/ksg/ - Katawa Shoujo General

Katawa Shoujo General #3044

Very very lazy sunday Edition

Last Thread: Official website: katawa-shoujo.com/ (KS is free)
About Katawa Shoujo: katawa-shoujo.com/about.php
Summer's Clover (Unofficial Miki route by Lilly's writer): ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=9996
KS Alpha (Pre-release version: pastebin.com/weL41ehu
#KSGGames (Risk/Chess IRC Chat): pastebin.com/eaqK2kPq
Pastebin: pastebin.com/syJHnDCB
Writebin: pastebin.com/jUpSAYZE
KSG FAQ: pastebin.com/fFCGBSdi
Shimmie: shimmie.katawa-shoujo.com/
New KSG Map: zeemaps.com/map?group=1834162
Flockdraw: skycow.us/whiteboard
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
/ksg/ exclusive 3DS themes: mega.nz/#!3hkznbaR!Zu_0gWDvitQspHUaEhtUeLG7iJhK4Q_79MpXaASkrQo
Katawa Shoujo Lite: newgrounds.com/portal/view/608881
KS Interactive Shrink: writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1858014-Katawa-Shoujo-shrink

Other urls found in this thread:



Sunday is for comfy

Welp. Maybe we can espace from this prison next time.

There is no escape.

Later ksg, remember to have a good day / night.

Later dood.

Okay, see you around. Have a good one.


Nth for a happy Hana!

Nth + 1 for a lewd Hana!

>Finally decide to play vidya online
>Find out you're shit at it
I bet you guys even play Katawa Shoujo better than me.

What are you talking about? She just drop something, that's all! Nothing weird about that

Git gud. What vidya?

Just slipped right?

Fuck online / pvp games. I play video games to escape humans and not to interact with them in my free time.

What do you mean finally? Haven't played an online game before?

yup, just an accident!

Sunday is for preparing for Monday's exam.

>tfw you are so shy you couldn't even make friends in online games
Those just depress me and make me feel lonely again. Singleplayer games all the way. Escapism doesn't work with other people

I get shy too. If I like the game enough though, I eventually get along with someone. Still, I do tend to play a sort of lone mercenary type in games.

There's a self-reflecting side to gaming, too. I like that aspect of it.

Yyyyep, totally unintentional.


Supreme Commander: FA

>What do you mean finally?
For a long time, I was with It wasn't until within the last year or so I actually gave in and started playing stuff online and even then mostly co-op.

Ah, I see.
I feel like there were some really good games and communities in the past, and they're harder to find now. Sorry that you missed them.
Co-op is fine too. Maybe we can find a game we can work together in someday.

Supcom's been out for a while, people tend to be pretty good at it and at RTS in general these days, maybe it's not the right kind of game.

>maybe it's not the right kind of game.
No, it's exactly the game I need.

Don't know what you mean by that.

I can't have you guys know all my secrets.

Alright then.
Still, maybe we can find a game we'd both like together someday.


You know what I have and you know where to find me.

We can always try Tree of Savior together if you feel up for an MMORPG, that is, whenever they open up for new players again.


We shall see what the future holds

U ded /ksg?

No. I'm very happy because i have realized that the work on my exam i did 2 months ago was very good, so i barely have to do any work today in order to do good tomorrow.

Shizune would be very disappointed in you for slacking off just because you can.
But she's a bitch so fuck what she thinks.

Alright then

Thanks for taking one for the team.

>fuck what she thinks
only if she thinks of _ur waifu_

I like where this is going

Bedtime for me, goodnight KSG.


Goodnight broski. Sweet dreams.

It's going up her ass!


G'night, dood.

midnightly misha appreciation post

This isn't going anywhere, you're just imagining things!

/ksg/... You're sleepy aren't you?


This pleases me greatly.

Hanako pleases me greatly.

In that case, wouldn't you like to sleep... together?

Yes! That sounds lovely


All this talk of sleep has given me some inspiration.

G'night, doods.
I'll see you all tomorrow.
God bless The Queen and all that good shit.

cutest cg

God, the internet connection at this vacation rental is ass. And not the fun kind of ass.

Shouldn't you be out doing holiday things

I'm here because of school, so probably no. Also the weather sucks.

Try and fuck one of your classmates for me.

Thats alright then, where abouts are you?

Austria - just got off a six hour train ride.

School starts tomorrow, so I'll see if there are any qt boys_ around.

Night kiwi lad, great taste in sleepy katawas you got there.

>six hour train ride
Eastern euro?

G'night lillylad. See you tomorrow.

r u gay or grill

Southern Germany.

>on /ksg/
user pls, I'm just a part-time faggot (aka bi)

Thats a bizarrely long train ride for a southern german.

sorry how do you seduce a guy?

Train connections on Sundays are a bit subpar, sadly.

If I had any idea, I wouldn't be on here, right? ;_;

>Southern Germany.
Ich hoffe doch nicht, dass du damit Bayern meinst?

Nein nein, Baden-Württemberg reportiert ein. Schwaben, genauer gesagt.

how old are you

Ok, weitermachen.

Heya cripple-fuckers

Why do you ask?

was just curious

It always confuses me when people call uni/college "school", I know its still kind of accurate but I always read it as pre-sixth form

Katawa anime when?

That's a weird way to spell "lewd intentions", user

In my case it's actually neither of those things - it's a trade school or vocational school or whatever you call them in anglophone countries.

I'm not coming onto you. Stop being full of yourself.

I'm only kidding, don't worry.

But I still hope one day we can be friends.


>it's a trade school or vocational school
Huh neat, I'd probably call that a college but not the american style college.

What are you studying?


Audiology. Gotta help all them part-Shizzies out there.

Good luck with that! Glad to see the VN inspiring good things.

Surprised you don't need a degree for that tho.

this is my fetish

In Germany you don't - then again, our traditional education system is of generally high quality.

Thick girls in jumpers or audiologists?

I played KS 2 or 3 years ago. My first VN. Played 100+ others since then. I played KS again recently, and I wanted to share observations now that I have a lot more experience.

First off, the sex scenes are still the best of any VN I've played. They are written INTO the story instead of as interludes or fan-service. Most VN sex disrupts the flow more than anything.

Inconsistency, and not just Hisao. For example, Lilly and Hisao have a scene toward the end of Shizune's route where she gets uncharacteristically loose-lipped about Shizune. It is very jarring. Like "What just happened? Why is she so pissed off all the sudden? That's not like her." Even more messed up was how Hisao argued back with her. Like he grew free will and opinions all the sudden. They wrote this off as Shizune's affect on him. That's just one example. The point is the story arcs are littered with characters mis-written and situations handled out-of-character, and not of all them are just Hisao being sloppily implemented.

And on that note, there is hardly any cross-over in this game. Lilly and Hanako (obviously) spend a fair bit of time together in both their routes. Rin and Emi spend time together, and also share psycho-bitch traits and it's mildly surprising they weren't written by the same person.

But aside from those pairings, you rarely see the heroines together. Everything is very neatly compartmentalized. Most VNs have tons of shared scenes with multiple heroines. When you see it in KS, you perk up because it's a rare treat. Like the aforementioned Lilly cameo in the Shizune route. "Cameo" is a fitting word.

As far as Hisao's split personality, this was an issue at the core of the game because he wasn't written as a blank slate. Hanako (and sort of Lilly) are the only characters the base-version of Hisao could have any chemistry with. They had to pigeon hole him into the other routes - and you could feel it. Hanako was the only real perfect fit for common-route-Hisao.

Multiple writers

>As far as Hisao's split personality, this was an issue at the core of the game because he wasn't written as a blank slate
Actually he kind of is, he's written based on the choices you make, a more assertive Hisao gets shizune, a more bookish and shy hisao gets Hanako and etcetera.

>Actually he kind of is

I politely disagree. He had very specific character traits going into the game. He was depressed, negative, a loner, and shy. All of these are outlined before he leaves the hospital.

He had vague character traits based on his time in the hospital, the whole point of the choices like the Risk one and the initial meeting with the class was to set the personality, he still had a small group of friends he did things with prior to the hospital and all of the routes stick to the same style of friend group.

After spending a while alone in a hospital of course he's going to be miserable while inside it, that doesn't mean he's going to continue to be miserable and incapable of returning to his former self or developing as a person when given a new start.

>Played 100+ others


I see what you're saying about the reader setting the characters personality. I just feel like there was already a foundation in place and if those choices were to affect his personality, it took 3 or 4 chapters for some of them to kick in, at which point their personality would have rubbed off on him.

If it was about personality, then it's about the girl's personality. Which is actually interesting, if you look at it. All the choices leading to a girl are basically you answering questions the way that girl would. It's a very bland way of doing things. You're not so much choosing a girl. Rather choosing their personality.

Oh hi lad, long time no see. What's up?

It's not that big of a deal. It's like saying you've read 100 books.

Watch this

Act 1 basically established the kind of character Hisao is for the remainder of the romance. Someone passive and apathetic would end up with Shizune whereas someone passionate or independent would end up with Lilly or Hanako.

Been pretty occupied with other stuff, how are you?

Put it better than I can