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Ahhh /twg/… the eternal general


>tfw you could have finished that Chaos campaign 500 turns ago if you didn't have to spend 50 turns post battle to re-recruit your army because fuck waiting 100 turns to heal



done everything expect VC and empire.






>be me
>playing huge siege battle, defending against grimgor
>going super well, his army is collapsing from my overwhelming fire power
>warhammer.exe has stopped working

fuck you grimgor you fucking hack.


> Tomb Kings still not announced

Get rekt

420blazeit, this was fucking painful to do

very WIP


In the original Total War: Shogun, I once watched a Kensai successfully defend a bridge against an entire brigade of enemy Samurai. In that moment the last vestiges of historical accuracy drained out of the series, never to return. It wasn't a great loss: the franchise is still the best wedding of tactical and strategic layers ever to grace a computer. But given the emptiness of its historical settings, it makes sense that Total War has finally ditched any pretence of simulation with the entirely pretend Total War: Warhammer.

Not that the result has much in common with either piece of source material. As a veteran of both, I started out utterly confused after an inexcusably bad tutorial and lack of instruction material. Miniature gamers will discover that tried and tested tabletop tactics don't work on these digital battlefields. Total War devotees, on the other hand, will find that while the mechanics are familiar, the vast diversity of new and bizarre units make the game play very differently to its predecessors.

Given how awful the learning curve is at the moment, it's tempting to stall on this until various bloggers and vloggers have got on the case to smooth it out. Patches will come, prices may drop. Those who like a challenge may wish to take the plunge now and learn the hard way. Either way, if you have the slightest interest then this is not a game to miss. In bringing fantasy to Total War, Creative Assembly have made both the best Total War game and the best fantasy strategy game to date.

420th regiment of blazing

I can't tell anymore if this is some modified pasta or some utterly pretentious cunt writing a steam/meta review.

For the Empire's first quest fight should I be ambushing the enemy immediately or waiting for the secessionists to appear?

I'm going to marry my vampire waifu!

>play chaos
>varg are dead by turn 10
>skaelings have FIVE stacks and are always protecting their shit
>kislev cities all have walls
>empire agents are coming from me as all the way to the north to damage my armies that take FIVE TO SEVEN turns to replenish
>70 turns and I have fought 4 battles, 3 of which were sieges
I've never been so bored in a total war game

That's where you went wrong, you don't sit around and wait to replenish as chaos. You either merge damaged units or sell them and buy new ones.

Kill off the weak, and replenish your numbers with offerings of the corpses of your enemies.

>i attack when the enemy is weak and unprepared or when they have grown stronger????

Jesus fucking christ you guys, normal wooden siege towers would have been fine, we're been sitting ducks for 5 turns hoping that waaagh doesn't show up from down south and you built 8 fucking beautiful masterpieces

Chaos is the ultra aggressive play style my man. Pickings up north ain't good? Get on a ship, go down south. Never stop burning and raping shit.

In no other total war game has there been a faction as aggression focused as chaos. Your bread and butter is the murder of the innocent.


Now do Kislev

I haven't used siege towers once with dwarfs
just quarreler their shit up

Why not have both

>In no other total war game has there been a faction as aggression focused as chaos

So who pushes those siege towers anyway

>confederate with a dwarf faction to the north
>mfw they have 2 full stacks of varg besieging a settlement

that's a grudgin

Reminder that if you don't play Empire, you're an edgy, nazi, furry sjw.


tanookids are even more aggressive, you had to regularly sack since thats your only source of food

Turn 70 VH

Think I'll dick around with the humans next.

Are trolls any good? The ones I've fought seemed like complete shit.

oh that's it you're going in the book of grudges

They need to engage alongside fodder infantry. Sending in trolls alone gets their shit wrecked, send them in with some gobboz and they wreck shit.

nice meme, have an upvote


Do you think that's how they'll do ogres? They don't have regen so they can actually give them leadership, but the idea of sending in gnoblar fodder so your ogres don't get swarmed.

How do you guys counter units like Chosen, Chaos Spawns & Demigryphs as Vampire Counts? My GW Grave Guard & Lanced Black Knights keep getting wrecked. I used Ethereal units to great effect but everyone is saying they're really bad, do I use Vargulfs or something else instead?

when the fuck do we get the free DLC or something? goddamn I need more and modders keep fucking up all the good mods

Looks like Justin Timberlake

It's turn 30 and Skaven just sailed to Marienburg with three stacks

What do I do?

depends on their weapon: GW - monsters/cav, halberds and sword and shield - GWGG
>Chaos Spawns
you dont

> I used Ethereal units to great effect but everyone is saying they're really bad
hey man, as long as it works for you keep using it

Alright guys, can I have some comparison images of TWW and Rome 2 and/or Shogun 2? My buddy believes Rome 2 looks better than TWW and I'm pretty fucking sure it doesn't.

2-3 weeks until Blood and Gore which will also bring the free VC unit. At least I hope so...
The free faction will still take quite some time it seems...

engage with melee troops, flank with monsters/black knight charges
>chaos spawns
engage with melee troops, flank with monsters/black knight charges
i dunno lol

ignore what anyone says about ethereal units, 9/10 it's because they believe the meme about their health being 75% worse so it cancels out the 75% physical protection, this is literally untrue, hexwraiths have almost 2/3 of the health of black knights and cairn wraiths have like 40% of the health of grave guards, and grave guards are your front line tanky units anyway, you shouldn't really be using ethereal units or monsters to engage in frontline combat at all

do it yourself user, also, be honest, you dont have a buddy, you just want to funpost

He's literally discussing this topic with me at this moment on steam.

build a wall around Marienburg and keep a small stack with cheap units in there. Marienburg is a Capital so it has crazy high garrison

sure thing

ask "him" which roman armour looks the best

1-5: retry my kemmler run
6-0: attila
Attila's actually way more apocalyptic than warhammer

Chaos spend their whole invasion running from me

Crypt Horrors are really good versus armored elites. Demigryphs are more difficult - maybe try and tarpit them with Skeleton Spearmen.

Just took some random screenshots

Probably time to take a break if you've gotten to that point.

I've played 85 hours so far and while it's starting to get dry, I can't complain when I've already gotten more than my money's worth.

Until they release a race pack, the DLC won't add much replay value anyway.

That's not on highest settings on the far right.

Where should I head to after dealing with Kislev as Chaos?

I think attilla looks better right now mainly because you get people climbing over small walls and shit

So I'm reading the lore of End Times, what happens after Vampire guy gave Gelt the book thing?

wait wtf is a hero? why are so many of these new heros and not LLs?

That's right, no AA, SSAO and something else...

Also why is Chaos at war with the Norsca tribes if they worship Chaos?

Kill maim burn

Because LLs require more work.

I'm curious who the VC LL will be - Red Duke is the obvious choice but he wouldn't start in Sylvania.

Vlad is dead and Neferata wouldn't really fit in the current VC setup and wouldn't serve Mannfred either.

The nords worship strength and power, if Archaon is too weak to crush them then he has no business being worshipped.

Chaos is also at each others throat ALL the time, it is constant struggle and war.

what do you think CA will good up harder on, chariot heavy TK, or monstrous infantry the faction OK

Konrad will be the VC LL
Wurzzag will be the greenskin LL


Can I be a legendary lord? I'm a smart man

>Red Duke is the obvious choice

You mean Abhorrash

Well mostly harder for weak as it stand for some but not all is happy with result.

It's Konrad

He's all over the loading screens
The game heavily implies he's not dead
He'd be the most obvious one to build a skill treee for

What will he be, straight up melee? They ought to fix Kemmler first, that Lord is such a joke.

I really hope they go for a goblin for the third greenskin leader

Legendary Heroes WHEN?

Krell W H E N?

One of those two for sure, VC miss a pure melee LL.
I personally think Krell is more likely though

TK as none of the chariots work particularly well at the moment and are really micro intensive too.

Konrad should be dead too. Mannfred didn't return to rule until he was gone. Would make some sense gameplay wise as he was pretty much full melee focused.

Krell should be a special hero for Kemmler - he's not really a general type.

WAY too powerful.

Are there any decent campaign AI tweaks out right now? Or any decent campaign mods for that matter. Was playing with a mod that added a bunch of new skills which was nice, but eventually the creator started adding a buncha broken bullshit. Would probly have been better if he had just fixed the shitty vanilla ones instead.

>three stacks one turn away
>"build a wall!"
It's basically game over m8
Skaven only declared war on me and no one else, and then dropped three stacks next to me

Should be ok now

I wan't Ghoul King really bad. Konrad seems kinda boring, we don't need another bald vampire dude as LL

I'm trying to do a Kemmler run now and it's fucking agony

Why does he only have one magic skill tree which is all healing and really high miscast chances? So you can pick any skill tree to level on Kemmler and you'll end up with an aura support Lord regardless

It's too easy for Mannfred to kill a lord but Kemmler has literally no ability to do that

He's just all fluff, the powerful Necro supporting hordes of skeletons and zombies. Doesn't work in the game though.

Skaeling, Skaven are something different the best faction in the WH universe

>Red Duke is the obvious choice but he wouldn't start in Sylvania
Lore wise Azhag should start in the chaos wastes
All of his quests are in the chaos wastes

He still starts in the same place as Grimgor

Walach Harkon would also be a good melee option.

While he doesn't directly serve the VC leaders, he did come along and give the Von Carsteins a hand in their battles from time to time and would have a good quest line regarding retaking Blood Keep iirc.

Oh and also the moment you finish the first quest you unlock a necromancer hero

So Kemmler also has a useless early hero unlock

Is it even confirmed that the new legendary lord will be a vampire count or are people just assuming that because of the background on the picture?

I still don't understand why all our vampire lords are bald. Did CA figure all vampire were different shades of Mannfred? The missing nose ones are pretty dumb too.

Vampires are youthful, vampires are handsome, that's the point of being a vampire.

True, but Azhag was at least a roaming WAAAGH warband.

Red Duke would be part of the Mousillon faction that's already in game and potentially should be their leader.

>Vampires are youthful, vampires are handsome

Actually, they aren't. That's literally a glamour, and when you go to war, you don't need that shit.

Hey, to be fair, the advisor guy says at one point in the battle... something like, "ok Franz, now wait until the guy meets up with his reinforcements, and strike hard"

Of course, by the time he actually says this, most players will have jumped the fuck out and killed the guy's army already, and already be on the way to murder his meetup.

>Play Dwarf
>everyone wants to confederate
>Play Empire
>nobody wants to confederate
This is why dwarves get ahead in life

depends on the bloodline

Lahmians legit stay pretty

They'll try to aim for every major faction having at least 3 legendary lords. That includes vamps.

You don't want to confederate as Dwarfs though

Gives you loads of problems before you've cleared the goblin hordes out
Hilariously the picture shows that the dwarfs are gonna get fuckall support

Jewish DSP