/acg/ - Animal Crossing General

#1125 - What's Your Story? Edition.

>The Basics
ACNL Basics Guide - thonky.com/animal-crossing-new-leaf/
AC Wiki - animalcrossing.wikia.com/wiki/Animal_Crossing_Wiki
Nookipedia - nookipedia.com
The "pthhhpth" pastebin (FAQ) - pastebin.com/jU4CeWhu
Brand New Catch - animalcrossing.us/animal-crossing-new-leaf-brand-new-catch-may/

>Furniture & Collectibles
Item database - moridb.com/
Item image gallery - animalcrossingnl.mooo.com
Museum Checklist - mediafire.com/download/0p18zy41jkxsy8a/ACNL_Fossil_&_Art_Checklist_RC2.xlsx

>Customization Guide
Image/Pattern Converter - thulinma.com/acnl/
All Furniture Customizations - customnewleaf.tumblr.com/
Image2QR code - mediafire.com/download/d0g3vj88g0gk1pf/Version 0.4.zip
Pro Designs Android App - play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.nefastudio.android.dmoridesigner
Image2QR recognition *shit* - acqrfactory.com/
QR Paths - pathmagic.tumblr.com acnlpaths.tumblr.com/ acpath.tumblr.com

>Happy Home Designer
All villagers & items - happyhomedesigner.wikia.com
FAQ - pastebin.com/f8pnU0wr
Amiibo Cards - nintendo.co.jp/3ds/edhj/amiibocard/index.html
May Happy Home Challenge: "The grand outdoors".

>How to play ACNL online with /acg/
People need to add each other's FCs in order to visit faraway towns.
Put your name and FC in the name field to save time.

>Villager Birthdays
5th - Camofrog
7th - Zell
8th - Peanut
9th - Alfonso
10th - Walker

> Upcoming events
16th - Rainy season starts
18th - Bug-Off
19th - Father's Day ( Fr and US only )
20 / 21st - Summer Solstice

Town tune list - newleaftunes.tumblr.com/tunes
Camper Reset guide - i.imgur.com/meQutqI.png
Dream Town List - pastebin.com/W4FQW6ZW
What is the void? - pastebin.com/9KPbdnSY
ACNL OST - pastebin.com/bPyY03LK
Upload to Imgur via 3DS browser - webrender.net/imgur/

Other urls found in this thread:


To kick off some discussion:
What's the story in your town? Do you have one at all?

Is it just your mayor, or do you have a side character or three who you made up a story about that intermingles with your mayor's?

Do you have any villagers you're convinced are dating? Hate each other?

What's up with your town, guys?

I don't know. But Cole and Caroline are always fighting, or so everyone else says. Tipper says she thinks it's because they secretly like each other but won't admit it.

Just got back into ACNL

Forgot how fun it was to roleplay as a qt trap and pretend to fuck cute animals.

June Happy Home Challenge: "A feast for a bear".

Furniture: Giant Stewpot and Giant Teddy Bear.

anyone want a visitor? would like to browse ur shops to catalog stuff

Whats going on in that top image. How do you get shit on platforms? or is this some kinda mode or something?

I've got a spooky, gothic village. There are two other player characters, disheveled isolationists who are only spoken of in hushed whispers, sometimes seen laying paths in the wee hours of the morning. There are three jocks who are best friends. The resident smug is always fighting with the new snooty, and every normal that rolls into town always quickly leaves for no explainable reason. The mayor obsessively collects pictures of every villager before they're allowed to move out, and refuses to talk to NPCs anymore, so despite the villagers being showered in gifts and favors they feel more than a little isolated and trapped.

In need of someone who has a villager in their void to let me visit them real quick / drop by my town real fast.

I don't have much to offer since I just restarted my town, but I'll be in and out pretty immediately.

Just, unfortunately, even with hex editing, I can't put in a 10th villager.

That's an interesting way to play, and I like that. Your mayor looks cute, and the idea is awesome.

It always seems like the culprit of unreasonable arguments is a secret crush.
Cole and Caroline would be an interesting match.

That screenshot was taken inside the HH Showcase, I was looking at houses from people I met with streetpass. There are raised planter boxes along the edges of displayed homes. If you talk to Digby at the North of your shopping district, you can toggle streetpass on and go into the HH showcase.

will we ever get a fucking Tortimer amiibo?

Thank you kind sirrrr.

I got his card with my happy home designer n3ds bundle.


How long would it take to get pic related?


Tomorrow is a wonderful day friends. O'hare is moving out. This bitch is a garbage villager hopefully I can finally get someone cool in my town. At least get some variety.

Fuck my ass thats a nice layout. My town is garbage but I really don't care enough to suicide all my progresss

No real story to my town, just trying to make it as comfy as possible.

Ozzie and Goose don't get along, but it's really only Goose that gets upset about it. Ozzie doesn't really "get it".

Fuchsia and Ozzie are best buds, though. They hang out a lot and talk about each other all the time. It's almost as if they're siblings! Really cute stuff.

With Homebrew: A day of TTing to get a full town of villagers ( and asking someone for a 10th probably ), and then possibly the same day worth of frustrating yourself trying to get the right coordinates unless you're well acquainted with that.

Without it: Probably several days worth of TTing for plot resets for houses, then it depends how fast you fill up your museum for the cafe.

Can't control the Retail and City Hall + the river + ponds + the event plaza all at once, so that's not necessarily possible.

not sure if you were actually asking or not, but here it is anyway.

I'll take him, I really need a 10th.
Is he in boxes now, or would you have to TT?

God damn, I wish I had an open spot for him.

Why do all the rabbits have such neat designs?

Except for the whore, that is.

Nothing really. I have a theme I'm working towards. Camofrog and Kitty seem to be friends, they're also my favorite villagers and I hope they never leave. They both wear the shirt pattern I designed.

Guy's I'm getting fucking Tika Virus waiting around to hang out with someone. Damn mosquito are biting me.

where do you live? Brazil or Columbia or something. Or was this a bad joke?

I'm not gonna TT so...

I don't mind waiting, I was just wondering if he's in boxes today or if it would be tomorrow so I know if I should lurk the thread, that's all.

Neither, I'm just getting stung by mosquito in game.

Jesus Christ...

Don't act like Tika isn't funny

Dude, lighten up, lmao.

Where's the previous thread link?

What did he do to you?


Post was too long, forgot to put it in the second post.

Shoot me.

>What did he do to you?

Nothing. He is bland and looks dumb.

Here: [in Lyle's voice]: BANG

52 years for 12 frames

That's not nice.

>except for the whore

I can think of at least 3.

Probably talking about Tiffany.

Animal Crossing's Lopunny.

I'm afraid to ask who they are for fear my favorite is in that list.


It was actually 4.

Yep. She was my first random move-in. So disgusting.

Amazing mod work.

I make a new account on that shitty Belltree forum, and I send an admin to close my old account, and instead, they just banned my new one and told me I can only have one account.

No shit.

>going to Belltree forum

Why would you do that?

That's like, your opinion, man.

Yeah, I'm just really not a fan of any characters with that kind of design in AC.

Who's your favorite villager in your town. Mines Muffy

In my town? Shit. Not really a huge fan of any of them. I guess Del is pretty cool. It seriously took me until about an hour ago to realize he's supposed to look like a robot.

Was gonna ask if anyone has a villager moving out / in their void because I really need a 10th, and so far no one on here has responded to me.

Made a new town, so I don't have the campsite to fill in that gap.

Robot? Isn't he a battleship reference?

Fuck if I know, I just saw the marks on the back of his head and assumed they were supposed to make him look mechanical.

Ozzie, for sure. He's too cute.

Both his design and Japanese name are based on the Japanese battleship Yamato.

Yamato san!

Diana is the only villager still around from my town's early days. It just wouldn't be the same without her.

sluts ≠ whores

daisy is probably my villager bff at this point. renee is moving up in the ranking. lately i feel like shes been the sassy fat black girl of the town

God I fucken hate niggers

This is relevant again.

>being this edgey for literally no reason


No, it isn't.

I'm not being edgy, I just fucking hate niggers. You guys don't hate niggers?

Don't pretend for one fucking second that niggers don't exist, that niggers don't do fucking nigger shit all day, and that cucked liberal fuckfaces defend their nigger shit.

I saw a nigger at Walmart the other day shopping for yarn and grape soda. I'm not kidding. The 300lbs bitch was shopping on an isle where the shelves where filled with yarn. Then I saw her out in the parking lot loading up her trunk with cases of grape soda. I mean 10-20 cases of canned grape soda.

Tell me she's not a nigger. Really. She's not a nigger? Really?

>Bitching about this shit in a thread about animal crossing of all things even when it was unprompted
>Using the wrong instance of aisle

People who aren't racist are simply pretending. but what is important to remember is there is a difference between a black person and a Nigger. I'm so glad I live in Canada. Just smart hard working asians instead of millions of niggers.

>same etymological root

1350-1400; alteration (with ai < French aile wing) of earlier isle (with s from isle), ile; replacing Middle English ele < Middle French < Latin āla wing, cognate with axle. See ala

Yeah I made a typo swapping the wrong conventional spelling, but then again I'm fairy drunk and clearly don't give a shit.

>denying existence of niggers

Yeah, although 'refugee" immigration is increasing to Canada, I hear. Be on the lookout for sand niggers in your neighborhood.

Says you.

Isle refers to an island.
We don't say aisland, bro.

Seeing no reason to say shit just because you decide to != " Denying " anything.
It means this isn't the place for it.

25,000 people. Its really not an unreasonable number of "refugees". Also were not taking all of those single men pretty much only families.

My town is supposed to be a city. The mayor has many prospects and has his buddies run a hotel and a beach house for tourists. Another person has a restaurant in the works.

You should retake English Linguistics 101. More importantly, why are you a nigger lover? Explain yourself faggot.

Hope so. But you guys are already cucked on guns. I appreciate your maple syrup and thank you for Neil Young, but beyond that..

Does your city let niggers in?


it was the retard shitting about it (above) that prompted it

Never was, never will

Anyway, since this is a fucking AC thread and not /pol/

>Cucked on guns.
Not like you'd think really. Its definitely not like the states but we have a highly armed population as well and its really not that bad.

That's a cute idea! Are you changing the appearances of the public buildings to the "modern" theme as well? Even better, do you have any screenshots or a dream code?

Ur right. Whatcha guys think of this path?


I love it, but then one has to ask why not just go with natural paths?

>Natural paths
Aren't those really hard and time consuming to make?

Only problem I can see with it is it would have to be swapped out through seasons.

They only take a month or so to make, but you have to be careful where you walk. They're much more flexible than pre-rendered paths that can only go straight vertically or horizontally, though.

Say, how long does it typically take for a Villager you've adopted to show up in your town? Samson left today, but Julian's not here yet. Also, when he does show up do I reset immediately and make a new Villager over and over until his plot is right where I want it?
I used to have this whole relationship grid mapped out in my head of who was friends with whom, and which villagers were dating. There have been some changes sine then however...I may need to update that.

One to three days, usually.
If you play with your mayor and you see his plot already, it's too late to reset. You can try to see if there's a new plot in the title menu, or you can just start with a new villager for the next few days until you see his plot.

>only a month
>careful where you walk

No thanks.

Not much, its just a mayor and citizen running the town based in the countryside. The only villagers with a negative chemistry I could think of would be, or would have been if he did not move, was Erik and Coco.

I'd imagine Erik being a bit of a jerk to Coco as it was said by many they both got into arguments. Considering how gentle Coco is, I could only assume Erik was in the wrong.

Do you guys have dream codes? I 'd like to see some nice towns

Don't even have a dream area unfortunately. Is it worth getting just to see some new towns?

Usually two days after you invite.

Day 1: invite
Day 2: nothing
Day 3: plot in town

see > pastebin.com/W4FQW6ZW

Keep the thread alive over night guys

Hey! No bully other anons!



Vesta, best sheep


Still needing this.

Wake up, /acg/.

Let me sleep fatfag.



Is anyone good at making town tunes from songs they hear ... ?