Who are the best historical youtubers?

Who are the best historical youtubers?

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Real Crusades History

Fact that it needs Real in its name = zero credibility



It's History

They honestly deserve more views.


>inb4 hurr it's not perfect
a new version is coming up soon, it's work in progress

Ian a qt

>Real Crusades History

More like intellectually dishonest history amirite brahs

Fuck off Ahmed, the Crusaders were the fucking good guys, learn to fucking accept it

Heavy german accent makes him talking about WW2 quite immersive: youtube.com/watch?v=IVsdmxGNoQM

pretty biased desu.

That one guy who goes in depth about the history and use of medieval armor.

Fuck I can't remember his name.

Pretty in-depth history of WW1-era firearms: youtube.com/channel/UClq1dvO44aNovUUy0SiSDOQ
Lectures on history of the early Christianity: youtube.com/channel/UCm9O8xILJQAs9LxaM4HiMOQ

1) Lindybeige, although I've heard and read that he sucks when it comes to weapons
2) The Great War, although Indy sometimes tries too much to be spectacular..

3) Sargon of Akkad's secondary channels, although he's not an academic and he sometimes omits details or get his facts wrong.

4) Historybuffs, although his historical movie reviews tend to be biased.

5) TheCajunCutThroat, although he has a strong pro-french bias, his late videos are well-made, touching and informative. His francophone channel is amazing.

lindybeige does have a lot of interesting points though, while perhaps not completely grasping the whole picture

But that channel is defunct. I think Youtube took away their ability to monetize because of their sex related videos or some such.

>history channels that are politically biased

I'm not sure if these guys get the details 100% correct, but they give interesting overviews of important battles.


Historia Civilis is the gold standard of historical Youtube channels, imo.


Knyght Errant

Jas. Townsend and Son, Inc. (sort of a cooking channel but definitely historical)

that's austrian

they're shit


They're german. Only reason the countries haven't united is because WWII treaties forbid it.


Fuck off, ideologue. History must be examined with a cool head, not with a MUH ANCESTORS THO attitude.

>tend to be biased.
Which one :o ?

An Austrian accent is a German accent, Austrians don't speak Austrian

Lindybeige and The Great War is my two favorites as well! I was gonna go on a rant about how bad Sargon of Akkad really is until I noticed that you wrote "secondary channel", I haven't watch his other channels so I can't hate on it.

God no. I tried this guy and while everything is good his voice is so grating and difficult that it ruins it.

What if analyzing with a cool head shows you that indeed your ancestors were the cool guys of that point?


>although I've heard and read that he sucks when it comes to weapons
That just some Veeky Forumstorians being triggered because he did not think that the german weaponry in world war 2 was superior to everything and anything ever built. Don't think anyone has complained about his videos on medieval weaponry though.

Your head is either hot or empty if historical examination points you towards X or Y being "the cool guys".

That would be super duper then :^)

I don't know lad they looked and acted super cool :^)

I can see you are beaten and are trying to act like your defeat is entertaining rather than humiliating. I accept your surrender. Shoo.

Podcast but Dan Carlin.

Come and take it. We're brushing our hair.

Can you prove they weren't cool?
Do you know what being cool means?
If not then I'll stand by my affirmation based on clear evidence that they were indeed the COOLEST before the Fonz

I'd say RCH as well, because he mainly uses first hand sources from said period.
But I must admit, I don't like how he's gone from
>here are some historical accounts
>let me put them together in this narrative

Then again, his existence seems to seriously trigger this one user from an 'unbiased sources' thread, which is A-Ok in my book.

Hot crusades part deux?

>For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago.
>historical youtubers

Youtube hasn't even exists for 25 years

Eceleb faggots fuck off.

Lindybeige is very good, but I only hope we would stop shitting on the french at every opportunity, his pro-english bias is not very subtle.
For every other youtuber, I'd say just look up history courses from different universites, many upload their conferences online.


sup Ahmed

>people who disagree with my biased """history""" are arabs lol :D

Case in point.

>massacre those who insult Islam

Compare his Zulu review to his Braveheart review. He likes to give his uneducated opinion about movies and moviemaking too often, instead of reviewing whether the movies are historically accurate or not.

Is he actually serious about hating the French? I thought it was just a joke, sometimes a bit stale, but still... then again, I haven't watched very many of his videos.

It's obviously a joke. Frenchies are just autistic.

It's the curse of trying to survive off of donations and online fanbases. You either stay boring and small-time or you wallow in NEETbux from giving fanatics what they want.

Like, Share, Subscribe ;^)

This is why Jabzy is the best channel. He just travels and talks about what he likes and thinks is interesting. Everyone else is Pewdiepie or Extra Credits tier.


He is a memer

Go see his video on malta, you'll see he takes every occasion to shit on the French.

>Best historical Youtubers
>Posts image of Youtuber who doesn't talk about history

I like listening to Lindy and Great war is great channel.

Didn't know Sargan had history channel, might check them out.

But fuck Historybuffs, got sick of him after Agora review and the guy is a whine shit in comments.

He's anglo, it's in his genes.

Not Armored Sceptic

>crusadercucks ruin another thread

What's bad about Sargon?

>Jas. Townsend and Son
comfiest channel, it's too bad you have to own 200 year old cooking utensils to actually recreate some of the recipes

The Great War
It's History
Forgotten Weapons
Real Crusades History
Ancient Recitations
Crash Course
History Buffs
Historia Civilis
John D Ruddy
The French Whisperer

> Lindybeige, although I've heard and read that he sucks when it comes to weapons
His reasoning is heavily based on anecdotes and larping and a lot of the stuff he says is just bullshit, like the "weapons have more stopping power when on a tripod" thing. When it comes to modern stuff he has no idea what he is talking about but still plays an expert on youtube. His historical stuff is interesting though, he should stick to that.

I discovered that channel about a week ago, my main problem would be suet that seems to be an ingredient on 99% of the dishes. It did give me an idea of baking pies which is something I haven't tried before.

>Armoured Skeptic
>historical youtuber

He is on his alternate channel

And that is?

I thought it was on Armoured Media but I can't find it. I could have swore he did have videos about history

He's genuinely said some stupid shit about weapons like that pike formations never fought each other. Some of his points that people complain about though he makes very clear he's speculating and can't confirm one way or the other. I would agree that a lot of the hate is nitpicking.

>He knows about them

It's not 100% a joke. He's taking the piss a little bit but lindy's a proud Englishman who misses the empire and thinks Napoleon was as bad as Hitler. And the Normans were NOT FRENCH don't you dare insist that around him.

One of the best in my opinion is this Austrian guy that has a channel called "Military History Visualized". He really goes in depth about division structures and other cool stuff.

It's History died a long time ago due to lack in funding just like TGW's German version.

>Sargon of Akkad
Mr. Wikipedia text to Speech


THFE productions. Oakly knows his shit.

I know he talked about Medieval knights on a livestream with Sargon of Akkad once

>that damage control

He's very entertaining, but I wouldn't call that being " historical ". But I discovered him 3 weeks ago and binge-watched his video, so go at it I guess

Yeah, it's still a joke.

Biased in what aspect? Generally when he makes the case that Britain does something better than other countries (driving on the left or the English language being superior to Chinese etc) he makes decent arguments for that being the case. Britain has a history of doing things better than other countries, it does not make one biased to point that out.

> uneducated
> opinion about movies
What education do you require to give an opinion about a movie in a youtube video?

Majority of his videos are not accurate at all, but the gems of knowledge he drops through his videos are usually true and interesting, I think he is studying a history major? When he explains the background for some of his battles he has done a lot of research for simple video game related videos.

having a doctorate in movie-ing

>English language being superior to Chinese

>the French Whisperer

Mein fucking negro

Crash Course History

>Hello noble ones

Man, I actually enjoy his videos, but his LARPing is gets cringy at times

Historia Civilis is breddy gud


I wanna say "No true scotsman"

>Biased in what aspect?

The fact that you can't notice his obvious, eye gouging bias makes me hate you without even meeting you.
Choke on baked beans and die.

>What education do you require to give an opinion about a movie in a youtube video?
I mean, he literally says having a villain and a hero, having dramatic scenes are all wrong and bad and cliché.

What would you call someone who doesn't know what they're talking about at all? Uneducated is a good term.


>What's bad about Sargon?
Literally logical fallacies: the YouTube channel. Also the fact that he doesn't even bother reading the articles he posts as his confirmation bias. youtube.com/watch?v=rdC5NXQzMDI

I don't mind his politics, it just annoys me how unacademic & shallow a lot of his 'research' is & how no one calls him out on it.

if text-to-speech sounded like him, I would never read a thing myself

I've seen some of the videos Extra Credits made about history.
They fuck up a few things each series, but it's addressed at the end of each series.

Scholgladiatoria... not a broad history channel but it's very interesting if you want to learn more about mediaeval weapons or armoury


Are there any good history channels that cover antic age ?

>that appear to be female