of it was already done.
They've been delaying updates since like January.

There was a single delay for Meridian that pushed the whole schedule back. That user is just shitposting. None of the other updates have had solid dates.

Snowbound is a well renown map for dividing players. The point people were making is that Snowbound is the majority of Halo 5. The maps are tight, cramped and the sight lines are really unforgiving.

Bungie has bad maps but they're the minority. For every Epitapth and Snowbound you get a Guardian or The Pit.

Bungies maps were fantastic because they all felt unique, both gameplay wise and visually.

You say moving he goalposts like they weren't valid points. The first game wasn't made with the same mindset as later games and DLC maps are often after thoughts and more often than not do not usually have the same quality of maps that ship with the game.

Honestly I found it funny before, there being so many younger people in hg but the amount of people feeling like they can have an opinion on the overall multiplayer of the franchise when they were a fucking kid even when 3 and Reach were out is find of laughable yet they still try and push their opinions when they probably started with Reach or 4, missing the real bulk of Halo at its peak.

>Both of the maps I listed would make absolutely no sense in a real-word scenario.
You ever been to a shipping dock, or Kowloon?
>I don't know what it's like at low level, but neither of those are viable at Onyx or higher.
And the ranking system in 5 is a joke, so don't try judging it that way. Even the "pros" just keep running in a circle around the maps.
>It's objectively not, but keep calling people retarded for being smarter than you.
>n-no u
Nice rebuttal.
>Do you actually know what a hallway is?
Are you actually denying that Rig is half hallways? Or Torque and Stasis? Or Colosseum?

>The point people were making is that Snowbound is the majority of Halo 5.
That's a really good way of putting it.

>The point people were making is that Snowbound is the majority of Halo 5.
It's really not, though. There's a point to be made with Overgrowth and Tyrant, but not really for anything else.

Unless you're that retardfaggot who thinks Colosseum is made up of hallways.

>Jesus christ, user. They're hardly designed at all.
Oh my god, this is going nowhere...

>All of those hidden weapons and optional routes
Why would you want those in MP? It would just slow down the gameplay.
All the maps have subtle ways to use abilies, if you don't use them then you're playing the right way. Go back to TMCC and you'll notice inmediatly the lack of thruster and clamber.

>4's soundtrack was still shit
It wasn't bad, it just sounded too different from classic games.

>And they released a buggy, empty game at launch
Empty yes but not buggy.

>People being kicked from matches say no
Stuff like that happens in literally every single game. There's no such a thing as 100% reliable connection.

>That content should have been in at the start, and there's videos showing that some of it was already done.
Yeah and i would be mad as hell if i had to pay a single penny for that.

>They've been delaying updates since like January
Delayed once, which affected the schedule but like this user said they never actually had solid dates.

>Oh my god, this is going nowhere...
Then pick a better point you can actually back up.
>Why would you want those in MP? It would just slow down the gameplay.
Why would I want detail and actual use of clamber, sprint, and boost in my game? That's a dumb question.
>All the maps have subtle ways to use abilies
The maps weren't even designed with crouch jumping in mind! Something from Halo CE.
>It wasn't bad, it just sounded too different from classic games.
It was bad. All anyone ever talks about is 117 and some people like Green and Blue.
>Empty yes but not buggy.
Aw, man. Can't wait for everyone to have their hands above their heads like they're doing jumping jacks and for vehicles to be sideways! Such a staple of Halo.
>Stuff like that happens in literally every single game. There's no such a thing as 100% reliable connection.
There's a difference between it being the fault of the player and the fault of the "dedicated servers."
>Yeah and i would be mad as hell if i had to pay a single penny for that.
Well you did. You bought a $60 early access Halo game.
>they never actually had solid dates.
"Once a month" is pretty solid. Not counting the occasional "we're delaying a week because we found a bug" that January and February had, March onwards has been a clusterfuck. We had a month without an update at all, then Reach was delayed a week, and now we're about to get Hogwild is has been said by 343 to be missing content that will be added in the Firefight update, which was also delayed.

Sigmund, download this shit for customs.


Neat, looks better than the World map

People really do put a lot of effort into forge maps

If he's writing up his response, I'm going to play Halo. Neither of us need to shit the thread up further.

>shit the thread up
It's Halo, so keep doing it.

No idea who you're talking about and I'm not sure how many people were involved in talking about the maps but
was my last post and doesn't really warrant being replied to as its just "no you're wrong". I pretty much don't bother replying to posters when they respond to constructive posts with one argument or one cherry picked line

>The maps weren't even designed with crouch jumping in mind!
But they were.

*I'm not, it's pointless. You'll just keep denying everything i say and vice versa. Have fun playing Halo __5__.

Question is: who is /hg/'s diva(s)?

Anime posters

Any news on Halo Wars 2?

Probably at E3, but we'll be too wasted to notice

>tfw just waiting for my name to drop

DJ Orwell

He should by Chyna


Throw in Killsownz

Why would a spider be allowed to wrestle?

Do me

post best Halo music


fuck wrong thread

wait, no this is the right one

>not posting the objectively best track


>posting Halo 4 garbage in my presence

don't ever fucking reply to me again


>tfw when the best Halo track isn't from a Halo game

Who's next