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Someone actually bought 250 Loot Crates:


I hate Mei

King's Row is awful

If Noire Widowmaker had her actual hair with that outfit the skin would be perfect.

Fucking hate the cable hair


Can we nerf McCree and Widowmaker already? I can't take this faggotry anymore

epic dude keep posting the shitty meme video

How would you balance McRee?

Keep in mind he needs to retain his ability to win duels against tracers and reapers and whoever else that needs their shit pushed in at that moment.

McCree I agree with but Widowmaker is fine.

You need to get banned for advertising.

what happens when you receive 10 commendations?

To play or fight? She's fun to play, but getting frozen is awful. I love being able to do nothing while she headshots me.


>"Overwatch doesn't have forced 50"

I WANT TO __be__ D.Va

Drop his damage off at range.

Make the reload have an animation rather than be instant after a roll

I fixed it

Anybody else feels like maps in OW have a lot of dead space where nothing really happens that just act, essentially, as a way to extend the respawn time?

>reaper presses q and gets potg
top fucking kek. you people never cease to amaze me.
why are there suddenly tons of reapers in every game? this is cancer

Is this gaem worth buying on a toaster? (I'd either have shit res/graphics and 60+ fps or be able to run on 1080p at high at like 30-40 fps)


>63% solo quickplay winrate, 100ish games
>literally play le balanced dubstep man of healing and Reinhardt every other fucking game. Sometimes Mercy.

I feel like I'm going to reach level 30 and be shit at anything that isn't a support/tank lads.

I'd genuinely like to try Widow/Hanzo but will never get a chance, because I actually try to win fucking games and play objectives while my team dicks around


When do you pick Zenyatta over the other supports?

Woah there!

Think Gunslinger engis on steroids.

Seriously has no one else noticed this yet?

24th for stairs.

It says LEGENDARY instead of EPIC

Like most payload maps, kings row is great until you approach the final point.

Just bought this shit on PS4 what am I in for?

sure, it works well on toasters and looks fine on lower settings.

I have spent $60+ on TWO Dota 2 skins
I've probably spent $30~ total in Dota 2/TF2 keys

However, I don't see the point of buying loot boxes. You get them naturally by playing the game and there's not much incentive to buy them since you can just naturally save up for legendary skins.

want to play some rounds brother?

wew lad, hope you are proud of wasting 250 $ for that video

>"I bought 250 loot boxes in Overwatch just to make this cool video for you"

>546 subscribers

We need to show this man some love

Is McCree or Soldier 76 stronger at midrange?

My head must be magnetic because all these kill cams where Widowmakers shoot somewhere close to me but not at me yet I still get hit sure are weird

Typical consolecuck disappointment.

First for buying a FPS on console.
Second for buying a console port when PC is the only one that'll get dev support.

>4 gold medals 1 silver
>working my ass off hooking people on cooldown
>even got a sick quad kill with whole hog into a wall
>still lose
>notice this entire time we had a genji who I did not see a single time on the point

Why do people do this shit? Go play against bots if you want to autism with your worthless pile of shit ninja

>Bastion's clips are so big and his reload speed is so fast he can just shoot into a corner
>Bastionfags will actually defend this

Who is a genji main?

How many games do I have to do until leaver penalty fades?


Th for Bastion

>I feel like I'm going to reach level 30 and be shit at anything that isn't a support/tank lads.
Are you me?
I'm now at a point where half of my games are double tank double healer MLG comps, so I can't even learn how to play a damage character unless I want my team to lose.

This is a bastion potg

What do you expect it to be, before you open the video?

When you care more about your own fun than winning the game

hats when?

If his reload isn't instant after a roll, he cant shit on tanks like the hog or zarya, aka people who often need their shit pushed in


I want to play more overwatch but I'm too tired from doing nothing but playing overwatch. I don't even have the energy to jerk off.

Threadly reminder.

Make his flashbang not stun when you're not looking it at, but slow instead. This way he can still one shot you with his fan but you can punish / escape if you play it right.

>Play Zenyatta
>On Fire for the whole fucking game
>Have a McRee, Winston, D.va and Reaper on team
>Fucking lose at the final choke because retards go "?" at their triple Reinhardt comp and just stand around dying constantly

Guys just skim through the video, he only actually bought one box, the video shows the same box opening over and over.

im starting to think everybody and their moms are mcree mains

Pharah/Mercy duos are the worst. Shit takes me right back to TF2.

Thank god there's more ways to deal with that shit in OW than there is in TF2.

>that Genji at the end
Too late little man

>Widowmaker is fine.

I play support in my team, but I can't not run Lucio in solo play or my team will fucking lose. I have heard people screaming that someone needs to fucking deal with me, kill that fucking Lucio. I no longer take pride. I'm just so tired and the JSRF soundtrack is wearing out

I love playing junkrat, and I feel like I could get good with tracer, but I never get the chance.

Hog can E after the first burst and Zarya can shift already.

Clueless people walk into him and then they die immediately

No, I mean is low fps (60ish) Decent enough to handle the action, in csgo you need like 150-200+ at least to compete

Don't worry about your winrate so much that you never play characters that require skill or improvement.

Any kind user who wants to buy me a copy of Overwatch? you could do it to show blizzard your support because they made an awesome game!

My email: [email protected]

Thanks in advance guys!!

PS4 player here
been having loads of fun

He shouldn't be able to shit in tanks. They're fucking tanks. Sure 1-shot a squishy. No you shouldn't be able to instantly kill a rein or Winston.

when you can aim.

>tfw you have to carry shitters daily
>tfw you don't have fun on best map Ilios
.tfw people don't know what to play so they choose your hero
>they do fuck anything as said hero
>gold medals everywhere
These tears hurt

I watched the whole video, when it was posted before. pretty weird, it is fake, but you still find yourself listening to it all the way to the end

Her charge-up for her sniper rifle is way too quick.

The Sniper in TF2 reaches full power at 3.3 seconds. Widowmaker hits it in about 1.2 seconds and can just fire off a quick second shot to finish anyone off instead of being forced out of her scope because her rifle is semi-auto instead of bolt-action. It's stupid.

Reduce bodyshot damage, increase headshot multiplier so it still does 300 damage at full charge. Maybe decrease charge rate tiny bit or just reduce fire rate. Increase her ult announcement radically. I fucking hate that you can hear it if you're standing next to her.

If your team loses you shouldn't be allowed to have Play of the Game

Fuck you. Your team lost. Even if you killed a few people you still lost. Your actions had no part in making your team win.

The MVP is not on the losing team

Can't forget his tiny bro

60 is fine.

You kill those people with a concept known as "focus firing" that was invented not too long ago.

Good times with friends and a bunch of pcucks jumping up and down insisting that you're not.

Faggot is

>its just lag compensation!

2 deaths = 1 Torbjorn armor pack

It's not magic, people. He can't pull them out of a hat for you.


I have a pretty nice computer and I can't get mine to go past 70

>someone picks D.Va
>leave game

what are your secret winrate tactics?

You pick him when there already is Lucio or Mercy. His healing just isn't enough.

Soldier got outplayed

on one hand, hero limits would get rid of the hilarious shit like 6-of-one-hero meme teams
on the other, no more double bastion/genji/mccree/mei/windowlicker

>Enemy team is grouped up on objective
>Time is running out
>Realize this is it, your moment to shine and save the game
>Press Q
>Genji jumps in from out of nowhere

65% winrate to 53% winrate over the last 3 days. Fucking love it dude, keep sending me these shitters from Hell Blizz.

Sent ;)
Kill yourself or post dick, I'll consider

Someone pls post the other genji edit of this, there was another one, I remember.

Winston needs to be put down like the escaped ape that he is. That faggot chimp is at least as bad as Tracer.

Play Junkrat to get used to not being a support babby. Then move on to something that actually takes skill.

Just kidding, play Junkrat forever.

nah, you combo him with an S:76. thats all the healing you need.

why is there no Junkrat/D.Va
just on the basis that they're basically the youngest humans
>Zenyatta is actually twenty; one year older than her

>Win the game
>Still upset
I love this feature, makes people upset when I lose but still was an excellent player

yeah because that works for mei vs tracer and genji right

I don't really understand this whole meme, why all the derogatory stuff toward mercy players?

See you in a few days user

>Prepare to defend
>all offense characters

If no one insta-locks a tank or healer I leave.