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Love hurts so bad

>I did my part and you played your game
>Shot to the heart and you're to blame

Venom Snake gave love a bad name, he fucked Quiet over good by pretending he wanted something and leaving her standing alone and heartbroken after she expresses her feelings.

The optional part of pulling the trigger in episode 11 is the physical image of how she is on the inside when he leaves her after 45.

Quiet should have left Snake to die instead of speaking for him, nobody would have known.

Why is Kojima such a damn hack.


What's the best way to remove demon points when I've exhausted the avenue of nigger extraction due to sheer fokkin border

A quick warning: I don't have PS Plus and it's been a few days since I've reached Hero Status and not a single nuke FOB appeared yet.

Do you ever sleep? Do you shit post 24/7?
It seems like every hour I can be sure that you're still here reiterating the same thing.

Use the online combat deployment that gives no staff/resource/GMP rewards.

It will cost you some S+ staff

is an okay character that Punished "Venom" Snake fell in love with.

8th for that girl who played Quiet in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom pain and sung the the hit song “Quiets theme”

Oh right, because Snake promised to pull the trigger on Quiet and he knew who she was the whole time.
The couple scenes we get between them means nothing to him because she is revolting to him and he only wants her dead or gone.
He broke her heart when he walked out on her after the torture scene, and again when he abandons her in afghanistan.

The ultimate mistake made by Kojima folks is Quiet.

I only reiterate the truth son.


You wouldn't have to if it was the truth. You don't see anyone making hourly posts about how Venom loved Quiet.
You're delusional.

The truth is no delusion sonny.
He had no love for her, he abandoned her in afghanistan, you don't do that to somone you have love for.

I think the intention of Quiet was that she was SUPPOSED to be an assassin who has been hunting you since Cyprus. You overpower her again and she attempts to kill herself both in shame, and in an attempt to stop the spread of her parasites.

Konami's first mistake was giving her tits. What could easily replace parasites requiring her lack of clothes would be prototype nanomachines which had corrupted her lungs and vocal cords.

Konami's second mistake was completely abandoning any attempt at character development. You get very little actual time with Quiet. A majority of it is torture or her in a cage or her 300 feet away on top of a cliff.

Finally, it was making Quiet overly just, bad.
You run out of use for her after a while, especially when you get those infinite suppressor tranq guns and high level tranq rifles. D-Dog with the Fulton and Wormhole can clear out a base much much faster than Quiet with her infuriatingly slow bolt-action which she for some reason uses.

Well we get more than those two scenes but they still mean nothing to him if you get all of her scenes in one goaround since she means nothing and he always remembered what she did it was quite obvious.

Nothing wrong with tits. The game would be a sausage fest without her.
Aren't the parasites already a prototype nanomachines/foxdie? If her lungs were corrupted, how would she breath still?
She did have character development. You get time with her on the helicopter. It sounds like you just didn't use her, which is fine I guess. I never used d-dog since nothing about guard posts are fun and doing sniping myself gets tiring. I just want to sneak, but have a safety net that doesn't slow down the game. She can also find bundles of ammo and suppressors when she scouts an area. It's just a matter of preference.

Yeah, if the player likes using Quiet it was made to look like Snake enjoyed having her around as well with the little cutscenes like the sulfur pit and the shower, it was all so he could make her have a false sense that he wants more.

Thought that was chlorine disinfectant. Why they would have an open pit where it could leak from is beyond me.

Because he did enjoy having her around. Just like if you choose to play the rest of the game, it would appear like Snake wants to stop Skull Face or rescue POWs or whatever else you do in it. It's inevitable that he develops feels for her.

You're forgetting the rain scene and him rubbing his hand down her shoulder the first time she sets foot on MB, he knows how to play her, she is just an idiot who is delusional.

the only delusional idiot is you

I am not the one who labors under the delusion that there is love in his tone of voice and actions.

And I'm not the one laboring under the paranoid schizophrenic autistic delusion I've been trying to convince myself of for the past couple of months that Venom didn't want to marry and raise children with Quiet.

You're all fucking faggots

Damn... she lasted that long after he abandoned her? Shit man thanks for making me feel worse.

you included

Is you supposed refer to Quiet in this general?

I am Quiet

look at those tig ol' biddies.

>very nice
>how much?

You can if you want. I'd prefer it if you didn't

MgsV: The Phantom Pain is not canon.

along with most metal gear games.


great now kys

Quiets love is fubar

Code Talker is cute! CUTE!!

Quiet isn't canon thanks to Venom Snake.

What does that even mean? She's canon if Venom is.

It means she is forgotten in the sands of time thanks to Venom Snake, he is considered a hero for leaving her to suffer.

She's canon if she exists in the game. The only way she wouldn't be is if MGSV wasn't, which I would gladly accept.

Fuck, I want to change his diaper!


You're all a bunch of pathetic fucking losers and I would take great pleasure in beating every one of you up

You're as much of a pathetic loser as them and I could snap you in two.

I snapped your missus in two last night if you catch my drift

Your father calls me daddy.

That's fucking gay bro

Anyone else thought there was going to be actual time alterations/travel in MGSV?

Without time manipulation there is nothing new you could possibly write within that time frame of PW and MG1.

Time travel? Are you serious?

You're an idiot, and TPP proves you could.

Do you still get the golden nameplate for being one of the most autistic guys in the event?

Right, by 'new' I meant 'interesting'.

Instead of merely adding (not even much) to the Metal Gear saga, it could have carved it's own path, been it's own thing.
Not living in the shadow of something greater.

A story about a man who goes to hell to defy fate.

Holy crap, that sounds familiar.

just according to keikaku

I'm glad.

You shouldn't.

fucking greedy-ass slanteye'd pricks.

He's completely right
This is the culmination of LÉ RUSEXD and why Konami took part in it
It doesn't matter how many times you read fuckonami, or how many trash e-celebs echo anonymous sources reports of it being a sweatshop, bad publicity doesn't exist.

It does.

that obese manchild faggot Sterling and his fuckonami schtick is part of why I'm legitimately happy to see they haven't been dented in the slightest by the bad press

How would that be? Did they recently release a game you didn't buy because you *just* hate them so much?
They never fired their posterboy, and if they did, they wouldn't let him keep his treehouse's name.



is remembered by noone.

because she was less than friendzoned.

and nobody cared about her.


I downloaded MGS1 on my ps vita, I played it twice to get all the endings and now I want to play it more. Is the game with all the VR missions on the european ps store? Because I can't find it.

Which country are you from ?

Yes, she was negative friendzoned. Venom loved her and wanted to be with her forever but she left him heartbroken.
Big Boss, Zero, and Skull Face cared about her enough to fight over what they thought she really wanted.


Thanks! It's weird though, it seems to work on the ps3 and the psp but not on the ps vita from what's written. I guess I'll wait until I get a ps3 to play it.

Just get a psx emulator for android and get the vr missions for free.
They work like butter

Please, no.
NEVER rescue filthy refugees.
Just do mission 23 once you get the children fulton project.
You get 4690 heroism points and a qt per run.

Fuck Code Talker
Fuck Skull Face
Fuck Venom
Fuck Ocelot
Fuck Volgin
Fuck Quiet
Fuck Huey
Fuck Kaz
Fuck Paz
Fuck Eli
Fuck Kojima

Fuck Kojima especially

Fuck Konami more hard than Kojima


Fuck you

you first

Looks like I don't really have a choice.

I don't need to do it because my family loves me.

Huey was a cuck and a liar.

So, if I put all my S+ and S++ staff in security invaders won't capture them unless I set my security higher?

There is no getting through to the straw grasping memesters in this site, that is for sure, tixij the female sniper that can vanish as Ocelot says was abandoned and left for dead, Punished "Venom" Snake died alone in Outer Heaven after he was defeated by Solid Snake as it was written.

Invaders can capture any staff that isn't on direct contract.

Sounds like projection, to be honest.

Anybody got the image over what you should do in GZ before you start TPP?

>There is no getting through to the straw grasping memesters in this site, that is for sure
That is for sure.

She left. Otherwise I agree.

Quiet is the canonical cuck of the series.

Quiet was never married. Venom wanted to, but she friendzoned him.

Royally cucked.

Don't reply to me, faggot.

That's rude. What would your wife's son think?

That's Solid, though.

My wife's son is at school now.

nice meme

No one here knows who that is.

The lethal option is there for a reason in 11, it's how she is on the after 45, bleeding on the inside, from her heart. 'The aftermath of revenge'